Great segment on the wests social collapse thanks to our open border policies.

All happening right before our eyes because democrats don't trust Americans to support them so they import new supporters.

What a steaming pile of shit that was.

Of course, this is all just code for "Fewer people are acting the white way, these days."

You know, these tired white nationalist talking points have been around for 50 years.
Our border has been insecure for over a hundred years
Even under Trump

Mexicans have always contributed to our culture

Mexicans coming back and forth is nothing about what is going on now.

There was still a respect for the border in the past, even though people crossed the line. Now people from anywhere in the world feel entitled and say F you to your face. Give me mine.
Mexicans coming back and forth is nothing about what is going on now.

There was still a respect for the border in the past, even though people crossed the line. Now people from anywhere in the world feel entitled and say F you to your face. Give me mine.
Something tells me you wouldn't be so callous and self-deluding, were you to spend about a week meeting the families trying to cross the border.
Something tells me you wouldn't be so callous and self-deluding, were you to spend about a week meeting the families trying to cross the border.

My step father was Chicano. I grew up in SanBernardino County off of Highway 10 going to AZ.

He routinely would hire Illegals back in the day, to come live in our shed in the back yard and also work for him anywhere from a couple days to weeks at a time. ... I saw the crappy way he treated some of these guys when they couldnt speak a word of English and even using derogatory language towards them and mind you he was CHicano, I knew his family well at the time. So I do know a little bit about what this looks like... I was 8 - 10 years old and some of those guys were often my friends if even for a short time. I felt sorry for them and didnt understand why sometimes they would just dissapear... it seemed odd

and believe me I have compassion, part of my extended family is Mexican, but guess what, what you dont understand is that many Mexican Americans are against illegal immigration, because they see the damage it does. My words seem callouse? well compassion is a double edged sword when not used correctly, and our government should be doing more to do their part.... instead of putting it into OUR hands.

You want to pretend we are only talking about Mexican "families" coming across the border? thats the poster image for the Left but not the reality... your forgetting about everything else.
My step father was Chicano. I grew up in SanBernardino County off of Highway 10 going to AZ.

He routinely would hire Illegals back in the day, to come live in our shed in the back yard and also work for him anywhere from a couple days to weeks at a time. ... I saw the crappy way he treated some of these guys when they couldnt speak a word of English and even using derogatory language towards them and mind you he was CHicano, I knew his family well at the time. So I do know a little bit about what this looks like... I was 8 - 10 years old and some of those guys were often my friends if even for a short time. I felt sorry for them and didnt understand why sometimes they would just dissapear... it seemed odd

and believe me I have compassion, part of my extended family is Mexican, but guess what, what you dont understand is that many Mexican Americans are against illegal immigration, because they see the damage it does. My words seem callouse? well compassion is a double edged sword when not used correctly, and our government should be doing more to do their part.... instead of putting it into OUR hands.

You want to pretend we are only talking about Mexican "families" coming across the border? thats the poster image for the Left but not the reality... your forgetting about everything else.
This personal anecdote means less than nothing and was a waste of my time.

yes, the vast majority are desperate people looking to work and live ion peace with food in their bellies and a roof over their heads.

I understand being against illegal immigration. My solution isn't to set aside my humanity and dehumanize them. I propose we give them easier pathways to citizenship.
LESS THAN NOTHING is worth more than your anecdotal suggestion that I go to the border to find some compassion.

Something tells me that you waste a LOT of time here, and my personal clip hardly fazed you at all, Your Majesty. but its a nice touch on your part.

There is already such a thing as work visas for Mexican citizens which is ok and easy to implement...

There is already Legal Immigration which allows for about a million a year.

Before you decide to let 10 million poor immigrants into the U.S. out of compassion, you need to think about your existing poor citizens who are getting swept to the curb. They cant afford housing, rent, insurance or afford to even raise a family.. and you want to let in More immigrant families as fast as possible????? how is that compassion on a system that is already strained.... that is dreaming without a working plan.

As far as politicians are concerned , its those American citizens that they represent more.... than the needs of Millions around the world. There will allways be more poor people around the world than you can fit into this country. While we can all feel compassion for them, its not fair to put those millions on public assistence when you cant even raise the standard of living for poor AMericans.

Its about the number of immigrants in a certain amount of time that is critical. It takes time to find housing... while there is a housing shortage and rents are going up... it takes time to get a job... it takes time to get kids in school..and it takes time for OUR schools to adjust... get bilingual teachers... get enough cant just flood the system and expect anything but poor results.

This is the type of thinking that comes from Rich elite Liberals who have never been there struggling. Just give it all away. Their compassion is like taking care of the neighbors kids before their own children.
It's in tolerant to complain about Islamic violence.
You could get fired.
The Radical Left calls white people "colonizers"

Meet the new colonizers.

The border has been porous since we’ve had a border. The only thing really different between 2024 and 1924 is that an orange blob has unleashed xenophobia on a scale we’ve not seen since the Civil War.

Some folks always need a target. Others always need a scape goat. A great many of those unfortunate people are voting for the blob.
You mean Incest Joe unleashed a crime wave replete with killer drugs and human trafficking the likes of what the world has ever seen in this country.
Sucks to be so stupid to allow it to happen. The UK is a shithole.
It does take a special sort of cuckculture to allow it to happen peacefully. You and your English brothers and sisters share that servile disposition. Funny how that got inbred in both your populations at the same time. :laugh: Maybe you whites are evolving a new survival mechanism. Rather than fight or flight it's fright. Freezing and hoping not to stand out and be noticed least you get canceled is a strategy....of sorts. :lmao:
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It does take a special sort of cuckculture to allow it to happen peacefully. You and your English brothers and sisters share that servile disposition. Funny how that got inbred in both your populations at the same time. :laugh: Maybe you whites are evolving a new survival mechanism. Rather than fight or flight it's fright. Freezing and hoping not to stand out and be noticed least you get canceled is a strategy....of sorts. :lmao:
It is poor blacks/mexicans in America being displaced not whites.
It is poor blacks/mexicans in America being displaced not whites.
Not according to the census. The only people losing population are whites. Everyone else is either maintaining or seeing growth. And that's just race. Culture is a whole other ball game. There were a lot fewer pure white births (not enough to keep up with pure white deaths) but a large increase in mixed white births. But ask yourself how many mixed white people you know who identify as white racially, let alone culturally? Mixed race births, even before illegal immigration, will be the death of your culture. :lmao:
The border has been porous since we’ve had a border. The only thing really different between 2024 and 1924 is that an orange blob has unleashed xenophobia on a scale we’ve not seen since the Civil War.

Some folks always need a target. Others always need a scape goat. A great many of those unfortunate people are voting for the blob.
Sure, much better to vote for the clown that allowed the border to become a crisis...idiot.
Who gives a shit? Your people were already used to legalize birthright citizenship so your servile cuckculture has no more use to us. :dunno: You're like those two dumb bitches in the video waiting for us to invite you on to the bus. :laugh:
Sorry I was counting all my hoarded wealth, what?
Don't you have a floor of hotel rooms to clean?
I have a Dorasita for that. She's wonderful. She was my grandmother's housekeeper and now she's our housekeeper (the younger generation's) though mostly it's just an excuse to give her money because she won't just take it if we don't give it to over the pretense of her ironing my clothes poorly (she's elderly, I don't care if they're crushed anyway). :dunno:

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