Greatest podcast in the history of podcasts: Alex Jones returns to Joe Rogan Experience


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017

At its peak while I was watching, there were nearly 180,000 people watching it live. It only streamed about 7 hours ago, and it's at 1.4 million views with 92,000 likes.

This is the best I've ever seen Alex Jones. Alex Jones is best when he has someone like Joe Rogan to slow him down and make him explain things in more detail.

They cover a wide range of topics. It's the most entertained I've ever been by a podcast. Alex also goes deep on God, aliens, interdimensional beings, etc., but he does it a lot more articulately this time.
I can't decide whom is the greater whacko in the vid. Nah, I can, it's Jones, hands down winner.
I only know Joe Rogan from a standup show on Netflix. He's pretty funny.

Please tell me Rogan does not drink Alex Jones's piss. I'm not going to watch four hours of Alex Jones. You don't have enough money to pay me to watch that fucking asshole.
I only know Joe Rogan from a standup show on Netflix. He's pretty funny.

Please tell me Rogan does not drink Alex Jones's piss. I'm not going to watch four hours of Alex Jones. You don't have enough money to pay me to watch that fucking asshole.
While my response is really late - I have to ask the same question. I was introduced to Rogan, and have not really listened to anything he puts out - through listening to an interview he did with Jordan Peterson. Peterson is a solid and extremely thoughtful person. Alex Jones is a cesspool. I am shocked that the two would cross the same platforms.

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