Great segment on the wests social collapse thanks to our open border policies.

The border has been porous since we’ve had a border. The only thing really different between 2024 and 1924 is that an orange blob has unleashed xenophobia on a scale we’ve not seen since the Civil War.

Some folks always need a target. Others always need a scape goat. A great many of those unfortunate people are voting for the blob.
The border has been porous since we’ve had a border. The only thing really different between 2024 and 1924 is that an orange blob has unleashed xenophobia on a scale we’ve not seen since the Civil War.

Some folks always need a target. Others always need a scape goat. A great many of those unfortunate people are voting for the blob.
You are promoting the end of the United States.
She makes a good point about immigrants creating a conflict of cultures.

Those Muslims don’t understand the basic idea of lining up to board a bus. Every man for himself… uncivilized

But Muslims look at our culture with women running around in Bikini tops exposing their breasts…….how uncivilized
The border has been porous since we’ve had a border. The only thing really different between 2024 and 1924 is that an orange blob has unleashed xenophobia on a scale we’ve not seen since the Civil War.

Some folks always need a target. Others always need a scape goat. A great many of those unfortunate people are voting for the blob.
Wanting more immigrants from the Christian countries of northwest Europe was a good thing, very providential.

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She makes a good point about immigrants creating a conflict of cultures.

Those Muslims don’t understand the basic idea of lining up to board a bus. Every man for himself… uncivilized

But Muslims look at our culture with women running around in Bikini tops exposing their breasts…….how uncivilized
Single Muslim men are the most sexually repressed men on earth.
I see her point

There are too many Brown People in London

Biden needs to do something about it

No . You miss her point. Its not that there are too many brown people. Shes saying if you try to import an entire culture of people in a short period of time.... into another existing culture, you are going to create some sort of social conflict.

But deflect away and cite racism.
She makes a good point about immigrants creating a conflict of cultures.

Those Muslims don’t understand the basic idea of lining up to board a bus. Every man for himself… uncivilized

But Muslims look at our culture with women running around in Bikini tops exposing their breasts…….how uncivilized

Yeah sure and those two cultures developed seperately. Now.. lets force one on the other and if anyone.. dare complain. Let them be punished, fined, doxed or lose their job or even jailed for racism in England.

But know that wont happen to memebers or the new culture being imported. Punishment will only be applied to "white" pre existing citizens of the old culture... its just the way it works under fairness.
No . You miss her point. Its not that there are too many brown people. Shes saying if you try to import an entire culture of people in a short period of time.... into another existing culture, you are going to create some sort of social conflict.

But deflect away and cite racism.
And if that conflict is people having to wait around for the next bus or until the line dies down to get on that one, that isn't a terribly important conflict, especially weighed against what a lack of immigration entails for a culture full of an aging population dependent on social services and the economic growth necessary to sustain them.
Yeah sure and those two cultures developed seperately. Now.. lets force one on the other and if anyone.. dare complain. Let them be punished, fined, doxed or lose their job or even jailed for racism in England.

But know that wont happen to memebers or the new culture being imported. Punishment will only be applied to "white" pre existing citizens of the old culture... its just the way it works under fairness.

This has happened ever since there have been cultures

Cultures evolve, they always have

Love to watch all this impotent crying.

You mean social observsation that she made.
It wasnt just about immigrants in the UK, but just things in general, wich is correct. Trust in society is on a downturn swing and its happening everywhere. Valid observation.

Of course any social observation that YOU dont like your going to dismiss.
You mean social observsation that she made.
It wasnt just about immigrants in the UK, but just things in general, wich is correct. Trust in society is on a downturn swing and its happening everywhere. Valid observation.

Of course any social observation that YOU dont like your going to dismiss.
I don't care what you trust. Be an emo little bitch for all I care. I'm just going to find it amusing. :dunno:
This has happened ever since there have been cultures

Cultures evolve, they always have

So why would an elected government that is suppossed to represent its people, lend itself to force change on its own population?
Evolution of cultures is one thing but when it happens because of government policy.... that isnt natural evolution of culture.
So why would an elected government that is suppossed to represent its people, lend itself to force change on its own population?
Evolution of cultures is one thing but when it happens because of government policy.... that isnt natural evolution of culture.
The answer is capitalism you dumb Bingo. Governments want the population to continue growing because growth is necessary for capitalism to work.

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