Greece Runs Out of Other People's Money

Payment of dividends is deductible.

My god, you're a moron! No, they are not deductible.

Sure they are.

Are you sure that wasn't the Walmart seven?
How are they involved with your total ignorance of corporate cash holdings?

$100 trillion? Still fucking hilarious!

How are the Walmart seven involved in taking the company private? If Walmart went private, who would make ALL of the profit?

Your funny!

Sorry, dividends are not deductible to the corporations paying them out.
Payment of dividends is deductible.

My god, you're a moron! No, they are not deductible.

Sure they are.

Are you sure that wasn't the Walmart seven?
How are they involved with your total ignorance of corporate cash holdings?

$100 trillion? Still fucking hilarious!

How are the Walmart seven involved in taking the company private? If Walmart went private, who would make ALL of the profit?

Your funny!

Sorry, dividends are not deductible to the corporations paying them out.

He's a moron. And a liar.
My non-regulated family trust which is a Nevada Corporation paid; $987,000.00 in federal tax on $36.5M in income.

Like individuals, trusts must pay taxes on earnings. Yet trusts vault into the highest bracket much quicker than individuals do: In 2014, trusts pay the maximum rate on any earnings above $12,150, while individuals can make as much as $406,750 before the top rate kicks in.
In addition, many trusts face a bigger income-tax bite when they file this year because of new higher rates on top earners that took effect in 2013. The maximum rate for trusts is 43.4%, now that the highest tax bracket has risen to 39.6% and there is also a new 3.8% surtax on net investment income for high earners.

How a Trust Can Cut Taxes - WSJ


Now, take a non-regulated trust and make it a Nevada corporation.

I don't care what state your imaginary trust is located in. Neither does the IRS.
Over 43%, liar.

Dayam. I paid more than that in property tax alone.
Payment of dividends is deductible.

My god, you're a moron! No, they are not deductible.

Sure they are.

Are you sure that wasn't the Walmart seven?
How are they involved with your total ignorance of corporate cash holdings?

$100 trillion? Still fucking hilarious!

How are the Walmart seven involved in taking the company private? If Walmart went private, who would make ALL of the profit?

Your funny!

"Your" pathetic (and incredibly obvious).
The debt will never go away, but I think it's funny how morons want to try to find ways to alleviate the debt and ignore the most obvious.

It's about as funny as the morons that think taking everything the rich have is going to solve their spending and debt problems.

Who wants to do that? :blahblah:

Don't look here with your rambling ... You are the one who thinks taxing the rich will help with fix the debt and spending problems.
Unless of course you want to crawfish and just say you want to tax the rich for shits and giggles ... Because either reason would be equally ineffective at accomplishing anything worthwhile.

A debt based country will never be fixed, however, progressive taxation has been shown to alleviate inequality, give greater funding to state programs, etc, etc.. You can't honestly tell me the inequality in this world is justified?

Define inequality.
"Your" pathetic (and incredibly obvious).

The Walmart seven AREN'T trying to take the company private?

As is their right and if they offer me a 30% premium over today's closing price ($72.40), I'll gladly sell them my shares. By the way ... I was referring to your use of "your" when even a middle schooler knows it should have been "you're." The funny thing is you didn't even get the joke. "Your" it!
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How much debt is the united states in right now? :bang3:
Good job trying to imply Greece's evil "socialism" and "taking other people's money" only applies to Greece.
No, it applies to all failed countries. For that is what Socialism is. Failure.
Sorry, dividends are not deductible to the corporations paying them out.
Why not? Dividends are a cost of doing business.
Dividends are not deductible... It's amazing the huge number of errors you make in these threads.

But ... he's a biz wiz ... just ask him. :lmao:

And his imaginary trust pays one-tenth the tax rate on the IRS website...and he pays no individual taxes, 'cause he uses a corporate credit card.
Wow! Just WOW!
Dividends are paid from a company's net (after tax) profit. For one who makes such grandiose personal financial claims you really are MONUMENTALLY IGNORANT.
One percenter thinks corporations should pay taxes on revenue. Guy's all over the place.

And his imaginary trust pays one-tenth the tax rate on the IRS website...and he pays no individual taxes, 'cause he uses a corporate credit card.

Does everyone think 1%'s elevator doesn't make it to the upper floors?

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