Greece Runs Out of Other People's Money

The one right that leftists consider non-negotiable is THEIR right to decide what is best for you AND your money.

They have no concept of what people do with their money, nor where anyone's moral compass really is ... Because they are dead set on spending other people's money.
Thry simply assume that the rich don't care about anyone and don't contribute anything to society ... Because that is the way they are.

Furthermore ... They make the mistake of thinking we give a damn what their thieving ass has the say about anything.

your grandfather made his fortune with in the system where is he paid taxes your father paid taxes now you want to come along and not pay taxes and change the rules now that your success even know you made it in a system where people pay their taxes in the system ran smoothly I swear you libertarians you teabaggers are anarchists.
You refer to anarcho-capitalists, and they're not anarchists by any means, as actual anarchists are syndicalists/oppose all forms of hierarchy, infact, anarchism is explicitly anti-capitalism and anarchists are in favor of communal democracies, collective ownership, etc..
I was just thinking that with no regulations and no rules and anything goes survival of the fittest doggy dog world Rich rule it would be anarchy
Maybe as defined in the movies, but actual anarchism has a very vivid history and meaning.
A debt based country will never be fixed, however, progressive taxation has been shown to alleviate inequality, give greater funding to state programs, etc, etc.. You can't honestly tell me the inequality in this world is justified?

How is the inequality not justified ... Other than the fact you don't like it?
You have no justification to take what isn't yours to take ... At least not one that is worthwhile.

If we are going to decide that it is okay to take from people what we think we ought to take ... Give me your address and I will show up tomorrow with a truck and take all your shit.

Their is only one way to justify a tiny few who do almost nothing productive for anyone amassing billions while billions toil in impoverished conditions.. A horribly skewed moral compass.
  1. Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.
This is being generous and ignoring all context or a realistic poverty number.

Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.

It's obvious, taxes in those countries must be increased. LOL! Moron.

well if you live in Greece you will pay up front 62 cents of that for income tax another 42 cents for ssi and 23 % vat tax on anything you buy

with the buck you have left over


of course there could be other taxes as well
Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.

It's obvious, taxes in those countries must be increased. LOL! Moron.
Not what I'm saying at all, maybe you should learn to read.
Annual income of richest 100 people enough to end global poverty four times over Oxfam International

OMG! What a moronic claim.

More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.

The $240 billion net income in 2012 of the richest 100 billionaires would be enough to make extreme poverty history four times over, according Oxfam’s report

How much is $240 billion divided amongst those 1.3 billion people?
$185 per person. About 50 cents a day.
You've just raised their income from less than $1.25 a day, to less than $1.75 a day.

Hurray, we've ended extreme poverty, four times over!!!

My god, the fucking idiocy you swallow and regurgitate is astounding!
Which is a HUGE jump and improvement for these people. And that's just the richest 100.

Which is a HUGE jump and improvement for these people.

Right. HUGE jump. Less than $1.25 to less than $1.75. It sounds like OXFAM thinks a jump of 12.5 cents a day would have been enough to end extreme poverty.
Kill those greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
It is a huge jump, and that's only looking at the richest 100, and leaving out many other factors that we can do to help. Extreme poverty is defined as a $1.25, so yes, it would end extreme poverty as it is defined worldwide at a $1.25, although we need to continually find ways to reduce this. Don't see why you assume I support the killing of kulaks.. this isn't the USSR.

Don't see why you assume I support the killing of kulaks..

You've gotta break a few eggs (or a few million) to achieve a socialist paradise, eh comrade?

OMG! What a moronic claim.

More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.

The $240 billion net income in 2012 of the richest 100 billionaires would be enough to make extreme poverty history four times over, according Oxfam’s report

How much is $240 billion divided amongst those 1.3 billion people?
$185 per person. About 50 cents a day.
You've just raised their income from less than $1.25 a day, to less than $1.75 a day.

Hurray, we've ended extreme poverty, four times over!!!

My god, the fucking idiocy you swallow and regurgitate is astounding!
Which is a HUGE jump and improvement for these people. And that's just the richest 100.

Which is a HUGE jump and improvement for these people.

Right. HUGE jump. Less than $1.25 to less than $1.75. It sounds like OXFAM thinks a jump of 12.5 cents a day would have been enough to end extreme poverty.
Kill those greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
It is a huge jump, and that's only looking at the richest 100, and leaving out many other factors that we can do to help. Extreme poverty is defined as a $1.25, so yes, it would end extreme poverty as it is defined worldwide at a $1.25, although we need to continually find ways to reduce this. Don't see why you assume I support the killing of kulaks.. this isn't the USSR.

Don't see why you assume I support the killing of kulaks..

You've gotta break a few eggs (or a few million) to achieve a socialist paradise, eh comrade?
You had to break a few eggs to achieve a capitalist paradise, eh comrade?
OMG! What a moronic claim.

More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.

The $240 billion net income in 2012 of the richest 100 billionaires would be enough to make extreme poverty history four times over, according Oxfam’s report

How much is $240 billion divided amongst those 1.3 billion people?
$185 per person. About 50 cents a day.
You've just raised their income from less than $1.25 a day, to less than $1.75 a day.

Hurray, we've ended extreme poverty, four times over!!!

My god, the fucking idiocy you swallow and regurgitate is astounding!
Which is a HUGE jump and improvement for these people. And that's just the richest 100.

Which is a HUGE jump and improvement for these people.

Right. HUGE jump. Less than $1.25 to less than $1.75. It sounds like OXFAM thinks a jump of 12.5 cents a day would have been enough to end extreme poverty.
Kill those greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
It is a huge jump, and that's only looking at the richest 100, and leaving out many other factors that we can do to help. Extreme poverty is defined as a $1.25, so yes, it would end extreme poverty as it is defined worldwide at a $1.25, although we need to continually find ways to reduce this. Don't see why you assume I support the killing of kulaks.. this isn't the USSR.

Don't see why you assume I support the killing of kulaks..

You've gotta break a few eggs (or a few million) to achieve a socialist paradise, eh comrade?
You had to break a few eggs to achieve a capitalist paradise, eh comrade?

Sure, Mao, Stalin, Castro, the Khmer Rouge....big capitalists.
--LOL grease--LOL

Greece has outrageous tax rates
even my Republican friends in Europe know that the rich even the middle class in Greece have never paid their taxes. I recently learned how to use talk to text and it's allowed me to right 100 times faster but not as accurate on my smartphone sorry

everyone tries to avoid the outrageous taxes levied in Greece

that is why the black market is such a huge success there
Scandinavia is calling, asking why they don't have mass tax evasion despite high taxes. Oh wait, a MASSIVE welfare initiative, education, healthcare, strong labor unions.. Greece was suffering and the conditions didn't allow for these things to spiral up.

2/3 of Greek workers under declare or lie altogether about their incomes to the government

22% - 42% payroll taxes
capital gain in Greece is added to regular income
another 16.5% to ssi taxes
then of course the vat tax 23%
honest folks could not survive there

Scandinavia is calling, asking why they don't have mass tax evasion despite high taxes

oh and by the way Scandinavia evasion is not far behind at 19 percent while Greece is 24 percent
I believe Greece is starting to crack down and people are starting to pay their taxes. at least homeowners who don't want to lose their homes are. my cousin left Greece and went back to Canada and I'm sure he lost his home. maybe the next owner will pay their taxes. the day of lazy arrogant Greece is over. they should have never joined the European Union. They should have stayed laid-back lazy independent arrogant cocky tourism Greece

they are having a hard time with that

they are running out of people willing to work

and corporations that cant shell out that kind of change
we'll see if Europe and the US just let them starve/riot. I doubt it, the powers that be are too afraid that it will spread, to Spain, etc.

If you mean some gov'ts you may be right but if you mean creditors, you have it backwards. The fear is that concessions to Greece will embolden other EU weak links - like Spain - to use Greece's tactics in an effort to avoid repaying their loans.
Which is a HUGE jump and improvement for these people. And that's just the richest 100.

Which is a HUGE jump and improvement for these people.

Right. HUGE jump. Less than $1.25 to less than $1.75. It sounds like OXFAM thinks a jump of 12.5 cents a day would have been enough to end extreme poverty.
Kill those greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
It is a huge jump, and that's only looking at the richest 100, and leaving out many other factors that we can do to help. Extreme poverty is defined as a $1.25, so yes, it would end extreme poverty as it is defined worldwide at a $1.25, although we need to continually find ways to reduce this. Don't see why you assume I support the killing of kulaks.. this isn't the USSR.

Don't see why you assume I support the killing of kulaks..

You've gotta break a few eggs (or a few million) to achieve a socialist paradise, eh comrade?
You had to break a few eggs to achieve a capitalist paradise, eh comrade?

Sure, Mao, Stalin, Castro, the Khmer Rouge....big capitalists.
Remember the reign of terror? Might as well have claimed capitalism and liberal democracy were impossible. You refer to authoritarian states that are very interesting to examine, although the khmer rouge was backed by the united states and not supported by other communist countries, pol pot was a psychopath taking Maoist thought a bit to literally..
If someone not having something is worthwhile justification for taking it from someone else ... Then pony up cowboy ... We will take your shit instead.
I'll let others examine your moral conscious, but it's clear you have a sick idea of right and wrong.

Woo. An avowed socialist has precious little room to question the moral conscious of anyone.
If someone not having something is worthwhile justification for taking it from someone else ... Then pony up cowboy ... We will take your shit instead.
I'll let others examine your moral conscious, but it's clear you have a sick idea of right and wrong.

Woo. An avowed socialist has precious little room to question the moral conscious of anyone.
The glorious circlejerk continues. :talktothehand:
Which is a HUGE jump and improvement for these people.

Right. HUGE jump. Less than $1.25 to less than $1.75. It sounds like OXFAM thinks a jump of 12.5 cents a day would have been enough to end extreme poverty.
Kill those greedy kulaks, eh comrade?
It is a huge jump, and that's only looking at the richest 100, and leaving out many other factors that we can do to help. Extreme poverty is defined as a $1.25, so yes, it would end extreme poverty as it is defined worldwide at a $1.25, although we need to continually find ways to reduce this. Don't see why you assume I support the killing of kulaks.. this isn't the USSR.

Don't see why you assume I support the killing of kulaks..

You've gotta break a few eggs (or a few million) to achieve a socialist paradise, eh comrade?
You had to break a few eggs to achieve a capitalist paradise, eh comrade?

Sure, Mao, Stalin, Castro, the Khmer Rouge....big capitalists.
Remember the reign of terror? Might as well have claimed capitalism and liberal democracy were impossible. You refer to authoritarian states that are very interesting to examine, although the khmer rouge was backed by the united states and not supported by other communist countries, pol pot was a psychopath taking Maoist thought a bit to literally..

Remember the reign of terror?

It is a huge jump, and that's only looking at the richest 100, and leaving out many other factors that we can do to help. Extreme poverty is defined as a $1.25, so yes, it would end extreme poverty as it is defined worldwide at a $1.25, although we need to continually find ways to reduce this. Don't see why you assume I support the killing of kulaks.. this isn't the USSR.

Don't see why you assume I support the killing of kulaks..

You've gotta break a few eggs (or a few million) to achieve a socialist paradise, eh comrade?
You had to break a few eggs to achieve a capitalist paradise, eh comrade?

Sure, Mao, Stalin, Castro, the Khmer Rouge....big capitalists.
Remember the reign of terror? Might as well have claimed capitalism and liberal democracy were impossible. You refer to authoritarian states that are very interesting to examine, although the khmer rouge was backed by the united states and not supported by other communist countries, pol pot was a psychopath taking Maoist thought a bit to literally..

Remember the reign of terror?

Reign of Terror - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The debt will never go away, but I think it's funny how morons want to try to find ways to alleviate the debt and ignore the most obvious.

It's about as funny as the morons that think taking everything the rich have is going to solve their spending and debt problems.

Who wants to do that? :blahblah:

Don't look here with your rambling ... You are the one who thinks taxing the rich will help with fix the debt and spending problems.
Unless of course you want to crawfish and just say you want to tax the rich for shits and giggles ... Because either reason would be equally ineffective at accomplishing anything worthwhile...

I gather what he means is state-owned means of production but he hasn't explained how such a thing would be accomplished in a country like the US.
I can't think of one "Worker's Paradise" that paid for the means.
The debt will never go away, but I think it's funny how morons want to try to find ways to alleviate the debt and ignore the most obvious.

It's about as funny as the morons that think taking everything the rich have is going to solve their spending and debt problems.

Who wants to do that? :blahblah:

Don't look here with your rambling ... You are the one who thinks taxing the rich will help with fix the debt and spending problems.
Unless of course you want to crawfish and just say you want to tax the rich for shits and giggles ... Because either reason would be equally ineffective at accomplishing anything worthwhile...

I gather what he means is state-owned means of production but he hasn't explained how such a thing would be accomplished in a country like the US.
I can't think of one "Worker's Paradise" that paid for the means.
I don't want state owned production, I want communal democracies and democratic structures, as it was done in catalonia/the free ukraine.
The one right that leftists consider non-negotiable is THEIR right to decide what is best for you AND your money.

They have no concept of what people do with their money, nor where anyone's moral compass really is ... Because they are dead set on spending other people's money.
Thry simply assume that the rich don't care about anyone and don't contribute anything to society ... Because that is the way they are.

Furthermore ... They make the mistake of thinking we give a damn what their thieving ass has the say about anything.

your grandfather made his fortune with in the system where is he paid taxes your father paid taxes now you want to come along and not pay taxes and change the rules now that your success even know you made it in a system where people pay their taxes in the system ran smoothly I swear you libertarians you teabaggers are anarchists.
You refer to anarcho-capitalists, and they're not anarchists by any means, as actual anarchists are syndicalists/oppose all forms of hierarchy, infact, anarchism is explicitly anti-capitalism and anarchists are in favor of communal democracies, collective ownership, etc..
I was just thinking that with no regulations and no rules and anything goes survival of the fittest doggy dog world Rich rule it would be anarchy
Maybe as defined in the movies, but actual anarchism has a very vivid history and meaning.
reminds me of how Republicans or conservatives misuse the word fascism or socialism or communism
They have no concept of what people do with their money, nor where anyone's moral compass really is ... Because they are dead set on spending other people's money.
Thry simply assume that the rich don't care about anyone and don't contribute anything to society ... Because that is the way they are.

Furthermore ... They make the mistake of thinking we give a damn what their thieving ass has the say about anything.

your grandfather made his fortune with in the system where is he paid taxes your father paid taxes now you want to come along and not pay taxes and change the rules now that your success even know you made it in a system where people pay their taxes in the system ran smoothly I swear you libertarians you teabaggers are anarchists.
You refer to anarcho-capitalists, and they're not anarchists by any means, as actual anarchists are syndicalists/oppose all forms of hierarchy, infact, anarchism is explicitly anti-capitalism and anarchists are in favor of communal democracies, collective ownership, etc..
I was just thinking that with no regulations and no rules and anything goes survival of the fittest doggy dog world Rich rule it would be anarchy
Maybe as defined in the movies, but actual anarchism has a very vivid history and meaning.
reminds me of how Republicans or conservatives misuse the word fascism or socialism or communism
OH DEAR GOD, YES, Fuck, I spend more time explaining that Obama is not a fucking communist these days then I should.. People are so brainwashed in partisan hogwash and rush limbaugh, damn, I even have a link to a subreddit where people from europe/etc laugh at shit americans say, fuck, 99% of the posts on here would make it on there. I should get them to come over here so these rightwingers can talk to some actual people living in Norway/finland/Britain/denmark/etc..
I'm irritated, yes, when you and others consistently downplay billions of people in poverty for your protection of a few elites wealth.

You have no reason to think that people don't care about others just because they don't want you stealing their money.
What they do is up to them ... And whether or not they contribute more to the welfare of the billions than you do is something you cannot say.

So shut your thieving ass up ... Step up and put your crap in the pot to save the world ... And quit trying to assume who, or what, other people are because they don't want you stealing their money.

You are pathetic in thinking you are any better ... Or are in the least bit altruistic ... Just because you like spending other people's money.
Like I mentioned before ... Your moral compass is completely fucked beyond repair.
We don't have to fit your distorted assed dialog of the way you think things should be ... You are nothing but a wannabee thief.

I'm irritated, yes, when you and others consistently downplay billions of people in poverty for your protection of a few elites wealth.

You have no reason to think that people don't care about others just because they don't want you stealing their money.
What they do is up to them ... And whether or not they contribute more to the welfare of the billions than you do is something you cannot say.

So shut your thieving ass up ... Step up and put your crap in the pot to save the world ... And quit trying to assume who, or what, other people are because they don't want you stealing their money.

You are pathetic in thinking you are any better ... Or are in the least bit altruistic ... Just because you like spending other people's money.
Like I mentioned before ... Your moral compass is completely fucked beyond repair.
We don't have to fit your distorted assed dialog of the way you think things should be ... You are nothing but a wannabee thief.

The circlejerk and sheer stupidity continues.

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