Great news...

What is it with RWNJs who cheer the pain of other Americans?

That's pretty sick stuff.


The fools voted for their own demise

Like Kansas...and now Oklahoma too.

I already addressed Kansas, get informed and then comment

You forgot Oklahoma.

Bunch of states are having problems Sassy.

I haven't looked into Oklahoma, like you obviously didn't Kansas

See unlike you instead of spewing MSM BS I actually look as to why things happen.

Try it
Blue state America is full of a bunch of pieces of shit and it shows…Illinois careens into financial meltdown – and not even the lottery is safe
What is it with RWNJs who cheer the pain of other Americans? That's pretty sick stuff.
Agreed. We've got a real shithead here. He did a LOL over the kid that died after being released by NK!!!

Thanks to obama...

Died on trumps watch .
Spent a year and a half in Korea under Obama's watch for no reason at all… Obama would've been just fine with him dying on n Korean soil... fact

Here's the facts . He came home a vegetable under Trumps watch and died a few days later.

They probably beat his ass as payback for somthing stupid trump said .

You're insane

You totally ignore he was taken under Obungles watch and nothing was done to obtain his release

And here you are actually thinking you might really reason with someone who looks up to Dr. Seuss as a mental giant?
What is it with RWNJs who cheer the pain of other Americans?

That's pretty sick stuff.


I don't think it is so much cheering for the pain of others, it is more about realizing what is doable, and what is not doable.

Would we all like free food, housing, education, and healthcare? Sure.

Is that possible? Of course not.

So who should we provide this to, and who should we not?

Before we tried to extend health benefits to everyone, the disabled and elderly were getting it. Now? Well, now a lot more people are getting it, and a lot more people are getting screwed.

After this all is wrung out in the wash, my concern is, will the disabled and elderly still be provided for?

Or will, in the end, after the Democrats and Republicans are done fighting, will the disabled and elderly be left to die?

All because the hatred of the partisans was more important than prioritizing those who genuinely can't do for themselves?

Sure, you can tell me that the able bodied poor that are healthy and can work deserve free health care, but I know better. I live among them. I see them choosing cable TV, I have them in my FB feed, shopping on Amazon, tweeting from their galaxy and iPhones. They have no idea what a budget even is. They expect big government to take care of them while they piss away each and every paycheck each week on consumer goodies, beer, cigarettes, and weed.

I know what is possible in the Federal budget and what is not possible, and these healthy working poor need to make wise choices. Either that, or all the foreign wars need to stop. What do you think is more likely?
Blue state America is full of a bunch of pieces of shit and it shows…Illinois careens into financial meltdown – and not even the lottery is safe
What is it with RWNJs who cheer the pain of other Americans? That's pretty sick stuff.
Agreed. We've got a real shithead here. He did a LOL over the kid that died after being released by NK!!!

Thanks to obama...

Died on trumps watch .
Spent a year and a half in Korea under Obama's watch for no reason at all… Obama would've been just fine with him dying on n Korean soil... fact

Here's the facts . He came home a vegetable under Trumps watch and died a few days later.

They probably beat his ass as payback for somthing stupid trump said .
He was in a coma for a long time over there, the Obama administration did not give two shits about him or his family. They probably forgot about him out of convenience. Obama is a heartless piece of shit..
Quit Falling down the well
Can't we just blame this on Illinois's Republican governor?

Illinois governors have really no power… That's why there's a Republican there. It's a progressive state they've spent themselves into a shit hole…
What is it with RWNJs who cheer the pain of other Americans?

That's pretty sick stuff.

Partisans on both ends want to see Americans suffer whenever the "other party" can be blamed for it.

Party over country. Both ends.

And yeah, agreed, it's pretty sick stuff.
Miller: Democrats are left wondering if Rauner is trying to intimidate them

The Medicaid expansion costs more than expected because more people than expected are getting HC through Medicaid. However the feds covered 100% of the costs this year, and will cont covering 90%. I'm not a fan of Medicaid, but the gop is for CUTTING ALL money going to states for HC for a tax cut for upper earners. How about giving states the same match and letting them figure out how to spend it. Medicaid is just one factor in the budget.
Blue state America is full of a bunch of pieces of shit and it shows…Illinois careens into financial meltdown – and not even the lottery is safe
What is it with RWNJs who cheer the pain of other Americans? That's pretty sick stuff.
Agreed. We've got a real shithead here. He did a LOL over the kid that died after being released by NK!!! Thanks to obama...
Died on trumps watch .
Spent a year and a half in Korea under Obama's watch for no reason at all… Obama would've been just fine with him dying on n Korean soil... fact
A mere assertion based on no facts. Can you prove that nothing was being done? I don't think so. You just spout shit to see what sticks, IMO.
Socialism is all about control over people
What is it with RWNJs who cheer the pain of other Americans?

That's pretty sick stuff.

Partisans on both ends want to see Americans suffer whenever the "other party" can be blamed for it.

Party over country. Both ends.

And yeah, agreed, it's pretty sick stuff.

Sorry Mac, but I disagree. In reality, there are 50 labs of freedom across this country. I am sure that some of the 50 have more natural resources to help them out, and even man made resources to boot.

But, to watch the 50 states in action tells a story of what works, and what does not. These places tell us what is a good idea, and what is a bad idea. Who amongst us would want our state to take the fiscal stance that Illinois did? And to be fair, as far as the state itself, it has been run into the ground by BOTH party's!

That being said, under BOTH political entity's, how did they govern? It is clear as day! It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt when taking other failing states governance which platform FAILS! Doesn't mean I LIKE the outcome, because just like everyone else, I would like some free stuff too. But free stuff, along with bloated contracts doesn't make a solvent state.

Democrats NEED understand a reality--------------> We WISH your ideas worked, we really do! Whom amongst us doesn't want it EASIER, healthcare free, bloated salaries, protection for everything? I know, I do! But it DOESN'T work! We can all wish in one hand, and poop in the other, but that doesn't make the economic side of the wish work.

We are now........give or take...........20 trillion in the hole. Take away the costs of war, and what do you have? So the reality is..............we can NOT afford to do MORE. Other countries are already cleaning our clock because of lower taxes, corporate, and individual. So someone needs tall all of these nice people, where the money for YOUR plans are coming from!

The only solution is for MORE people to WORK and pay in, creating LESS people who TAKE! The only way to do this is make HATED business expand because it is a good deal for them.

Or, do you want to go full socialist and confiscate their business and expand it for them, lol. Before you answer, remember, YOU ARE AN AMERICAN!
What is it with RWNJs who cheer the pain of other Americans?

That's pretty sick stuff.

Partisans on both ends want to see Americans suffer whenever the "other party" can be blamed for it.

Party over country. Both ends.

And yeah, agreed, it's pretty sick stuff.

Sorry Mac, but I disagree. In reality, there are 50 labs of freedom across this country. I am sure that some of the 50 have more natural resources to help them out, and even man made resources to boot.

But, to watch the 50 states in action tells a story of what works, and what does not. These places tell us what is a good idea, and what is a bad idea. Who amongst us would want our state to take the fiscal stance that Illinois did? And to be fair, as far as the state itself, it has been run into the ground by BOTH party's!

That being said, under BOTH political entity's, how did they govern? It is clear as day! It proves beyond a shadow of a doubt when taking other failing states governance which platform FAILS! Doesn't mean I LIKE the outcome, because just like everyone else, I would like some free stuff too. But free stuff, along with bloated contracts doesn't make a solvent state.

Democrats NEED understand a reality--------------> We WISH your ideas worked, we really do! Whom amongst us doesn't want it EASIER, healthcare free, bloated salaries, protection for everything? I know, I do! But it DOESN'T work! We can all wish in one hand, and poop in the other, but that doesn't make the economic side of the wish work.

We are now........give or take...........20 trillion in the hole. Take away the costs of war, and what do you have? So the reality is..............we can NOT afford to do MORE. Other countries are already cleaning our clock because of lower taxes, corporate, and individual. So someone needs tall all of these nice people, where the money for YOUR plans are coming from!

The only solution is for MORE people to WORK and pay in, creating LESS people who TAKE! The only way to do this is make HATED business expand because it is a good deal for them.

Or, do you want to go full socialist and confiscate their business and expand it for them, lol. Before you answer, remember, YOU ARE AN AMERICAN!
Well, neither. Personally, I'd approach it like this: Being very pro-American business, I want to take some serious pressure off of our businesses. I'd lower the corporate tax rate to 15% with a 5% Minimum Effective Tax Rate (META, my term); I'd issue a two-year tax moratorium on all repatriated business dollars; and I'd take a MASSIVE cost monkey off the back of American employers by expanding our Medicare/Medicare Supplement/Medicare Advantage program to everyone so that employers aren't footing so much of the bill in an increasingly competitive global business environment.

You would NOT like my ideas on personal income taxes, but taking pressure off of business is a must. The regulatory environment is another story as well, but I'm pro business.
Blue state America is full of a bunch of pieces of shit and it shows…Illinois careens into financial meltdown – and not even the lottery is safe
What is it with RWNJs who cheer the pain of other Americans? That's pretty sick stuff.
Agreed. We've got a real shithead here. He did a LOL over the kid that died after being released by NK!!!

Thanks to obama...

Died on trumps watch .
Spent a year and a half in Korea under Obama's watch for no reason at all… Obama would've been just fine with him dying on n Korean soil... fact

Here's the facts . He came home a vegetable under Trumps watch and died a few days later.

They probably beat his ass as payback for somthing stupid trump said .
He was in a coma for a long time over there, the Obama administration did not give two shits about him or his family. They probably forgot about him out of convenience. Obama is a heartless piece of shit..
Quit Falling down the well
Lol! Like anyone is buying your bleeding heart bull. You righties are all mad about obama getting berghdal back!

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