Great President Trump takes action on EMP attack or strike on U.S. electrical infrastructure.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a real extinction level event for our country if it were to ever happen......and now, finally, one President is taking action...hopefully it isn't too late.....

One EMP detonation over the U.S. could kill 90% of the U.S. population......think losing all power during the many would die?

Long Overdue Action on EMP

It potentially could wipe out all electrical systems, effectively disabling the United States. Some estimate that an EMP attack could kill 90 percent of Americans. A number of countries, including Russia, China and North Korea, are believed to have the ability to detonate weapons creating one or more EMPs over the U.S.

Better late than never. Many observers believe that EMP weapons represent the greatest threat to the security of the U.S. and the lives of Americans. This appears to be one more instance where the Obama administration, obsessed with politics and with a largely anti-American agenda, did nothing to protect the American people but rather kicked yet another can down the road.
Without electricity, no fuel, no refrigeration for food or medicine. It is predicted that 90% of all Americans would die in 6 months. Then the invading armies from Russia, China and the hordes from the south.

Thank God we have a president who takes these things seriously.
Well. The EMP would fuck us up a little. We're Americans. Problem solved pretty quick.Far faster than fake news bleats.
Well. The EMP would fuck us up a little. We're Americans. Problem solved pretty quick.Far faster than fake news bleats.
Proactive and reactive have two entirely different time lines.
Well. The EMP would fuck us up a little. We're Americans. Problem solved pretty quick.Far faster than fake news bleats.
Proactive and reactive have two entirely different time lines.
Reactive rules...hence WW2 and the industrial revolution. We smoked them took a crises for motivation. Still will
Seriously? You do realize of all the collateral damage done to the economy, right?
Why create a catastrophe and have to lose billions if not trillions, when some
foresight could make it near seamless.
You do have quite the neanderthal mentality, Likkmee
Well. The EMP would fuck us up a little. We're Americans. Problem solved pretty quick.Far faster than fake news bleats.
Proactive and reactive have two entirely different time lines.
Reactive rules...hence WW2 and the industrial revolution. We smoked them took a crises for motivation. Still will
Seriously? You do realize of all the collateral damage done to the economy, right?
Why create a catastrophe and have to lose billions if not trillions, when some
foresight could make it near seamless.
You do have quite the neanderthal mentality, Likkmee
Lose billions" To WHO ? Where is this imaginary debt owed ? European bankers ? Nuke their asses
A couple of decades ago I read articles that if we spent an extra five billion dollars we can harden electrical grids against an EMP attack. I do not know the cost today. But if the factories can still be open after an attack and retooled we can produce parts at least to make parts destroyed under an EMP attack to work again.
Well. The EMP would fuck us up a little. We're Americans. Problem solved pretty quick.Far faster than fake news bleats.
Proactive and reactive have two entirely different time lines.
Reactive rules...hence WW2 and the industrial revolution. We smoked them took a crises for motivation. Still will
Seriously? You do realize of all the collateral damage done to the economy, right?
Why create a catastrophe and have to lose billions if not trillions, when some
foresight could make it near seamless.
You do have quite the neanderthal mentality, Likkmee
Lose billions" To WHO ? Where is this imaginary debt owed ? European bankers ? Nuke their asses
I see you don't understand what a EMP is, or what the results would be.
Please educate yourself on this subject, I'm not going to paste it together for you.
Well. The EMP would fuck us up a little. We're Americans. Problem solved pretty quick.Far faster than fake news bleats.
Proactive and reactive have two entirely different time lines.
Reactive rules...hence WW2 and the industrial revolution. We smoked them took a crises for motivation. Still will
Seriously? You do realize of all the collateral damage done to the economy, right?
Why create a catastrophe and have to lose billions if not trillions, when some
foresight could make it near seamless.
You do have quite the neanderthal mentality, Likkmee
Lose billions" To WHO ? Where is this imaginary debt owed ? European bankers ? Nuke their asses
I see you don't understand what a EMP is, or what the results would be.
Please educate yourself on this subject, I'm not going to paste it together for you.

It will knock out all things electric. We will go black and nothing electronic will work hence major problem. We will be unable to protect our country. Moron

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Proactive and reactive have two entirely different time lines.
Reactive rules...hence WW2 and the industrial revolution. We smoked them took a crises for motivation. Still will
Seriously? You do realize of all the collateral damage done to the economy, right?
Why create a catastrophe and have to lose billions if not trillions, when some
foresight could make it near seamless.
You do have quite the neanderthal mentality, Likkmee
Lose billions" To WHO ? Where is this imaginary debt owed ? European bankers ? Nuke their asses
I see you don't understand what a EMP is, or what the results would be.
Please educate yourself on this subject, I'm not going to paste it together for you.

It will knock out all things electric. We will go black and nothing electronic will work hence major problem. We will be unable to protect our country. Moron

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You underestimate America
Reactive rules...hence WW2 and the industrial revolution. We smoked them took a crises for motivation. Still will
Seriously? You do realize of all the collateral damage done to the economy, right?
Why create a catastrophe and have to lose billions if not trillions, when some
foresight could make it near seamless.
You do have quite the neanderthal mentality, Likkmee
Lose billions" To WHO ? Where is this imaginary debt owed ? European bankers ? Nuke their asses
I see you don't understand what a EMP is, or what the results would be.
Please educate yourself on this subject, I'm not going to paste it together for you.

It will knock out all things electric. We will go black and nothing electronic will work hence major problem. We will be unable to protect our country. Moron

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You underestimate America
Have you ever thought about taking a science class?

What If the Biggest Solar Storm on Record Happened Today?

Could the Sun give off an EMP that could knock out the power grid on Earth?
EMP is an overrated danger. Better to worry about a large solar flare, it's much more likely to happen.
Well. The EMP would fuck us up a little. We're Americans. Problem solved pretty quick.Far faster than fake news bleats.
Proactive and reactive have two entirely different time lines.
Reactive rules...hence WW2 and the industrial revolution. We smoked them took a crises for motivation. Still will
Seriously? You do realize of all the collateral damage done to the economy, right?
Why create a catastrophe and have to lose billions if not trillions, when some
foresight could make it near seamless.
You do have quite the neanderthal mentality, Likkmee
Look at the incredible cost of just the World Trade Center attack. It devastated the economy. An EMP attack would DESTROY the nation. Tards refuse to take it seriously.
Last edited:
Seriously? You do realize of all the collateral damage done to the economy, right?
Why create a catastrophe and have to lose billions if not trillions, when some
foresight could make it near seamless.
You do have quite the neanderthal mentality, Likkmee
Lose billions" To WHO ? Where is this imaginary debt owed ? European bankers ? Nuke their asses
I see you don't understand what a EMP is, or what the results would be.
Please educate yourself on this subject, I'm not going to paste it together for you.

It will knock out all things electric. We will go black and nothing electronic will work hence major problem. We will be unable to protect our country. Moron

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You underestimate America
Have you ever thought about taking a science class?

What If the Biggest Solar Storm on Record Happened Today?

Could the Sun give off an EMP that could knock out the power grid on Earth?

Don’t need to. Not a hard concept and a lot more of a danger then you think.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Proactive and reactive have two entirely different time lines.
Reactive rules...hence WW2 and the industrial revolution. We smoked them took a crises for motivation. Still will
Seriously? You do realize of all the collateral damage done to the economy, right?
Why create a catastrophe and have to lose billions if not trillions, when some
foresight could make it near seamless.
You do have quite the neanderthal mentality, Likkmee
Lose billions" To WHO ? Where is this imaginary debt owed ? European bankers ? Nuke their asses
I see you don't understand what a EMP is, or what the results would be.
Please educate yourself on this subject, I'm not going to paste it together for you.

It will knock out all things electric. We will go black and nothing electronic will work hence major problem. We will be unable to protect our country. Moron

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Put down the bong, dude. What do you think I was referring too?
Reactive rules...hence WW2 and the industrial revolution. We smoked them took a crises for motivation. Still will
Seriously? You do realize of all the collateral damage done to the economy, right?
Why create a catastrophe and have to lose billions if not trillions, when some
foresight could make it near seamless.
You do have quite the neanderthal mentality, Likkmee
Lose billions" To WHO ? Where is this imaginary debt owed ? European bankers ? Nuke their asses
I see you don't understand what a EMP is, or what the results would be.
Please educate yourself on this subject, I'm not going to paste it together for you.

It will knock out all things electric. We will go black and nothing electronic will work hence major problem. We will be unable to protect our country. Moron

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You underestimate America
No, I overestimated your cognitive skills.
Last edited:
EMP is an overrated danger. Better to worry about a large solar flare, it's much more likely to happen.
You learned that in science class?
Think about it, anyone who did it would be starting a nuclear war. The same "mutually assured destruction" narrative holds.

Also, it would be purely experimental. Nobody has ever done any testing on the strength or efficacy of high altitude EMP. We don't know if it will work, or how well it will work, or the optimal altitude for effective yield or really anything. Why would they take that chance when they could slag New York?

It's a red herring.

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