Great Question:After Hillary "Fades Away", What Would Be Her Ideal Job Based On Skills&Personality?

how about "Kangaroo Proctoligist Assistant"? someone has to hold that Kangaroo down when the Doctor "Needs to go inside the hard way".
i would really feel sorry for those kangaroos that are already suffering, and then have to allow Hillary to fondle them.
if anything, i can just vision some of the kangaroos begging "Just Kill Me Already" as Hillary is fingering them.
How about cleaning lady???

She can wipe shit with a cloth, right????
Spokeswoman for senior medical alerts..........."I've fallen and I can't get up!".
Actually, hater dupes, the FBI is going to find this is all RW bs for the 100th time in a row. Abetted by pathetic corporate media's cowardly lust for controversy and ratings. PFFFFTT!!, brainwashed functional MORONS.

Well since Biden is dragging his feet the only option will be to say Hillary really didn't do anything all that bad
and let her continue on.
Cook in a prison, where she can torture the inmates with slop???
how about a "Purina Dog Chow Taster"? just like how some people have to taste ice-cream before the batch is made? I think that would be ideal for Hillary! The Official Purina Dog Chow Taster!!!!
:boobies::cow: There has to be at least 100 great answers for this one. Where would we all like to see Hillary after she bows out. How about a prison kitchen worker? White House Maid? Actually, this would be an ideal job for Hillary. Just do speeches in prisons that occupy the worst of the worst. Line up 20 to 30 prisoners in a small room, and just let Hillary make a one hour speech. Yah, that will teach those losers to commit the most Hanus Crimes !!!

Inmate at a Federal Pen..............
Cook in a prison, where she can torture the inmates with slop???
how about a "Purina Dog Chow Taster"? just like how some people have to taste ice-cream before the batch is made? I think that would be ideal for Hillary! The Official Purina Dog Chow Taster!!!!
and if the dog food batch tastes crappy, Hillary gets to take it home and feed herself,bill and huma for dinner !!!
After she loses again, maybe she can get a job haunting houses?

hey, aren't there people out there who's job{s} it is to retrieve semem from farm animals, but first they have to show porn to the animals and then some guy/girl is right there with some tube ready to catch the semen? hey, great job for Hillary!!!

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