Greatest thread to human civilization : capitalist greed - Stephen Hawkin

Doesn't the Bible teach that money is the root of all evil?


Then why does it say so?

It doesn't.. the quote is actually "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs." (English Standard Version) Timothy6:10.

It means the same thing.

You people are dodging the issue. Do you want all the Bible references to greed and the desires and quests for material wealth? Will that make you feel better?
He's wrong. The greatest threat to humanity is egotistical sociopath fascists. The Military Industrial complex of The Great Satan and her clan of "allies" Those with her, nodda aginss her".
May Satan continue to curse his offspring with his gifts of delusions of grandeur and # One-ness.
Paybacks will be a MOFO.
No he wasnt, as history shows. A localized collapse (and there can be different reasons such as weather change) does not prove Mathus' theory. You could even argue the Mayans collapsed because they introduced socialism and people stopped working.
Many places have population density well over 1400/sq meter. They seem to be doing fine.
Easter Island collapsed due to a lack of environmental policy : they cut down all the trees. No trees, no timber , no fishing boats, followed by deaths until they reached a sustainable level.

Mayans were not socialists. They collapsed because they overpopulated the zone, and then a drought hit them.
A similar situation is happening in California, luckily the US is centuries more advanced than the mayans, so I am confident the outcome will be different.

You are talking about Carrying Capacity. In simplest terms take a square mile of forest, it will support a maximum number of deer, say 100. However, at the maximum they will eat all the food, cause alot of waste and destruction of the fauna, and cause a drastic die out until the level of deer that square mile can sustain has come back down to a sustainable level. The example of Easter Island is spot on. The most sustainable level for any population per its limited environment is 1/2 Carrying Capacity.

Because of our technology humans have extended the Carrying Capacity of a square mile of land for our species. But that technology only extends it, it doesn't extend it to infinity. The growing lack of fresh water and greatly reduced fishing grounds around the world is a visible indication that resources are finite regardless of technology. And most of the human population on Earth reside in areas where technology has NOT extended the Carrying Capacity of an area.

And good lord, some people here have 'socialism' on the brain. WTF is that.

good lord look at the self-impressed left-wing losers and their 70-line posts of stupid shit nobody will read!1
it's a message board you idiot

So don't read it. You aren't the person I'm talking to, yours is a world of Flintstone vitamins, nascar, and butterfly nets. Ignorance does not recognize its own ignorance, and therefore does not see the need to correct it.

I'm sure you didn't read that, or this, or this, or this.....

yours is the world of 100-lines posts on a message board when you cant admit nearly everything you morons say you are against happens on a regular basis anywhere you losers govern


libs are losers who lie to themselves

San Francisco is one of the richest cities in America. Do you credit liberalism with that?
What does that even mean?
Another example of a la carte Conservatives treating the Bible as a smorgasbord.
Another example of a lefty being corrected then not being man enough to admit it.

I've always known the irrelevant distinction:

ANOTHER Simple Question For You Teabagger Simpletons | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Take a pill, Poindexter.

It's only irrelevant to you because you were shown to be wrong.

How was I shown to be wrong?

You stated "Doesn't the Bible say money is the root of all evil?" While it had a question mark, it was stated in a way as so it really wasn't a question but a claim made to appear as one.

When pointed out that the Bible says the love of money . . , you said something that makes a big difference is irrelevant. You were wrong.

I'm patiently waiting for you to cite the material difference between one phraseology and the next.
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge
Idiots. It is amazing how some of the smartest people can be so dumb.
Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than anything else. IT's benefits are literally without precedence.
He's not decrying capitalism.
Why is it so hard to follow?
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge
Idiots. It is amazing how some of the smartest people can be so dumb.
Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than anything else. IT's benefits are literally without precedence.

Hawkins has facts you could never accept on his side.
Capitalism prior to the 1980s was great but then things changed, facts back it up.
Offshoring jobs started and wage growth flattened out for most workers, both started in the 1980's. Down the road wealth/income inequality followed. Find me economist that dispute this other than your typical hyper-partisan economists, even most of them agree with facts from the real world.
So any economist that dsputes this is ipse facto a "hyper partisan". LOL! What a fucking tool bag.
Did you forget the growth in the 90s under Clinton, piggybacking on Reagan's success? Did you forget the stagflation in the 70s thanks to Carter and Nixon? For that matter did you forget the Depression in the 1930s, when everyone said capitalism was doomed? Or the prosperity in the 1920s?
You have a simple mind so to you everything is simple.
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge
Idiots. It is amazing how some of the smartest people can be so dumb.
Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than anything else. IT's benefits are literally without precedence.

Hawkins has facts you could never accept on his side.
Capitalism prior to the 1980s was great but then things changed, facts back it up.
Offshoring jobs started and wage growth flattened out for most workers, both started in the 1980's. Down the road wealth/income inequality followed. Find me economist that dispute this other than your typical hyper-partisan economists, even most of them agree with facts from the real world.
So any economist that dsputes this is ipse facto a "hyper partisan". LOL! What a fucking tool bag.
Did you forget the growth in the 90s under Clinton, piggybacking on Reagan's success? Did you forget the stagflation in the 70s thanks to Carter and Nixon? For that matter did you forget the Depression in the 1930s, when everyone said capitalism was doomed? Or the prosperity in the 1920s?
You have a simple mind so to you everything is simple.

Did you forget that slavery was key component of Southern agri-business before the Civil War?
Easter Island collapsed due to a lack of environmental policy : they cut down all the trees. No trees, no timber , no fishing boats, followed by deaths until they reached a sustainable level.

Mayans were not socialists. They collapsed because they overpopulated the zone, and then a drought hit them.
A similar situation is happening in California, luckily the US is centuries more advanced than the mayans, so I am confident the outcome will be different.

You are talking about Carrying Capacity. In simplest terms take a square mile of forest, it will support a maximum number of deer, say 100. However, at the maximum they will eat all the food, cause alot of waste and destruction of the fauna, and cause a drastic die out until the level of deer that square mile can sustain has come back down to a sustainable level. The example of Easter Island is spot on. The most sustainable level for any population per its limited environment is 1/2 Carrying Capacity.

Because of our technology humans have extended the Carrying Capacity of a square mile of land for our species. But that technology only extends it, it doesn't extend it to infinity. The growing lack of fresh water and greatly reduced fishing grounds around the world is a visible indication that resources are finite regardless of technology. And most of the human population on Earth reside in areas where technology has NOT extended the Carrying Capacity of an area.

And good lord, some people here have 'socialism' on the brain. WTF is that.

good lord look at the self-impressed left-wing losers and their 70-line posts of stupid shit nobody will read!1
it's a message board you idiot

So don't read it. You aren't the person I'm talking to, yours is a world of Flintstone vitamins, nascar, and butterfly nets. Ignorance does not recognize its own ignorance, and therefore does not see the need to correct it.

I'm sure you didn't read that, or this, or this, or this.....

yours is the world of 100-lines posts on a message board when you cant admit nearly everything you morons say you are against happens on a regular basis anywhere you losers govern


libs are losers who lie to themselves

San Francisco is one of the richest cities in America. Do you credit liberalism with that?

san francisco is a shithole LITERALLY; where homeless people are defecating on the sidewalks and normal folks have to step over it

San fran is being SUED by idiots like you for HAVING to crack down on the homeless

try to keep up with current events dullard
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge
Idiots. It is amazing how some of the smartest people can be so dumb.
Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than anything else. IT's benefits are literally without precedence.
He's not decrying capitalism.
Why is it so hard to follow?
Because he's critisizing infinite "growth".

The wingnuts are obsfucating because they don't want their billionaire heroes to lose any profit.
You are talking about Carrying Capacity. In simplest terms take a square mile of forest, it will support a maximum number of deer, say 100. However, at the maximum they will eat all the food, cause alot of waste and destruction of the fauna, and cause a drastic die out until the level of deer that square mile can sustain has come back down to a sustainable level. The example of Easter Island is spot on. The most sustainable level for any population per its limited environment is 1/2 Carrying Capacity.

Because of our technology humans have extended the Carrying Capacity of a square mile of land for our species. But that technology only extends it, it doesn't extend it to infinity. The growing lack of fresh water and greatly reduced fishing grounds around the world is a visible indication that resources are finite regardless of technology. And most of the human population on Earth reside in areas where technology has NOT extended the Carrying Capacity of an area.

And good lord, some people here have 'socialism' on the brain. WTF is that.

good lord look at the self-impressed left-wing losers and their 70-line posts of stupid shit nobody will read!1
it's a message board you idiot

So don't read it. You aren't the person I'm talking to, yours is a world of Flintstone vitamins, nascar, and butterfly nets. Ignorance does not recognize its own ignorance, and therefore does not see the need to correct it.

I'm sure you didn't read that, or this, or this, or this.....

yours is the world of 100-lines posts on a message board when you cant admit nearly everything you morons say you are against happens on a regular basis anywhere you losers govern


libs are losers who lie to themselves

San Francisco is one of the richest cities in America. Do you credit liberalism with that?

san francisco is a shithole LITERALLY; where homeless people are defecating on the sidewalks and normal folks have to step over it

San fran is being SUED by idiots like you for HAVING to crack down on the homeless

try to keep up with current events dullard

San Francisco is one of the richest cities in America. Do you credit liberalism with that?
good lord look at the self-impressed left-wing losers and their 70-line posts of stupid shit nobody will read!1
it's a message board you idiot

So don't read it. You aren't the person I'm talking to, yours is a world of Flintstone vitamins, nascar, and butterfly nets. Ignorance does not recognize its own ignorance, and therefore does not see the need to correct it.

I'm sure you didn't read that, or this, or this, or this.....

yours is the world of 100-lines posts on a message board when you cant admit nearly everything you morons say you are against happens on a regular basis anywhere you losers govern


libs are losers who lie to themselves

San Francisco is one of the richest cities in America. Do you credit liberalism with that?

san francisco is a shithole LITERALLY; where homeless people are defecating on the sidewalks and normal folks have to step over it

San fran is being SUED by idiots like you for HAVING to crack down on the homeless

try to keep up with current events dullard

San Francisco is one of the richest cities in America. Do you credit liberalism with that?

Tourette syndrome leftard??
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge
Idiots. It is amazing how some of the smartest people can be so dumb.
Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than anything else. IT's benefits are literally without precedence.
He's not decrying capitalism.
Why is it so hard to follow?
Because he's critisizing infinite "growth".

The wingnuts are obsfucating because they don't want their billionaire heroes to lose any profit.

how can there even be left-wing billionaires? havent they given it all away to the less fortunate??

moronic pontificating left-wingnuts are funny!!!
He's right. Centuries ago this time period was envisioned to be a time of lesuire, and it could be so much nicer for us, but instead of creating beautiful gardens I had to spend my time paying the banks for the land.

we are being seriously wroughted and for No reason other than idiot greed box's need for status.

its really something I was always frustrated about. Why all the drudgery?
I know work is good but does it have to be soul destroying? No, it doesn't.

"so much nicer for us". Are you advocating that those who have succeeded be forced to give up more of it so those who chose to buy land have it paid for by someone else?
Nope, I'm advocating that we hang all Usurers. So the opposite of what you are claiming.

I'm advocating that life should not be one wit harder than it has to be, given all the labour saving devices we've invented.
You can go first. Ever gotten interest on a savings account? You're a usurer.

lol, don't you ever tire of being wrong (or getting caught lying)?

The bank not the depositor sets the rate Rabbi, even a dolt like you should know that.
What did I lie about, cocksucker? If she took interest she is a usurer. OTherwise how would you define the term?

I used Ballentine's Law Dictionary, the legal definition is defined by the state which sets the legal rate; the bank will then set the rate they pay competitively (unless of course they collude with other banks in their area)

You might, if you were not willfully ignorant when it suits you, look up Lawful Interest, legal interest, legal rate of interest in a legal lexicon, or Lassman v. Jacobson, 125 Minn 218, 146 NW 350 if your knew how.
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge
Idiots. It is amazing how some of the smartest people can be so dumb.
Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than anything else. IT's benefits are literally without precedence.
He's not decrying capitalism.
Why is it so hard to follow?
Because he's critisizing infinite "growth".

The wingnuts are obsfucating because they don't want their billionaire heroes to lose any profit.

how can there even be left-wing billionaires? havent they given it all away to the less fortunate??

moronic pontificating left-wingnuts are funny!!!

As a right winger, what values guide you?
"so much nicer for us". Are you advocating that those who have succeeded be forced to give up more of it so those who chose to buy land have it paid for by someone else?
Nope, I'm advocating that we hang all Usurers. So the opposite of what you are claiming.

I'm advocating that life should not be one wit harder than it has to be, given all the labour saving devices we've invented.
You can go first. Ever gotten interest on a savings account? You're a usurer.

lol, don't you ever tire of being wrong (or getting caught lying)?

The bank not the depositor sets the rate Rabbi, even a dolt like you should know that.
What did I lie about, cocksucker? If she took interest she is a usurer. OTherwise how would you define the term?

I used Ballentine's Law Dictionary, the legal definition is defined by the state which sets the legal rate; the bank will then set the rate they pay competitively (unless of course they collude with other banks in their area)

You might, if you were not willfully ignorant when it suits you, to look up Lawful Interest, legal interest, legal rate of interest or Lassman v. Jacobson, 125 Minn 218, 146 NW 350.
And you know the poster used the same source because?
You dont. You pulled it out of your ass, which has been stretched out by inmate cock.
Another example of a lefty being corrected then not being man enough to admit it.

I've always known the irrelevant distinction:

ANOTHER Simple Question For You Teabagger Simpletons | Page 2 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Take a pill, Poindexter.

It's only irrelevant to you because you were shown to be wrong.

How was I shown to be wrong?

You stated "Doesn't the Bible say money is the root of all evil?" While it had a question mark, it was stated in a way as so it really wasn't a question but a claim made to appear as one.

When pointed out that the Bible says the love of money . . , you said something that makes a big difference is irrelevant. You were wrong.

I'm patiently waiting for you to cite the material difference between one phraseology and the next.
To say money is the root of all evil you would have to say money, in itself, is evil. Money, itself, can't be evil or good. It's a tool. Like any other tool, it can be USED for good or bad depending on the person. To say money is the root of all evil would mean money, without ever having anything done with it is bad. That simply isn't true.

I'm sure you'll say that wasn't enough because nothing ever is to someone that doesn't have the guts to admit he's wrong. Your response will determine whether you're a man or yet another typical Liberal asshole that couldn't be one in a thousand lifetimes.
Hawkins also believes there is a race of violent technologically advanced aliens that is going to attack the earth and kill us all...

Did he say such beings exist, or did he postulate that if there were an alien life form that came into contact with Earth....

I never heard him state there were such a life form, but used an hypothesis to form an opinion.

There is a difference.

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