Great segment on the wests social collapse thanks to our open border policies.

She makes a good point about immigrants creating a conflict of cultures.

Those Muslims don’t understand the basic idea of lining up to board a bus. Every man for himself… uncivilized

But Muslims look at our culture with women running around in Bikini tops exposing their breasts…….how uncivilized
Do you allow masses of people on your property to disrupt your life? Or is it only OK when it's on someone else's property? Can I come pitch a tent in your front lawn & act rudely towards your family?
Do you allow masses of people on your property to disrupt your life? Or is it only OK when it's on someone else's property? Can I come pitch a tent in your front lawn & act rudely towards your family?
Who said it's your property? That's the problem right there. You and your people got too soft and entitled. :laugh:
I have no use for AINO's
Who gives a shit? Your people were already used to legalize birthright citizenship so your servile cuckculture has no more use to us. :dunno: You're like those two dumb bitches in the video waiting for us to invite you on to the bus. :laugh:
The answer is capitalism you dumb Bingo. Governments want the population to continue growing because growth is necessary for capitalism to work.

LOL. no really. There was no need to import millions of people and put them on public assistence to grow the economy.
Do you allow masses of people on your property to disrupt your life? Or is it only OK when it's on someone else's property? Can I come pitch a tent in your front lawn & act rudely towards your family?

Cultures are not written into law

Even in the US

Our culture is a mix of English, Western Europe, Italy, Slavic nations, Black, Hispanic, Jewish, Chinese, Native American..…

Each has contributed to American Culture
It is always changing
So why would an elected government that is suppossed to represent its people, lend itself to force change on its own population?
Evolution of cultures is one thing but when it happens because of government policy.... that isnt natural evolution of culture.
How is an elected government formed?
Different states have different cultures.
Cultures are not written into law

Even in the US

Our culture is a mix of English, Western Europe, Italy, Slavic nations, Black, Hispanic, Jewish, Chinese, Native American..…

Each has contributed to American Culture
It is always changing
Border security IS WRITTEN INTO LAW. The constitution in fact. Shamefully the left ignored it and now the people most affected are revolting as seen by endless city council meetings.
Also a MAJORITY of Americans want them deported
Border security IS WRITTEN INTO LAW. The constitution in fact. Shamefully the left ignored it and now the people most affected are revolting as seen by endless city council meetings.
Also a MAJORITY of Americans want them deported
Our border has been insecure for over a hundred years
Even under Trump

Mexicans have always contributed to our culture
Border security IS WRITTEN INTO LAW. The constitution in fact. Shamefully the left ignored it and now the people most affected are revolting as seen by endless city council meetings.
Also a MAJORITY of Americans want them deported
Which still wouldn't help to stop your culture from changing. White children are already demographic minorities for their peer group. There have been more minority births and mixed race births than pure white births in the last two decades and because of birth right citizenship they are legal. You have no legal means of rectifying the consequences of over two decades of placidity and impotence.
Do you allow masses of people on your property to disrupt your life? Or is it only OK when it's on someone else's property? Can I come pitch a tent in your front lawn & act rudely towards your family?
Sure, come on over. Bring tacos.
Oh lord...

Do you know any way to act other than being rude?

Rude is when restaurants in SF have to close their doors because homeless people can crap and piss in the doorway. Lives altered because the law forbids shop owners from doing anything about it.

There is a whole reality you are not looking at from the inside of your bubble

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