Greatest thread to human civilization : capitalist greed - Stephen Hawkin

“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge

And we can legislate away our sins through fascism/socialism.

This is what they mean by our "collective salvation".

Repent sinners!! Turn from your sins and vote for Bernie or die in hell fire capitalistic global warming!!

Just out of curiosity, do left wingers baptize yet?
Fascism & Socialism are not the same.
Why is it that Fascists can't understand that?

dear, they are identical for all intents and purposes in that both rely on powerful central govt; thus our Founders made them both illegal here.

Now do you understand?
He's right. Centuries ago this time period was envisioned to be a time of lesuire, and it could be so much nicer for us, but instead of creating beautiful gardens I had to spend my time paying the banks for the land.

we are being seriously wroughted and for No reason other than idiot greed box's need for status.

its really something I was always frustrated about. Why all the drudgery?
I know work is good but does it have to be soul destroying? No, it doesn't.

"so much nicer for us". Are you advocating that those who have succeeded be forced to give up more of it so those who chose to buy land have it paid for by someone else?
Nope, I'm advocating that we hang all Usurers. So the opposite of what you are claiming.

I'm advocating that life should not be one wit harder than it has to be, given all the labour saving devices we've invented.
You can go first. Ever gotten interest on a savings account? You're a usurer.

lol, don't you ever tire of being wrong (or getting caught lying)?

The bank not the depositor sets the rate Rabbi, even a dolt like you should know that.
The bank has to set rates according to federal policies and the Feds rates.

The law dictionary does not say so, other sources indicate each state sets the legal rate. Please point me to a source (suspect you're correct, given how banks once chartered to a state can not operate nationally [a BIG MISTAKES IMO]).
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge

And we can legislate away our sins through fascism/socialism.

This is what they mean by our "collective salvation".

Repent sinners!! Turn from your sins and vote for Bernie or die in hell fire capitalistic global warming!!

Just out of curiosity, do left wingers baptize yet?
Fascism & Socialism are not the same.
Why is it that Fascists can't understand that?

dear, they are identical for all intents and purposes in that both rely on powerful central govt; thus our Founders made them both illegal here.

Now do you understand?

Hey, explain to me why the Articles of Confederation were tossed under the bus by our Founders.
Greed is Apple building its products overseas with supercheap labor when Apple could still make a profit, albeit a smaller profit, building the products in the US for decent US wages.
Greed isn't you wanting high wages from Apple whether they'll be competitive or not?

Greed is Americans shopping for the best prices and quality in the world. If not for that Apple could manufacture here with great labor union workers!!
Asian economies lean toward mercantile capitalism at the expense of their low-wage-earning citizens.

actually China just eliminated 40% of the entire planets poverty by switching to capitalism.
If china was a more open economy, it would be a more modern capitalist model like the US, rather than a fairly tightly administrated mercantile system. Modern, rather than mercantile capitalism is the lesson to follow.
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge

And we can legislate away our sins through fascism/socialism.

This is what they mean by our "collective salvation".

Repent sinners!! Turn from your sins and vote for Bernie or die in hell fire capitalistic global warming!!

Just out of curiosity, do left wingers baptize yet?
Fascism & Socialism are not the same.
Why is it that Fascists can't understand that?

dear, they are identical for all intents and purposes in that both rely on powerful central govt; thus our Founders made them both illegal here.

Now do you understand?

Hey, explain to me why the Articles of Confederation were tossed under the bus by our Founders.

Because they couldn't raise an army to defend the country, and each state was imposing tariffs against the other states, thus impeded traded and the economic development of the country.

If they would have limited the Constitution to those two issues, it would have been a worthwhile document. Instead they opened the door to the fascist state we all suffer under today.
Hey, explain to me why the Articles of Confederation were tossed under the bus by our Founders.

they wanted a more powerful govt to enforce freedom, free trade(the Commerce Clause) is a good example!
And even that more powerful govt was 1% the size of today's on a per capita inflation adjusted basis.

Do you understand now??
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge

Mankind's lot prior to capitalism was pretty grim. Average life expectancy for all but the wealthy was 35 to 40. No travel, tied down to an area of around 10 square miles for your entire life. A whole litany of pains due to a work week approaching 80 hours per. No real entertainment other than fighting, screwing and the occasional wedding.

Yep, the pre capitalist life was WONDERFUL!

It was science and the industrial revolution which did that, not Capitalism.
And then the form of Capitalism that spawned the industrial revolution was merchantilism , not our current system.
If your argument was true, life expectancy would be very low in Cuba , and it's almost as high as in the US.
Now , that doesn't mean their government or economic system should be a model, I am just pointing out the flaws in your statements.
In fact modern capitalism will improve people's lot over mercantile capitalism. Asian economies lean toward mercantile capitalism at the expense of their low-wage-earning citizens.
Merchantilist policies and protectionism play a very important role while an economy is in development. The US and GB were extremely protectionist before they were fully developed nations.
Asian economies lean toward mercantile capitalism at the expense of their low-wage-earning citizens.

actually China just eliminated 40% of the entire planets poverty by switching to capitalism.
If china was a more open economy, it would be a more modern capitalist model like the US, rather than a fairly tightly administrated mercantile system. Modern, rather than mercantile capitalism is the lesson to follow.

China is very open in that it competes all over the world with 10's of 1000's of products on the basis of price and quality.

Mercantile capitalism?? What?????????
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge

And we can legislate away our sins through fascism/socialism.

This is what they mean by our "collective salvation".

Repent sinners!! Turn from your sins and vote for Bernie or die in hell fire capitalistic global warming!!

Just out of curiosity, do left wingers baptize yet?
Fascism & Socialism are not the same.
Why is it that Fascists can't understand that?

dear, they are identical for all intents and purposes in that both rely on powerful central govt; thus our Founders made them both illegal here.

Now do you understand?

Hey, explain to me why the Articles of Confederation were tossed under the bus by our Founders.
Confederacy was seen to be bullshit by wise men.
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge

Mankind's lot prior to capitalism was pretty grim. Average life expectancy for all but the wealthy was 35 to 40. No travel, tied down to an area of around 10 square miles for your entire life. A whole litany of pains due to a work week approaching 80 hours per. No real entertainment other than fighting, screwing and the occasional wedding.

Yep, the pre capitalist life was WONDERFUL!

It was science and the industrial revolution which did that, not Capitalism.
And then the form of Capitalism that spawned the industrial revolution was merchantilism , not our current system.
If your argument was true, life expectancy would be very low in Cuba , and it's almost as high as in the US.
Now , that doesn't mean their government or economic system should be a model, I am just pointing out the flaws in your statements.
In fact modern capitalism will improve people's lot over mercantile capitalism. Asian economies lean toward mercantile capitalism at the expense of their low-wage-earning citizens.
Merchantilist policies and protectionism play a very important role while an economy is in development. The US and GB were extremely protectionist before they were fully developed nations.
"Hawkin" has a point.

Eventually, if labor is eliminated, capitalism as we know it will be too.
Yes , there is a big IF at the beginning of the quote. Apparently it has gone unnotieced to many...and there's a denial effect : that can't happen ( well maybe not in our lifetimes, but I am almost certain 99% of our current jobs will not be needed in a century).
Merchantilist policies and protectionism play a very important role while an economy is in development..

100% stupid since nobody knows when an economy is in development!! China is in development and it does very very well with 10's of 1000's of products that compete successfully all over the world!! Ford will say its in development with its pick up trucks and wants continued tariffs against the superior Japanese trucks. See why we say slow??
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge

Mankind's lot prior to capitalism was pretty grim. Average life expectancy for all but the wealthy was 35 to 40. No travel, tied down to an area of around 10 square miles for your entire life. A whole litany of pains due to a work week approaching 80 hours per. No real entertainment other than fighting, screwing and the occasional wedding.

Yep, the pre capitalist life was WONDERFUL!
He wasn't decrying capitalism.

I believe the word "threat" implies that...don't you?
“If machines produce everything we need, the outcome will depend on how things are distributed.” Hawking continued, “Everyone can enjoy a life of luxurious leisure if the machine-produced wealth is shared, or most people can end up miserably poor if the machine-owners successfully lobby against wealth redistribution. So far, the trend seems to be toward the second option, with technology driving ever-increasing inequality."

We have been warned.

Stephen Hawking Warns About The Greatest Threat To Humanity | Zero Hedge

Mankind's lot prior to capitalism was pretty grim. Average life expectancy for all but the wealthy was 35 to 40. No travel, tied down to an area of around 10 square miles for your entire life. A whole litany of pains due to a work week approaching 80 hours per. No real entertainment other than fighting, screwing and the occasional wedding.

Yep, the pre capitalist life was WONDERFUL!

Unregulated capitalism was the horror of the Industrial Revolution before GOVERNMENTS began to intervene and rein in the capitalists.

Yes, it was. And yet it was still orders of magnitude better than that which came before.
I am almost certain 99% of our current jobs will not be needed in a century).

great, now liberal culture creep is predicting the future!! Nothing will be as big as the wheel hammer electricity screw motors etc etc. They rendered billions of jobs unneeded and yet unemployment is only 5.1%.

Do you understand??
Asian economies lean toward mercantile capitalism at the expense of their low-wage-earning citizens.

actually China just eliminated 40% of the entire planets poverty by switching to capitalism.
If china was a more open economy, it would be a more modern capitalist model like the US, rather than a fairly tightly administrated mercantile system. Modern, rather than mercantile capitalism is the lesson to follow.

China is very open in that it competes all over the world with 10's of 1000's of products on the basis of price and quality.

Mercantile capitalism?? What?????????
It is a relatively open economy Ed: It has special economic zones with special rules, it has state controlled exchange rates, it didn't allow indirect foreign investment in a long time and recently it has become increasingly protectionist. They have been toying with the US for a long time.

"This is the first time in recent memory that we are seeing quite a lot of protectionism in China targeting commodities imports," said Simon Evenett, professor of international trade at Switzerland's University of St Gallen.

"This is a new dimension in Chinese intervention in commodities markets."

Rise of protectionism in China a threat to commodities imports
Greed is Apple building its products overseas with supercheap labor when Apple could still make a profit, albeit a smaller profit, building the products in the US for decent US wages.

How much do you think an iPhone would cost if it was built with union labor?

Apple made a net profit of about 14 billion in the first quarter of this year. What IF Apple only made half that profit,

7 billion, and the other 7 billion went into wages?

Here I agree with you.

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