Great Socialist Greece Creates A Compromise--Unlike GOP--To Save Economy!

Europe knew a thing or two about gun control. The only good Euro-Neighbor was A Dead Euro-Neighbor, probably thought non-white!

The Tea Party / RNC knows about neighborliness like that, of 100 years ago. Compromise No! World War. . . ooooooH, Yes!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Well. . . .France, maybe. . .was thought at least to not be Jewish!)
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Anyone recalls that the U. S. National Unemployment Rate has started its downward spiral, despite the opposition to that of the entire Republican Party. That Party only knows one word in two languages: "No!" and "Nein! Nein! Nein!"

The government of Greece--in stark raving contrast--is calm. More like U. S. Liberal and Conservative Democrats, the leaders in Greece have come to agreement of a compromise on government. S&P will likely take note.

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou And Opposition Leader Reach Draft Deal On Coalition | Business | Sky News

Educators and historians cling to a pie-in-the-sky belief-system regarding that GOP disregard of the lives of working white adults in America. First there was the slaughter of 1861-1865. Then there was Herbert Hoover. Then there was Bush-Cheney. All sovereign-debt crises worlwide originate of peace-time Deficit-Maker, Ronald Reagan.

Even the Ivy League Obama administration failed to comprehend the plight of the U. S. Working Poor. Ivy League health plans were more important than low income neighborhood employment. The Reagan Trajectory remains firmly in place even now.

Socialist Greece found out about its unpaid working class: In relatively certain terms. The Socialist Premier will leave.

One thing about Greeks and their gifts: They do seem to know about the money! The compare and contrast is with the RNC and Ivy League in the United States.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great ponies still run around in circles, with color-themed little. . .all dressed up. . .in gay abandonment of the cares of the world. . .maybe excepting for Sicily(?)!)

ROFLMAO "unlike the GOP"

you are to funny. When is it every your parties fault? They had Both Houses of Congress for 2 years with the WH, and it wasn't their fault. Now they control the Senate and WH and it's still not at all their fault.

I love you guys arguing about the Filibuster in the Senate. Basically you are claiming that because the Democrats do not have enough votes to break a filibuster the essentially the GOP controls the Senate as a minority.

You seem to forget one thing then. If that is true, then the Republicans never actually controlled the Senate those 6 Years under Bush. Because they never had Anywhere near a Super Majority.

So are you admitting that the Democrats controlled the Senate as a minority for those 6 years under bush, or are you yet again trying to apply a double standard and have your cake and eat it too?
The Senate Minority leader, Republican McConnell is celebratory Obstructionist, on the record, intending only the dim prosects of an ouster of Obama in 2012. The Tea Party faction of the GOP House went to Washington ostensibly to unravel everything in place. Before that, the now Speaker Boehner was famously, continuously, a "No!" sayer from Hellfire itself!

Anyone sees that the GOP intends nothing at all to ever be done at the federal level. The Democrats are activist in clear contrast.

In one poll, only 20% of respondents credit Obama-Biden with having made the economy better. That number plays to the current advantage of the Democrats going into 2012. That kind of response clearly reflects a "current conditions." bias toward what even now comes next.

The increase of that perception, to credit Obama-Biden, along with the likely instransigent, obstructionist, anti-Romney GOP 2012 voter base: Will more likely create a House-Senate- Presidency, Democratic Liberal sweep in the elections, getting the thick-headed, lumpies all out. "No!" will likely include a giant, enthusiastic, lunatic GOP turnout.

That is how the Democrats will easily focus on the obstructionist, anti-white-working-class, anti-minorities agenda: Of all RNC. Even their choice of Herman Cain tends more to a stereotype of how adult black males are thought to entice and entrap apparently white women.

So far, the GOP seems to like the moral standards that are surfacing, just in that one campaign. Over and over there are, "No more remarks" about the allegations surfacing, going, "Nein! Nein! Nein!" The House of Representatives has their obstructionist, moral agenda, similarly certain: And even portrayed in blackface.

In contrast, The Conservatives of Greece are even now in agreement to take a part in the activist new Greek shared new government. There is agreement, even on the money(?), which GOP USA can't do(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Hmmm! What did Allred squaw really know, and When Did Allred squaw then try to know it(?)!)
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Well I can't figure out what Greece is going to do.

If they elect to abandon the EURO, there will be a flgiht of capital from Greeces banks as anybody with money will get their dough into German or other EU banks.

If they accept the austerity measures, the Greek economy will spend a long time in a deflationary depression.

If they refuse to accept the refinance deal, then the banking system of the entire EU is in real trouble.

Doesn't seem to be any avenue they can take that doesn't suck, does it?
If the rich still get richer, and the poor still get poorer, in Greece: Then disaster is likely. That means computes raises or cuts using a fixed percentage basis: In each case wiping out low and middle income markets. A kind of Castro-Cuba phenomenon emerges.

The Republicans supported the concept of the rich getting richer, and the poor getting poorer: And so the mortgage-paper become worthless. The Ivy League does not support the arithemtic of redistribution, preferring Keynesian deficits instead: To reward the rich and send minorities into stree gang warfare. Hollywood millionaires understand about that, in the "entertainment" industry. It is is the Reagan Trajectory.

Schedule M of the Make Work Pay Refundable Tax Credit can be applied with a tax hike on the rich. That would be Christian of origin--Matthew 20:1-16, and so the Republicans took that away as soon as they could.

The message of Christ has long been rejected by all GOP, starting with the attempted genoice of white working adult males under Lincoln, and then under Hoover and Bush. Reagan mostly attacked minorities, and so Hollywood kept all the money intending that.

Writers Guild knows about keeping all the money. The families in the German Third Reich knew about keeping all the money. The Ivy League knows about keeping all the money. The Obamas even sent their little ho's off to Sidwell Friends school, instead of to the D.C. schools. Al Sharpton sent his off to pricey schools to play basketball, instead!

That is the kinds of families those are. They were even caught red-handed(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Always with shameless attacks on Native Americans, are some white-eyes!)
mascale why doesn't obama compromise by stepping down so this country can be fixed?
The Obamas even sent their little ho's off to Sidwell Friends school, instead of to the D.C. schools.

You think it's appropriate to cast sexually suggestive insults at the President's young daughters, asshole? What a useless, extremist piece of shit you are. Thank goodness you and losers like you are so damn irrelevant.
Greece is only where we are going. Public sector jobs pay triple what private sector jobs do. The Greeks raised on the public dole are insulted at the idea that they may be required to work. The overtaxed rebelled by making tax evasion an art form.

It's pretty much the blueprint that we are following.
The Senate Minority leader, Republican McConnell is celebratory Obstructionist, on the record, intending only the dim prosects of an ouster of Obama in 2012. The Tea Party faction of the GOP House went to Washington ostensibly to unravel everything in place. Before that, the now Speaker Boehner was famously, continuously, a "No!" sayer from Hellfire itself!

Anyone sees that the GOP intends nothing at all to ever be done at the federal level. The Democrats are activist in clear contrast.

In one poll, only 20% of respondents credit Obama-Biden with having made the economy better. That number plays to the current advantage of the Democrats going into 2012. That kind of response clearly reflects a "current conditions." bias toward what even now comes next.

The increase of that perception, to credit Obama-Biden, along with the likely instransigent, obstructionist, anti-Romney GOP 2012 voter base: Will more likely create a House-Senate- Presidency, Democratic Liberal sweep in the elections, getting the thick-headed, lumpies all out. "No!" will likely include a giant, enthusiastic, lunatic GOP turnout.

That is how the Democrats will easily focus on the obstructionist, anti-white-working-class, anti-minorities agenda: Of all RNC. Even their choice of Herman Cain tends more to a stereotype of how adult black males are thought to entice and entrap apparently white women.

So far, the GOP seems to like the moral standards that are surfacing, just in that one campaign. Over and over there are, "No more remarks" about the allegations surfacing, going, "Nein! Nein! Nein!" The House of Representatives has their obstructionist, moral agenda, similarly certain: And even portrayed in blackface.

In contrast, The Conservatives of Greece are even now in agreement to take a part in the activist new Greek shared new government. There is agreement, even on the money(?), which GOP USA can't do(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Hmmm! What did Allred squaw really know, and When Did Allred squaw then try to know it(?)!)

What we have are democrats acting like little girls. That have become so desperate they would whore themselves and say the end justifies the means.

It is safe to place you in the whack job category.
You think it's appropriate to cast sexually suggestive insults at the President's young daughters, asshole? What a useless, extremist piece of shit you are. Thank goodness you and losers like you are so damn irrelevant.

Democrats thought it was perfectly appropriate to call Bush's daughters whores, sluts and alcoholics.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.
You think it's appropriate to cast sexually suggestive insults at the President's young daughters, asshole? What a useless, extremist piece of shit you are. Thank goodness you and losers like you are so damn irrelevant.

Democrats thought it was perfectly appropriate to call Bush's daughters whores, sluts and alcoholics.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

By that logic Tea Party members should be throwing old ladies down stairs. No, wrong is wrong.
Democrats thought it was perfectly appropriate to call Bush's daughters whores, sluts and alcoholics.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

By that logic Tea Party members should be throwing old ladies down stairs. No, wrong is wrong.

Yes, but according to libs, "wrong" is only "wrong" when Republicans do it.

You're all a bunch of sleazy lying hypocrites.

Tell us: is hypocrisy wrong?
What do you call people who support the law. . .who are colored. . .since that is widely regarded against the law!

The law-abiding thing to do is attack the children. The teachers stand in front of them in the classrooms daily, accepting wrong things and teaching wrong things: And therefore expecting to be promoted! The Third Reich was like that, too!

The succession in the parliamentary system is adjustable. The Succession in the U. S. A. is set in Amendment 25. Any racially bigoted, Jew-Hating slime--like all families supportive of, or at the Ivy League, keeping or hoarding U.S. currency--suggesting that Obama resign: Is myopic about the policy impact, too. Biden would take over, and likely Hillary would be appointed Vice President.

That is different from the outcome in Greece, where now a broader coalition is in place to force their measures in the law.

Christ-hating babies at pricey schools, who have not sent their money and lunches to Haiti and East Africa: Are bigots already in place, doing harm to all humanity! Go to the Third Reich history and see it there! Go to the Holy Father and see it there! All are tolerant of the atrocities, and happy with the atrocities of which they are participant! Mostly, they keep the money: Supportive of the law!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Basketball racist: On its face! Many of Lands of Many Nations not invited to games! many leagues not play on Lands of Many Nations--Intended by all blacks in America, keeping any money, supportive of the law!)
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