Great Socialist Greece Creates A Compromise--Unlike GOP--To Save Economy!

Anybody who tries to make a political point by comparing the United States political system to Greece is a fool.
Mostly, Socialist China is alarmed by the behavior on the petty continents of the planet. That behavior originates of Ronald Reagan's orgiastic love and insistence on federal deficit spending. Vice President Cheney would eventually log-on. "Deficits Don't Matter" is all about the Tea Party and RNC.

S&P and other bond rating services are also alarmed by the behavior of the petty continents of the planet. Tea Party / RNC, of course, already know that Capitalists are gay, and therefore should not be allowed to teach in the schools(?)! Mostly, they should become Catholic Priests. . . .and "Stay The Course!"

Rep. Bachmann is most like that, with Herman Cain following along. . .as. . .The Shadow of the Republican Party.

Anyone is reminded that adult white people are in that party!

The Economy of Greece has to deal with its economy at the political level. That is the kind of economy that is. The U. S. A. has to deal with its economy, at the political level. That is the kind of economy it is. Obama-Biden got that started. GOP all said "No!" and "Nein! Nein! Nein!" in the shadows(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great coaches now get banned from campuses at University, even! Hmmmm! Writers Guild now needs to know: "Is Eight Enough?(!)")
Greece has been living on someone else's money for many years. Now, the EU led by Germany is telling them the free ride is over. They will have to do now what they should have done years ago. The Greeks can throw all the tantrums they want to. They can burn the whole country down, but they cannot force others to pay their way any longer.
Greece has been living on someone else's money for many years. Now, the EU led by Germany is telling them the free ride is over. They will have to do now what they should have done years ago. The Greeks can throw all the tantrums they want to. They can burn the whole country down, but they cannot force others to pay their way any longer.

A major point, though.

The real problem here is the EU and the European Union, not just Greece. Greece had it's way of doing things for a long time, and that was fine. They could devalue the Drachma, attract foreign investment, bring in marks and dollars and pounds by becoming the cheap tourist destination.

Once they signed onto the Euro, their hands were tied as to their economic status.

And this is the problem with the Euro in general. Because it is not a national currency, governments can't take actions on it. Greece is a victim of the rest of the EU and China now.
Greece has been living on someone else's money for many years. Now, the EU led by Germany is telling them the free ride is over. They will have to do now what they should have done years ago. The Greeks can throw all the tantrums they want to. They can burn the whole country down, but they cannot force others to pay their way any longer.

A major point, though.

The real problem here is the EU and the European Union, not just Greece. Greece had it's way of doing things for a long time, and that was fine. They could devalue the Drachma, attract foreign investment, bring in marks and dollars and pounds by becoming the cheap tourist destination.

Once they signed onto the Euro, their hands were tied as to their economic status.

And this is the problem with the Euro in general. Because it is not a national currency, governments can't take actions on it. Greece is a victim of the rest of the EU and China now.

It goes the other way also.
Once a country takes on the Euro there are no checks or constraints on it.
That country is participating in a collective monetary system but still maintains full sovereignty over it's own economic policies.
A disaster waiting to happen...observe exhibit 'A'...and 'B'...and...
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And anyone who says the total abject loss of sovereignty the greeks have to swallow is a good advertisement for socialism is demented.

The greeks were given a deal to take or walk away from . There was no compromise. It is going to seriously suck to be Greece for the foreseeable future.

But this is the kind of compromise Republicans are offered all the time.
A Greek ten year note generates over 30% yield, with most other Euro nation notes yielding single digits. The Greek entry into the Common Market was a Conservative faction adventure, backed with dubious data: Later shown false.

So the Socialist need to create an accounting for what it meant to be that nation is light years different from all the measures that U. S. GOP could easily have expanded and supported. It is now regarded more likely that Greece will not leave the EuroZone, and so the viability of that market remains intact.

The viability of the U. S. National market has never been at issue: Except when Bush-Cheney were in charge, and GOP controlled both houses. The Reagan Trajectory of Deficit Profligacy, for the 1% only, was built on contempt for White Male Working Adults, like always. Actually, even National Organization of Women was not involved.

First there was the genocidal years of 1861-1865. Then there was Herbert Hoover. Then There was Bush-Cheney. That latter came after the Reagan Trajectory of defict profligacy for the rich that the Clinton Administration actually turned around.

An unemployment rate now beginning to descend was what the Republicans were asked to help. The Household Survey for three months is now reporting job gains exceeding 300,000, every month. What the Republicans said to that was, "No!" and "Nein! Nein! Nein!" just like is said at the Ivy League of anyone keeping any of the money during the recent forecclosure criis: Which is the law! The Third Reich, too: Was just as lawful about what it did. The Republicans famously did keep the money from TARP, for example.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!")
(Many Squaws come to Lands of Many Nations: To settle with a score(?), with one-armed bandits, for example! Mainly, Christian Charity is bogus like that, from many who come to Lands of Many Nations!)
Its great to see dumb people who don't know anything about the foreign affirs of European countries. Greece lied about its financial situation which is why the EU and the euro are in the situation they're in right now, noit because of socialism, for God facking sake quit listening to rightwing pundits who don't know shat about European econnomic affairs.
Its great to see dumb people who don't know anything about the foreign affirs of European countries. Greece lied about its financial situation which is why the EU and the euro are in the situation they're in right now, noit because of socialism, for God facking sake quit listening to rightwing pundits who don't know shat about European econnomic affairs.

Oh, I see. Greece lied. That's it.

Ummmm... first, shouldn't it been obvious to the rest of the EU that Greece was lying before it was admitted?

Second, Greece's GDP is only about 300 billion, compared to the combined 15 trillion for the entire European Union. So essentially, they are all of 2% of the entire EU GDP. And yet their threatened default is going to drag the whole of Europe into a recession, destroy the Euro as a currency.

Yup. socialism and globalism are wonderful things. Let's sign up for that shit!
Its great to see dumb people who don't know anything about the foreign affirs of European countries. Greece lied about its financial situation which is why the EU and the euro are in the situation they're in right now, noit because of socialism, for God facking sake quit listening to rightwing pundits who don't know shat about European econnomic affairs.

Oh, I see. Greece lied. That's it.

Ummmm... first, shouldn't it been obvious to the rest of the EU that Greece was lying before it was admitted?

Second, Greece's GDP is only about 300 billion, compared to the combined 15 trillion for the entire European Union. So essentially, they are all of 2% of the entire EU GDP. And yet their threatened default is going to drag the whole of Europe into a recession, destroy the Euro as a currency.

Yup. socialism and globalism are wonderful things. Let's sign up for that shit!

I have yet to see any proof that "socialism" caused the Greek debt crisis. Thats bullshit and you know it Joe.
Its great to see dumb people who don't know anything about the foreign affirs of European countries. Greece lied about its financial situation which is why the EU and the euro are in the situation they're in right now, noit because of socialism, for God facking sake quit listening to rightwing pundits who don't know shat about European econnomic affairs.

Oh, I see. Greece lied. That's it.

Ummmm... first, shouldn't it been obvious to the rest of the EU that Greece was lying before it was admitted?

Second, Greece's GDP is only about 300 billion, compared to the combined 15 trillion for the entire European Union. So essentially, they are all of 2% of the entire EU GDP. And yet their threatened default is going to drag the whole of Europe into a recession, destroy the Euro as a currency.

Yup. socialism and globalism are wonderful things. Let's sign up for that shit!

I have yet to see any proof that "socialism" caused the Greek debt crisis. Thats bullshit and you know it Joe.

Well, then you are being willfully blind, then.

AskCherlock » Blog Archive » Greek Socialism : A Road to Ruin

Ironically, the standard of living in Greece may plummet anyway under the terms of the EU and IMF loans. The sad fact is that Greece’s particular brand of socialism is primarily what has brought it to the brink of disaster. By giving the ever-present labor unions too much power in determining wages and hiring practices, and by demanding wage increases without higher levels of productivity, the country has had to borrow money to maintain its living standards. In short, the Greeks have lived “high on the hog” at the expense of their creditors. Unfortunately for Greece, the Gravy Train has just pulled out of town, and the country is now faced with the prospect of “working for a living”.
Its great to see dumb people who don't know anything about the foreign affirs of European countries. Greece lied about its financial situation which is why the EU and the euro are in the situation they're in right now, noit because of socialism, for God facking sake quit listening to rightwing pundits who don't know shat about European econnomic affairs.

Oh, I see. Greece lied. That's it.

Ummmm... first, shouldn't it been obvious to the rest of the EU that Greece was lying before it was admitted?

Second, Greece's GDP is only about 300 billion, compared to the combined 15 trillion for the entire European Union. So essentially, they are all of 2% of the entire EU GDP. And yet their threatened default is going to drag the whole of Europe into a recession, destroy the Euro as a currency.

Yup. socialism and globalism are wonderful things. Let's sign up for that shit!

Greece lied to get into the euro. They entered into a debt swap brokered by Goldman Sachs to make it appear they had less debt so they could meet the formal Maastricht requirements.

It wasn't obvious because it wasn't reported.
Its great to see dumb people who don't know anything about the foreign affirs of European countries. Greece lied about its financial situation which is why the EU and the euro are in the situation they're in right now, noit because of socialism, for God facking sake quit listening to rightwing pundits who don't know shat about European econnomic affairs.

Oh, I see. Greece lied. That's it.

Ummmm... first, shouldn't it been obvious to the rest of the EU that Greece was lying before it was admitted?

Second, Greece's GDP is only about 300 billion, compared to the combined 15 trillion for the entire European Union. So essentially, they are all of 2% of the entire EU GDP. And yet their threatened default is going to drag the whole of Europe into a recession, destroy the Euro as a currency.

Yup. socialism and globalism are wonderful things. Let's sign up for that shit!

Greece lied to get into the euro. They entered into a debt swap brokered by Goldman Sachs to make it appear they had less debt so they could meet the formal Maastricht requirements.

It wasn't obvious because it wasn't reported.

But that was the point, though. The EU bureaucracy didn't dig deeper, because they didn't want to. They were just totally in love with this notion of a "European" currency to challenge the US Dollar, and with the United Kingdom refusing to play along, there was an emphasis on getting all the other current EU members on it while refusing new members like Turkey from joining. Greece has been a member of the EU since 1981, long before the Euro came along.
Somebody better come up with a compromise.

If Greece's debt instruments go down, a shitload of Euro's banks go down with it.

Now before you entirely blame the Greeks for possibly taking down the whoe EU, remember that nobody forced the Euro banks to bet on those Greek Bonds.

Remember also -- a Greek Bailout is not a bailout for the Greek people.

It's a bailout for those EURO banks holding all Greece's debts.
Somebody better come up with a compromise.

If Greece's debt instruments go down, a shitload of Euro's banks go down with it.

Now before you entirely blame the Greeks for possibly taking down the whoe EU, remember that nobody forced the Euro banks to bet on those Greek Bonds.

Remember also -- a Greek Bailout is not a bailout for the Greek people.

It's a bailout for those EURO banks holding all Greece's debts.

Then they should foreclose on Greece. "OKay, Greece, you owe us 14 billion. We want 14 billion in national assets."

I say let's move the Parthanon to Vegas... The tourists will love it.
Oh, I see. Greece lied. That's it.

Ummmm... first, shouldn't it been obvious to the rest of the EU that Greece was lying before it was admitted?

Second, Greece's GDP is only about 300 billion, compared to the combined 15 trillion for the entire European Union. So essentially, they are all of 2% of the entire EU GDP. And yet their threatened default is going to drag the whole of Europe into a recession, destroy the Euro as a currency.

Yup. socialism and globalism are wonderful things. Let's sign up for that shit!

I have yet to see any proof that "socialism" caused the Greek debt crisis. Thats bullshit and you know it Joe.

AskCherlock » Blog Archive » Greek Socialism : A Road to Ruin

Ironically, the standard of living in Greece may plummet anyway under the terms of the EU and IMF loans. The sad fact is that Greece’s particular brand of socialism is primarily what has brought it to the brink of disaster. By giving the ever-present labor unions too much power in determining wages and hiring practices, and by demanding wage increases without higher levels of productivity, the country has had to borrow money to maintain its living standards. In short, the Greeks have lived “high on the hog” at the expense of their creditors. Unfortunately for Greece, the Gravy Train has just pulled out of town, and the country is now faced with the prospect of “working for a living”.

Why do you keep citing rightwing blogs? Do some real research.
Well, then you are being willfully blind, then.
I have yet to see any proof that "socialism" caused the Greek debt crisis. Thats bullshit and you know it Joe.

AskCherlock » Blog Archive » Greek Socialism : A Road to Ruin

Ironically, the standard of living in Greece may plummet anyway under the terms of the EU and IMF loans. The sad fact is that Greece’s particular brand of socialism is primarily what has brought it to the brink of disaster. By giving the ever-present labor unions too much power in determining wages and hiring practices, and by demanding wage increases without higher levels of productivity, the country has had to borrow money to maintain its living standards. In short, the Greeks have lived “high on the hog” at the expense of their creditors. Unfortunately for Greece, the Gravy Train has just pulled out of town, and the country is now faced with the prospect of “working for a living”.

Why do you keep citing rightwing blogs? Do some real research.
Well, then you are being willfully blind, then.

Besides attacking the source, do you actually have a rebuttal to the man's point?

When you let labor and not the market dictate the cost of labor, especially government services, you get into trouble. The economic realities can't support the obligation. It's really the same mess we are in. Too many people riding in the wagon and not enough people pulling it.

"He suffers from the Socialist Disease in its worst form- the belief the world owes him a living." - Robert A. Heinlein.
AskCherlock » Blog Archive » Greek Socialism : A Road to Ruin

Ironically, the standard of living in Greece may plummet anyway under the terms of the EU and IMF loans. The sad fact is that Greece’s particular brand of socialism is primarily what has brought it to the brink of disaster. By giving the ever-present labor unions too much power in determining wages and hiring practices, and by demanding wage increases without higher levels of productivity, the country has had to borrow money to maintain its living standards. In short, the Greeks have lived “high on the hog” at the expense of their creditors. Unfortunately for Greece, the Gravy Train has just pulled out of town, and the country is now faced with the prospect of “working for a living”.

Why do you keep citing rightwing blogs? Do some real research.
Well, then you are being willfully blind, then.

Besides attacking the source, do you actually have a rebuttal to the man's point?

When you let labor and not the market dictate the cost of labor, especially government services, you get into trouble. The economic realities can't support the obligation. It's really the same mess we are in. Too many people riding in the wagon and not enough people pulling it.

"He suffers from the Socialist Disease in its worst form- the belief the world owes him a living." - Robert A. Heinlein.

Labor and or socialism has nothing to do with that debacle in Greece, that is my point.

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