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Great Times to be a Liberal!!

Hell no, that American hating, Kenyan born socialist is ruining our country and disgracing our constitution every chance he gets. He obviously only cares about power and not the people. This is a christian nation being run by a muslim-communist! Wake up people!!!

best Klan rant of the day, nice job grand wizard:clap2:

You realize he is trying to act like a retard right? He has no point so he puts on a show, a lot like you.

Hey now! My intentions are clear. Restoring order in this once great nation which is being taken from us by Marxist communists who are power hungry and want real americans like Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh silenced. The people have spoken and it's about time we did something about it!
That would do it right there. The talk of a second Civil War would become the next Civil War, and yes, I agree racism will be a major component.

"The Great Uniter" ... pfft... my ass, the kenyan and his race card playing band of radicals has set back race relations in this country fifty years.

Excellent point! That Kenyan needs to stop dividing this country with labels.

So I take it you think Obama is doing a good job? I should also ask if you think the Democrat congress is doing a good job?

I understand the OP is being, "harsh," but all you seem to be doing is taking truths and applying a more extreme scenario to discredit how things really are.

Maybe you can tell me in this list what parst are lies?

I'll help out here, with highlighting the mistakes. (I won't call them "lies", I'll give the benefit of the doubt).
- Obama with historic drop in popularity and still falling
Nothing "historic" about it. Reagan's numbers were quite a bit lower, this time in his Presidency.
- States rejecting healthcare
- Obama pissing off allies
What allies would these be?
- Highest monthly deaths in Afghan war
- The leak stopped, not the distaster hoped for
NO ONE hoped for a "disaster".
- Liberal Dem scandals
- Unemployment rising
The June numbers aren't out yet. So this is just your supposition.
- Economy worsening
Yeah, that's not true. The stock market is up quite a bit since Obama took office. The housing market is up. Every indicator aside from unemployment is up.
- Gitmo still open
- Afghan war escalated
- Likely historic democrat losses this November
Also supposition on your part, not fact.
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I didn't read the replies but i thought every day is a great day to be a liberal. Every day we wake and have another day on earth, in America, a nation founded on the liberal ideas of tolerance, openness, justice, and happiness. So glad to see that others see the great day too.

"I believe in the equality of man; and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy." Thomas Paine
best Klan rant of the day, nice job grand wizard:clap2:

You realize he is trying to act like a retard right? He has no point so he puts on a show, a lot like you.

Hey now! My intentions are clear. Restoring order in this once great nation which is being taken from us by Marxist communists who are power hungry and want real americans like Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh silenced. The people have spoken and it's about time we did something about it!

Ah, so you agree with the wars... and killing black children. Maybe you and Topspin should get together.
Excellent point! That Kenyan needs to stop dividing this country with labels.

So I take it you think Obama is doing a good job? I should also ask if you think the Democrat congress is doing a good job?

I understand the OP is being, "harsh," but all you seem to be doing is taking truths and applying a more extreme scenario to discredit how things really are.

Maybe you can tell me in this list what parst are lies?

I'll help out here, with highlighting the mistakes. (I won't call them "lies", I'll give the benefit of the doubt).
Nothing "historic" about it. Reagan's numbers were quite a bit lower, this time in his Presidency.

What allies would these be?

NO ONE hoped for a "disaster".

The June numbers aren't out yet. So this is just your supposition.
- Economy worsening
Yeah, that's not true. The stock market is up quite a bit since Obama took office. The housing market is up. Every indicator aside from unemployment is up.
- Gitmo still open
- Afghan war escalated
- Likely historic democrat losses this November
Also supposition on your part, not fact.

Hi, I posted the list that was posted by the OP to try and get a real opinion from one of the people on this thread. That was all.

Unless you support calling everyone clans members and so on...

Anyways, I don't agree with the list as a whole, but you did a very poor job defending it for Obama and the Democratic congress. While things like Obama's approval ratting might not be historic, it is very dramatic.

As far as allies, this is a weird debate being many liberals claim America is now "right with the world." The world no more respects us now with Obama than they did with Bush.

Also it's your opinion that the economy and jobs are somehow getting better. You can claim the GDP and so on, but yet things are getting much much worse... Not even getting into the stimulus and it's "effect" on things. Not saying the stimulus "worked" but it is "padding" or putting off things getting worse, at some point it will all fall apart and we will have the new stimulus debt added to the mess.

So again, I'll ask... Do you think Obama and congress is doing a good job? If things are not "better" in a year would you admit maybe you had no idea what you were talking about? Also what would you define as things getting better because currently things are seeming very very bad and only getting worse... But Obama says things are "better"... But what does a rich guy telling poor people how things are mean anything eh?

I did a quick google and every graph shows the housing market doing a lot worse… wtf are you talking about? http://blogs.ft.com/money-supply/files/2010/06/us-new-home-sales-to-may-2010.jpg *just a link... Yeah, almost where we were before the crash...
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So I take it you think Obama is doing a good job? I should also ask if you think the Democrat congress is doing a good job?

I understand the OP is being, "harsh," but all you seem to be doing is taking truths and applying a more extreme scenario to discredit how things really are.

Maybe you can tell me in this list what parst are lies?

I'll help out here, with highlighting the mistakes. (I won't call them "lies", I'll give the benefit of the doubt).
Nothing "historic" about it. Reagan's numbers were quite a bit lower, this time in his Presidency.

What allies would these be?

NO ONE hoped for a "disaster".

The June numbers aren't out yet. So this is just your supposition.

Yeah, that's not true. The stock market is up quite a bit since Obama took office. The housing market is up. Every indicator aside from unemployment is up.
- Gitmo still open
- Afghan war escalated
- Likely historic democrat losses this November
Also supposition on your part, not fact.

Hi, I posted the list that was posted by the OP to try and get a real opinion from one of the people on this thread. That was all.

Unless you support calling everyone clans members and so on...

Anyways, I don't agree with the list as a whole, but you did a very poor job defending it for Obama and the Democratic congress. While things like Obama's approval ratting might not be historic, it is very dramatic.

As far as allies, this is a weird debate being many liberals claim America is now "right with the world." The world no more respects us now with Obama than they did with Bush.

Also it's your opinion that the economy and jobs are somehow getting better. You can claim the GDP and so on, but yet things are getting much much worse... Not even getting into the stimulus and it's "effect" on things. Not saying the stimulus "worked" but it is "padding" or putting off things getting worse, at some point it will all fall apart and we will have the new stimulus debt added to the mess.

So again, I'll ask... Do you think Obama and congress is doing a good job? If things are not "better" in a year would you admit maybe you had no idea what you were talking about? Also what would you define as things getting better because currently things are seeming very very bad and only getting worse... But Obama says things are "better"... But what does a rich guy telling poor people how things are mean anything eh?

I did a quick google and every graph shows the housing market doing a lot worse… wtf are you talking about? http://blogs.ft.com/money-supply/files/2010/06/us-new-home-sales-to-may-2010.jpg *just a link... Yeah, almost where we were before the crash...

When did it become my job to defend Obama and the Democratic Congress? If you want to bash him, go ahead. Just don't make shit up. God knows there's enough real shit to be pissed about.

Do I think the Obama and Congress are doing a good job?

Not really. I think they're all politicians. But I don't expect much from them anyway. I think they're doing a better job than Bush and the Republican congress did, at least.

About the housing market - from your graph, it's doing better now than it was when Obama took office. Same with unemployment, the market, etc etc. That's what I mean by "improvement". I don't think things are great, but they're getting better.
i don't understand the whole, our allies and enemies respect us more argument.

what are we basing this on?

i would love for someone to explain to me how our relationships with great britain/israel/poland are stronger

russia? ok, well given the fact that obama has given them a pass for invading georgia and has given in to their every demand (nukes/missile defense) yeah, maybe they "like" us a little more

venezuela? well, chavez is still bad-mouthing us and strengthening relationships with syria and iran

iran? obama sanctions were passed with two objections from our allies brazil and turkey. bush had three unanimous votes.

n korea - they're sinking s korean ships

terrorists like us - no wait they're still trying to blow us up

how exactly are we better off?
- Obama with historic drop in popularity and still falling
- States rejecting healthcare
- Obama pissing off allies
- Highest monthly deaths in Afghan war
- The leak stopped, not the distaster hoped for
- Liberal Dem scandals
- Unemployment rising
- Economy worsening
- Gitmo still open
- Afghan war escalated
- Likely historic democrat losses this November

I am sure there are some I am missing

Great time to be a Conservative...sit back and cry DOOOOOM! GLOOOOOM! DOOOOOM! GLOOOOOM!
Pale truck driver

No, I'm a KLANSMAN, with a Phd in the KKK, I have blond hair and blue eyes, and I'm a member of the Master Race. I'm also the leader of the Aryan Nation, and co founder of the Skin Heads. I'm rich too... did I mention that? Oh yeah, and I'm an astronaut too, and married to Lady Gaga.

Wanna bet a thousand dollars? ... :lol:
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This has been a highly entertaining thread to read. Please continue the racial banter. Somebody burn a cross or something, LOL.
I most certainly don't want beck and Rush silenced.
those assclowns are better than comedy centeral.
Beck crying, Rush bouncing his 300lbs of lard ass at the CPAC convention to cheers from the Hitler Youth Movement/ ahh I mean young republicans.
If the passengers on the sinking titanic had changed Captains a couple times AFTER IT HIT THE ICEBERG, do you think the ship would not have sunk?

Well folks, our ship of state hit that economic iceberg a couple years back.

We've changed Captains once, already, and we can change him again.

But we're still going to have that liquidity problem.
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^^Old Rocks, Bush may have gotten to 27% by the end of his 8th year. Obama is gonna be there by the end of his 2nd.

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