Greatest thread to human civilization : capitalist greed - Stephen Hawkin

"Hawkin" has a point.

Eventually, if labor is eliminated, capitalism as we know it will be too.

His point though is that the few who own the machines will not give up their wealth voluntarily. Thus a violent revolution. Twas always thus and always thus will be.

100% stupid of course since there is no point in owning machines unless they can make products distributed to all. IF they don't do that the machines are worthless!!

NOw do you understand?
The greatest threat to Human civilization is the far left religion.

Although I admire Stephen Hawkins for his science, it is sad when they come out to make real world predictions that make them look dumber than a box of rocks..

Yes Einstein was a communist. Smart in science mostly makes you dumb in other areas!!
He's right. Centuries ago this time period was envisioned to be a time of lesuire, and it could be so much nicer for us, but instead of creating beautiful gardens I had to spend my time paying the banks for the land.

we are being seriously wroughted and for No reason other than idiot greed box's need for status.

its really something I was always frustrated about. Why all the drudgery?
I know work is good but does it have to be soul destroying? No, it doesn't.
Well, you had choices by which you funded the purchase of the land on which your garden sits.
Your choices are simple...
1. save up the cash and buy the land outright
2. borrow the funds at a cost to you to make the purchase.
3. no complaining.
The world prior to capitalism was truly a festering shithole.

yep 60 million slowly starved to death before capitalism in China, now 60 million are buying cars. Yet liberals want to go back there! They are stupid, illiterate and anti science. How else could you describe them??
He was actually right. Easter Island and the Mayan civilization collapsed due to overpopulation .
A given territory can only sustain about 1,400 people per square kilometre, so an actuall worldwide collapse can only happen if such threshold is reached. In the mean time we can expect local collapses if countries surpass such limit.
No he wasnt, as history shows. A localized collapse (and there can be different reasons such as weather change) does not prove Mathus' theory. You could even argue the Mayans collapsed because they introduced socialism and people stopped working.
Many places have population density well over 1400/sq meter. They seem to be doing fine.
Easter Island collapsed due to a lack of environmental policy : they cut down all the trees. No trees, no timber , no fishing boats, followed by deaths until they reached a sustainable level.

Mayans were not socialists. They collapsed because they overpopulated the zone, and then a drought hit them.
A similar situation is happening in California, luckily the US is centuries more advanced than the mayans, so I am confident the outcome will be different.
So actualluy none of them collapsed due to overpopulation. Another liberal claim refuted.
California has a drought because policiticans fucked up. Socialism kills.

Indeed, overpopulation was not the only factor but the main and driving factor. In the case of easter island
Overpopulation lead to overuse of resources which lead to complete deforestation which in turn caused their collapse.

"Barbara A. West wrote, "Sometime before the arrival of Europeans on Easter Island, the Rapanui experienced a tremendous upheaval in their social system brought about by a change in their island's ecology... By the time of European arrival in 1722, the island's population had dropped to 2,000–3,000 from a high of approximately 15,000 just a century earlier."

Easter Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, mankind stuck on a very small island with no natural predators is an invitation for disaster. No question. The Earth on the other hand has a carrying capacity estimated at 40 BILLION people. We will never get anywhere near that number though. Population increase is already dropping world wide. Demographers calculate the world population will peak at 9 billion then level off back down to 6 billion.

The estimated carrying capacity for Earth for humans is 20-25 billion people, or less. Depends on technologies. Some estimates are between 4-16 billion.

We are already seeing a worldwide shortage of fresh water with 7 billion. It would be great if the human population started to decrease but that isn't in the near future so all the problems we see now are going to get worse.

Global Warming, however, is going to make the entire equation a mute point. Whether humans know it or not. A new Earth is coming, and it isn't very friendly to any life.
He's right. Centuries ago this time period was envisioned to be a time of lesuire, and it could be so much nicer for us, but instead of creating beautiful gardens I had to spend my time paying the banks for the land.

we are being seriously wroughted and for No reason other than idiot greed box's need for status.

its really something I was always frustrated about. Why all the drudgery?
I know work is good but does it have to be soul destroying? No, it doesn't.
Oh...On work.....Another instance where we have choices.
1. save your money and use it to start a business
2. find employment in an occupation that makes you happy
3. live off the taxpayers complaining
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge
Idiots. It is amazing how some of the smartest people can be so dumb.
Capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than anything else. IT's benefits are literally without precedence.
Just goes to show you what passes for intelligence. The guy is an idiot, his comments on extra terrestrial beings proves it.
I like how these goof ball libs go around spouting off to the public( as long as someone is paying them to do so) railing against capitalism when they are prime examples of how capitalism does the best for the most....
Picture a starving cat pissing in it freshly filled food bowl
Mankind's lot prior to capitalism was pretty grim. Average life expectancy for all but the wealthy was 35 to 40. No travel, tied down to an area of around 10 square miles for your entire life. A whole litany of pains due to a work week approaching 80 hours per. No real entertainment other than fighting, screwing and the occasional wedding.

Yep, the pre capitalist life was WONDERFUL!

It was science and the industrial revolution which did that, not Capitalism.
And then the form of Capitalism that spawned the industrial revolution was merchantilism , not our current system.
If your argument was true, life expectancy would be very low in Cuba , and it's almost as high as in the US.
Now , that doesn't mean their government or economic system should be a model, I am just pointing out the flaws in your statements.
In fact modern capitalism will improve people's lot over mercantile capitalism. Asian economies lean toward mercantile capitalism at the expense of their low-wage-earning citizens.
Merchantilist policies and protectionism play a very important role while an economy is in development. The US and GB were extremely protectionist before they were fully developed nations.
I'd give you that, but modern US capitalism has its protections too, but they relate to trading resources vs domestic exploitation and reserves. Does China need to think about reserves vs exports, or should they just rely on US debt positions to function?

I think trade balances have to be negotiated, the US has been running a deficit with china for a long time. This has helped china become industrialized , but it is an unsustainable situation. An increasing deficit will hurt both economies in the long run ( in a sinister twist they could use all the reserves to adquire industries in the US turning it in a vassl state, but maybe that's me being too paranoid ) .
Nothing to fear. They're welcome to invest here, just like the Japanese did in the eighties. Take all that money and appreciate some assets in a real-deal economy. That's kinda my point.

If you blur your eyes a little, our hysterical China debt looks like a mountain of financial sales and investment we scored already. China's businesses have their act together more than their government in this case.
Ed, it has state controlled exchange rates,

how stupid is that given that we too have a central bank that pumped $4trillion into the economy!!!
The central bank ( aka the Fed ) is NOT state owned.

"The Federal Reserve System's structure is composed of the presidentially appointed Board of Governors or Federal Reserve Board (FRB), partially presidentially appointed Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks located in major cities throughout the nation, numerous privately owned U.S. member banks, and various advisory council".

Federal Reserve System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's bullshit propaganda. The President appoints the chairman of the Federal reserve and all the board members. That means the federal government makes all the decisions. It therefor owns the Federal Reserve.
The central bank ( aka the Fed ) is NOT state owned.

dear, the question was not about whether it is state owned. In fact it is state controlled and it manipulates our currency every bit as much as China's central bank! NOw do you understand?
So the bankers own it but they can't controll it ? Ja , don't make me laugh. Do you really think the FED will take a decision which will make the banks loose money ?
Who do you think gets screwed with QE? Banks ? JAJAJA.
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He's right. Centuries ago this time period was envisioned to be a time of lesuire, and it could be so much nicer for us, but instead of creating beautiful gardens I had to spend my time paying the banks for the land.

we are being seriously wroughted and for No reason other than idiot greed box's need for status.

its really something I was always frustrated about. Why all the drudgery?
I know work is good but does it have to be soul destroying? No, it doesn't.
POsting when stoned is never a good idea, s0n.
Im a woman.
SO?....Are you looking for sympathy? As in "I'm a female. I don't know these things"?
Look, quit your crappy job and go find something you like to do. And then figure out how to make a living doing that.
No he wasnt, as history shows. A localized collapse (and there can be different reasons such as weather change) does not prove Mathus' theory. You could even argue the Mayans collapsed because they introduced socialism and people stopped working.
Many places have population density well over 1400/sq meter. They seem to be doing fine.
Easter Island collapsed due to a lack of environmental policy : they cut down all the trees. No trees, no timber , no fishing boats, followed by deaths until they reached a sustainable level.

Mayans were not socialists. They collapsed because they overpopulated the zone, and then a drought hit them.
A similar situation is happening in California, luckily the US is centuries more advanced than the mayans, so I am confident the outcome will be different.
So actualluy none of them collapsed due to overpopulation. Another liberal claim refuted.
California has a drought because policiticans fucked up. Socialism kills.

Indeed, overpopulation was not the only factor but the main and driving factor. In the case of easter island
Overpopulation lead to overuse of resources which lead to complete deforestation which in turn caused their collapse.

"Barbara A. West wrote, "Sometime before the arrival of Europeans on Easter Island, the Rapanui experienced a tremendous upheaval in their social system brought about by a change in their island's ecology... By the time of European arrival in 1722, the island's population had dropped to 2,000–3,000 from a high of approximately 15,000 just a century earlier."

Easter Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, mankind stuck on a very small island with no natural predators is an invitation for disaster. No question. The Earth on the other hand has a carrying capacity estimated at 40 BILLION people. We will never get anywhere near that number though. Population increase is already dropping world wide. Demographers calculate the world population will peak at 9 billion then level off back down to 6 billion.

The estimated carrying capacity for Earth for humans is 20-25 billion people, or less. Depends on technologies. Some estimates are between 4-16 billion.

We are already seeing a worldwide shortage of fresh water with 7 billion. It would be great if the human population started to decrease but that isn't in the near future so all the problems we see now are going to get worse.

Global Warming, however, is going to make the entire equation a mute point. Whether humans know it or not. A new Earth is coming, and it isn't very friendly to any life.

Shortages are due to in adequate distribution of resources. Corruption in the Third World is THE leading cause of hunger and the miserable deaths those poor people get to enjoy. In the 1960's the birth rate was 2.6. It is now at 1.6 and dropping so you are wrong.

Global warming as an agent of doom is a myth. Every shred of written history shows that when the planet has been warmer it has done better. We have numerous records (mostly taxman related) that show beyond doubt the benefit of a warmer world for man, animal, and plant.
Its so amusing to see posters on a message board calling Stephen Hawking an idiot. He is the Einstein of our age.

He is right of course. I would add all the rest is just talk as Global Warming is the one thing we will not stop and have never seen before. Physics and chemistry are about to decide which species survive the next mass extinction, which has already begun, and which will go gone. Humans will likely suffer massive losses and if not go extinct come perilously close.

The worst part is most humans don't have a clue about what is coming and soon to arrive. Much like the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

Something wicked this way comes.
He is the Einstein of our age.
THAT is YOUR opinion...
Its so amusing to see posters on a message board calling Stephen Hawking an idiot. He is the Einstein of our age.

He is right of course. I would add all the rest is just talk as Global Warming is the one thing we will not stop and have never seen before. Physics and chemistry are about to decide which species survive the next mass extinction, which has already begun, and which will go gone. Humans will likely suffer massive losses and if not go extinct come perilously close.

The worst part is most humans don't have a clue about what is coming and soon to arrive. Much like the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

Something wicked this way comes.
He is the Einstein of our age.
THAT is YOUR opinion...

dear it's easy to prove liberals are stupid. Just ask one to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism. See how easy that was?
Easter Island collapsed due to a lack of environmental policy : they cut down all the trees. No trees, no timber , no fishing boats, followed by deaths until they reached a sustainable level.

Mayans were not socialists. They collapsed because they overpopulated the zone, and then a drought hit them.
A similar situation is happening in California, luckily the US is centuries more advanced than the mayans, so I am confident the outcome will be different.
So actualluy none of them collapsed due to overpopulation. Another liberal claim refuted.
California has a drought because policiticans fucked up. Socialism kills.

Indeed, overpopulation was not the only factor but the main and driving factor. In the case of easter island
Overpopulation lead to overuse of resources which lead to complete deforestation which in turn caused their collapse.

"Barbara A. West wrote, "Sometime before the arrival of Europeans on Easter Island, the Rapanui experienced a tremendous upheaval in their social system brought about by a change in their island's ecology... By the time of European arrival in 1722, the island's population had dropped to 2,000–3,000 from a high of approximately 15,000 just a century earlier."

Easter Island - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, mankind stuck on a very small island with no natural predators is an invitation for disaster. No question. The Earth on the other hand has a carrying capacity estimated at 40 BILLION people. We will never get anywhere near that number though. Population increase is already dropping world wide. Demographers calculate the world population will peak at 9 billion then level off back down to 6 billion.

The estimated carrying capacity for Earth for humans is 20-25 billion people, or less. Depends on technologies. Some estimates are between 4-16 billion.

We are already seeing a worldwide shortage of fresh water with 7 billion. It would be great if the human population started to decrease but that isn't in the near future so all the problems we see now are going to get worse.

Global Warming, however, is going to make the entire equation a mute point. Whether humans know it or not. A new Earth is coming, and it isn't very friendly to any life.

Shortages are due to in adequate distribution of resources. Corruption in the Third World is THE leading cause of hunger and the miserable deaths those poor people get to enjoy. In the 1960's the birth rate was 2.6. It is now at 1.6 and dropping so you are wrong.

Global warming as an agent of doom is a myth. Every shred of written history shows that when the planet has been warmer it has done better. We have numerous records (mostly taxman related) that show beyond doubt the benefit of a warmer world for man, animal, and plant.

Well let us insert an actual scientific graph and see if this far left drones head explodes:


Most of the food problems in many parts of the world are due to poor governments and their wanting to destroy any one that opposes them. In many cases they will starve those that do not follow the what the current ruling dictator wants.

Of course stuff like this does not help matters either:

Child sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Back in the days when the good Christian king owned everything including the white folks, it was the corporate interests of the day.

It's all about perspective.

There were no corporations in those days, moron.

Are you seriously that thick?!?

You're fucking with me, right?

The point being that ours is not the first generation to be divided along socioeconomic lines, and the "haves" don't have a stellar record through history of their treatment of the "have nots".... just as the theory of macro evolution would predict.

Fortunately, the extremes do not define the species.

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