Greatest thread to human civilization : capitalist greed - Stephen Hawkin

how can there even be left-wing billionaires? havent they given it all away to the less fortunate??

moronic pontificating left-wingnuts are funny!!!

As a right winger, what values guide you?

In the case of helping those in need, meeting that need as I see fit not how someone like you sees fit on my behalf.

As a left winger, you've decided you know more about what another person should do with their money and what's better for them.

Liberals have no problem letting the People decide.

Bullshit. Liberals have no problem thinking they know more about how someone should do something than the person. Using Obamacare as an example, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to buy insurance. You mandated it. Using Social Security, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to pay into it.

The Obamacare mandate was enacted by the elected representatives of the People.

They approved it despite the fact that their constituents didn't want the program enacted.

That's the liberal conception of representative government.
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge
He wasn't decrying capitalism.
how can there even be left-wing billionaires? havent they given it all away to the less fortunate??

moronic pontificating left-wingnuts are funny!!!

As a right winger, what values guide you?

In the case of helping those in need, meeting that need as I see fit not how someone like you sees fit on my behalf.

As a left winger, you've decided you know more about what another person should do with their money and what's better for them.

Liberals have no problem letting the People decide.

Bullshit. Liberals have no problem thinking they know more about how someone should do something than the person. Using Obamacare as an example, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to buy insurance. You mandated it. Using Social Security, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to pay into it.

The Obamacare mandate was enacted by the elected representatives of the People.

Don't you mean by one ideology? Why wouldn't those leeches vote for reps like that. They get what the rest of us earn and don't have to pay for it. No one owes those sons of bitches healthcare.
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge

perfect llustration of just how idiotic many on the Left are!!
Greed is Apple building its products overseas with supercheap labor when Apple could still make a profit, albeit a smaller profit, building the products in the US for decent US wages.

How much do you think an iPhone would cost if it was built with union labor?
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge

Mankind's lot prior to capitalism was pretty grim. Average life expectancy for all but the wealthy was 35 to 40. No travel, tied down to an area of around 10 square miles for your entire life. A whole litany of pains due to a work week approaching 80 hours per. No real entertainment other than fighting, screwing and the occasional wedding.

Yep, the pre capitalist life was WONDERFUL!

Unregulated capitalism was the horror of the Industrial Revolution before GOVERNMENTS began to intervene and rein in the capitalists.
He's right. Centuries ago this time period was envisioned to be a time of lesuire, and it could be so much nicer for us, but instead of creating beautiful gardens I had to spend my time paying the banks for the land.

we are being seriously wroughted and for No reason other than idiot greed box's need for status.

its really something I was always frustrated about. Why all the drudgery?
I know work is good but does it have to be soul destroying? No, it doesn't.
Got an idea for you. Go off the grid.
BUT remember... once you go off the grid the ONLY way you'll protect your property is with a gun because once we all go off the grid society as we know it will not exist.
There will be no cops. No court houses.
But that's what you are wanting to see. Where the hamburger flipper is replaced with a robot.
The cop is replaced by a robot. ALL manual labor and paper processing ...robots.
So how will we get compensation for our time when there is NO need for our time!
ONLY idiots think "wealth redistribution" is the only way. How stupid!
NOT ONE person even a king 400 years ago could imagine you and I conversing thousands of miles apart and you are obviously a hell of lot poorer then I am but even
so YOU are doing something NOT the wealthiest person 400 years ago could even imagine!

Do you understand? We people today have more wealth then there ever was before. And you are like an animal waiting for your piece by tearing apart someone else's!
Seriously people like you truly need to live a few days off the grid and come to see how hard it is to grow the food you take for granted!
Greed is Apple building its products overseas with supercheap labor when Apple could still make a profit, albeit a smaller profit, building the products in the US for decent US wages.

How much do you think an iPhone would cost if it was built with union labor?

Apple made a net profit of about 14 billion in the first quarter of this year. What IF Apple only made half that profit,

7 billion, and the other 7 billion went into wages?
He's right. Centuries ago this time period was envisioned to be a time of lesuire, and it could be so much nicer for us, but instead of creating beautiful gardens I had to spend my time paying the banks for the land.

we are being seriously wroughted and for No reason other than idiot greed box's need for status.

its really something I was always frustrated about. Why all the drudgery?
I know work is good but does it have to be soul destroying? No, it doesn't.
Got an idea for you. Go off the grid.
BUT remember... once you go off the grid the ONLY way you'll protect your property is with a gun because once we all go off the grid society as we know it will not exist.
There will be no cops. No court houses.
But that's what you are wanting to see. Where the hamburger flipper is replaced with a robot.
The cop is replaced by a robot. ALL manual labor and paper processing ...robots.
So how will we get compensation for our time when there is NO need for our time!
ONLY idiots think "wealth redistribution" is the only way. How stupid!
NOT ONE person even a king 400 years ago could imagine you and I conversing thousands of miles apart and you are obviously a hell of lot poorer then I am but even
so YOU are doing something NOT the wealthiest person 400 years ago could even imagine!

Do you understand? We people today have more wealth then there ever was before. And you are like an animal waiting for your piece by tearing apart someone else's!
Seriously people like you truly need to live a few days off the grid and come to see how hard it is to grow the food you take for granted!
So, in your mind it's all or nothing.
Unfettered capitalism or 'off the grid'.
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge

Mankind's lot prior to capitalism was pretty grim. Average life expectancy for all but the wealthy was 35 to 40. No travel, tied down to an area of around 10 square miles for your entire life. A whole litany of pains due to a work week approaching 80 hours per. No real entertainment other than fighting, screwing and the occasional wedding.

Yep, the pre capitalist life was WONDERFUL!

Unregulated capitalism was the horror of the Industrial Revolution before GOVERNMENTS began to intervene and rein in the capitalists.

It was better than what came before it. Why would people work in factories if they had better options? The only thing government did to improve capitalism was give workers the right to sue if they were injured on the job. Everything else government has done was counter productive.
Greed is Apple building its products overseas with supercheap labor.

of course if Apple was using the most expensive labor rather than the cheapest that Samsung was using Apple would go bankrupt. Companies are managed for customers not for employees. Imagine what would happen if this was not true.
He's not decrying capitalism.
Why is it so hard to follow?
Because he's critisizing infinite "growth".

The wingnuts are obsfucating because they don't want their billionaire heroes to lose any profit.

how can there even be left-wing billionaires? havent they given it all away to the less fortunate??

moronic pontificating left-wingnuts are funny!!!

As a right winger, what values guide you?
As a right winger, what values guide you?

In the case of helping those in need, meeting that need as I see fit not how someone like you sees fit on my behalf.

As a left winger, you've decided you know more about what another person should do with their money and what's better for them.

Liberals have no problem letting the People decide.

Bullshit. Liberals have no problem thinking they know more about how someone should do something than the person. Using Obamacare as an example, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to buy insurance. You mandated it. Using Social Security, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to pay into it.
Look, all Hawking is saying is tha we piss fart about too much for too little.

Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge

Mankind's lot prior to capitalism was pretty grim. Average life expectancy for all but the wealthy was 35 to 40. No travel, tied down to an area of around 10 square miles for your entire life. A whole litany of pains due to a work week approaching 80 hours per. No real entertainment other than fighting, screwing and the occasional wedding.

Yep, the pre capitalist life was WONDERFUL!

Unregulated capitalism was the horror of the Industrial Revolution before GOVERNMENTS began to intervene and rein in the capitalists.

It was better than what came before it. Why would people work in factories if they had better options? The only thing government did to improve capitalism was give workers the right to sue if they were injured on the job. Everything else government has done was counter productive.

It's counterproductive that we legislated kids out of the mines?
He's right. Centuries ago this time period was envisioned to be a time of lesuire, and it could be so much nicer for us, but instead of creating beautiful gardens I had to spend my time paying the banks for the land.

we are being seriously wroughted and for No reason other than idiot greed box's need for status.

its really something I was always frustrated about. Why all the drudgery?
I know work is good but does it have to be soul destroying? No, it doesn't.
Got an idea for you. Go off the grid.
BUT remember... once you go off the grid the ONLY way you'll protect your property is with a gun because once we all go off the grid society as we know it will not exist.
There will be no cops. No court houses.
But that's what you are wanting to see. Where the hamburger flipper is replaced with a robot.
The cop is replaced by a robot. ALL manual labor and paper processing ...robots.
So how will we get compensation for our time when there is NO need for our time!
ONLY idiots think "wealth redistribution" is the only way. How stupid!
NOT ONE person even a king 400 years ago could imagine you and I conversing thousands of miles apart and you are obviously a hell of lot poorer then I am but even
so YOU are doing something NOT the wealthiest person 400 years ago could even imagine!

Do you understand? We people today have more wealth then there ever was before. And you are like an animal waiting for your piece by tearing apart someone else's!
Seriously people like you truly need to live a few days off the grid and come to see how hard it is to grow the food you take for granted!
So, in your mind it's all or nothing.
Unfettered capitalism or 'off the grid'.

there are literally millions of pages of regulations now in effect. if anybody is making a zero-sum argument it's the left. how the phuk anybody can say we have unfettered captialism or anything close to it is mind-bobbling
Because he's critisizing infinite "growth".

The wingnuts are obsfucating because they don't want their billionaire heroes to lose any profit.

how can there even be left-wing billionaires? havent they given it all away to the less fortunate??

moronic pontificating left-wingnuts are funny!!!

As a right winger, what values guide you?
In the case of helping those in need, meeting that need as I see fit not how someone like you sees fit on my behalf.

As a left winger, you've decided you know more about what another person should do with their money and what's better for them.

Liberals have no problem letting the People decide.

Bullshit. Liberals have no problem thinking they know more about how someone should do something than the person. Using Obamacare as an example, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to buy insurance. You mandated it. Using Social Security, you don't let people decide whether or not they want to pay into it.
Look, all Hawking is saying is tha we piss fart about too much for too little.

Lying? Do you mean like the President when he said "if you like your doctor . . " knowing it wasn't the truth?

For 97% of Americans that was true. A statement that is 97% true hardly qualifies as the lie of the year.

it wasnt true for LITERALLY MILLIONS.
IN FACT, many of the enrollees left-wing nutjobs brag obamacare has CAME FROM people who lost the insurance they had BECAUSE of obamacare
Greed is Apple building its products overseas with supercheap labor.

100% stupid!! Thats like saying greed is buying cheap bananas from South American rather than growing them here in greenhouses with 1000's of employees at $20/lbs.

you produce as cheaply as possible or you go bankrupt. Thats what customers demand.
Greed is Apple building its products overseas with supercheap labor when Apple could still make a profit, albeit a smaller profit, building the products in the US for decent US wages.

How much do you think an iPhone would cost if it was built with union labor?

Apple made a net profit of about 14 billion in the first quarter of this year. What If Apple only made half that profit,

7 billion, and the other 7 billion went into wages?
The price of the stock would plumet and investors would lose $billions of their life savings.

Apple pays FOXCONN to build the phones, and they only made a profit of $3.5 billion last year.
Greed is Apple building its products overseas with supercheap labor.

of if Apple was using the most expensive labor rather than the cheapest that Samsung was using Apple would go bankrupt. Companies are managed for customers not for employees. Imagine what would happen if this was not true.

That's why we need protectionist policies. The kind our founders supported, eh cons? lol

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