Great Prophet Rev, Jeremiah Wright Helpled Postpone MLK, Jr. Monument Dedication(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The Republican National Committee will likely not soon be looking to the heavens for hurricane, earthquake, or locust plague relief!

Presumably the Obama Administration can easily explain why this is so.

King memorial dedication postponed - The Washington Post

Right On, Rev! Right On, Rev!

A Great Socialist Dream lives on. . . .or something?!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirt of Lands of Many Nations maybe now compel offer to buy Manhattan Island back(?)! Great Prophet from South Chicago maybe even has an opening price(?)!)
Maya Angelou Calls King Memorial 'Arrogant'...
Maya Angelou says King memorial inscription makes him look ‘arrogant’
August 30,`11 -On Feb. 4, 1968, two months before he was assassinated, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a haunting sermon at Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church about a eulogy that might be given in the event of his death.
“If you want to say that I was a drum major, say that I was a drum major for justice,” King told the congregation. “Say that I was a drum major for peace. I was a drum major for righteousness. And all of the other shallow things will not matter.” The sermon was so powerful that the designers of the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial in Washington selected those lines to be inscribed on the memorial’s towering statue of the civil rights leader. But because of a design change during the statue’s creation, the exact quotes had to be paraphrased, and now one of the memorial’s best-known consultants, poet and author Maya Angelou, says the shortened inscription is misleading and ought to be changed.

Carved on the north face of the 30-foot-tall granite statue, the inscription reads: I was a drum major for justice, peace and righteousness. “The quote makes Dr. Martin Luther King look like an arrogant twit,” Angelou, 83, said Tuesday. “He was anything but that. He was far too profound a man for that four-letter word to apply. “He had no arrogance at all,” she said. “He had a humility that comes from deep inside. The ‘if’ clause that is left out is salient. Leaving it out changes the meaning completely.” The paraphrase “minimizes the man,” she said. “It makes him seem less than the humanitarian he was. . . . It makes him seem an egotist.”

The drum major reference “wasn’t all that he was,” she said. “He would never have said that of himself. He said ‘you’ might say it.” She said the quote should be changed to put it in context. Told the quote had to be paraphrased to fit the available space, she replied: “Too bad.” The inscription is one of two on the statue, which depicts King with his arms folded standing as if emerging from a huge block of stone. The memorial is on the northwestern shore of the Tidal Basin, just southwest of the National World War II Memorial. The inscription on the statue’s south face says: Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope.The creators of the memorial had originally intended to use most of the direct “drum major” quote, with “Martin Luther King Jr.” appearing at the end.

The memorial’s executive architect, Ed Jackson Jr., said the quote was originally planned for the statue’s south face, the one viewers first see as they approach the statue. But he said planners changed their minds and decided to move the drum major inscription to the north face. They preferred the statue’s other inscription — Out of the mountain of despair, a stone of hope — to be seen first, on the south face, because it is the main theme of the memorial’s design. But when they informed the statue’s sculptor, Lei Yixin, he told them that he had already prepared the north face for the shorter “despair” inscription and that the whole “drum major” quote would not fit, Jackson said.

“We said, ‘. . . We’ve only got this much space [on the north face], what are we going to put up there?’ ” Jackson said Tuesday. “We sincerely felt passionate that the man’s own eulogy should be expressed on the stone,” he said. “We said the least we could do was define who he was based on his perception of himself: ‘I was a drum major for this, this and this.’ ” As you move through the process, things happen and you have to make design changes on the spot,” he said. Jackson said the project outlined the situation and the solution to the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, which was overseeing the memorial design. “They didn’t have a problem with it.” “Now, did I ask Maya Angelou?” he said. “No.”

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What nature of Civil Rights is now embraced on the Federal Mall--if only for one sect?

Amendment One exists or it does not.

Surely South Chicago understands about "Dirty Jews," and about "Hymie-Town:" All concepts either now federally embraced or they or not?

The Predator-Saint apparent of the Catholics--who seems to have freed a lot of people--is notably not in the monument design. Jerry Falwell, Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, and Richard Nixon(?): Are not in the monument design.

Recently shown, Great Prophet, Reverend Jeremiah Wright: Is not in the monument design.

Is "Reverend" even in the monument design?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Young Braves astride ponies, on Lands of Many Nations, having shed all useless weighto seek visions--not in monument design: either!)
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