
The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018

What a terrific, feel good story. This is how our society should be. Stand up for one another. Divisiveness only favors the politicians and the biased, evil media (that includes you Twitter).

The is no Leftist/Alt Right in this story. It is about human beings being human. We should learn from this and see that there are a lot more good people out there than bad. Note: This was in USA Today, not in that biased cesspool CNN, that only wants to divide us. Don't let them.
The is no Leftist/Alt Right in this story. It is about human beings being human. We should learn from this and see that there are a lot more good people out there than bad. Note: This was in USA Today, not in that biased cesspool CNN, that only wants to divide us. Don't let them.
couldn't agree more Az!
anecdotally, i served with a lotta good public servants , but you never hear about them ,or the 'extra mile' they may have gone ......


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