Greatest Generation were Racists, Anti-Semites, and Homophobic.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Is that one of the reasons why they were the Greatest Generation?

My grandparents, their friends, and everybody else in the Greatest Generation I met.

They could cook from scratch, they knew about the garden.

They'd make hamburger or stuffed cabbage with a meat grinder.

They could hunt, and tenderize meats.

They could scrub wash on the scrub board, and hang out the clothes to dry.

They helped each other, they took in, and cared for their loved ones.

They defeated Hitler.

They knew how to make Great Depression tires filled with hay.

They could fix cars, build houses, carve frames, and sculpt fittings.

They stood, or sat on their porch, and kids knew what was up.

If you did bad, they wouldn't mess around.

they'd call a Crumb Bum a crumb Bum.

They could call a Spade a Spade, or a Spade a Coon.

They could call out Fags, and everybody agreed.

They could call out Nervey Jew, a Nervey Jew.

They'd call out a Bronx Bum.

They didn't like Dagos, and you knew it.

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