Greece Runs Out of Other People's Money

And the Grexit I predicted back in January comes one step closer. What did those assholes think? They could stick their thumbs in Europeans' eyes and say fuck you but still continue to get bailout money? I dont think so.
Greece and creditors fail in last attempt to reach deal - Yahoo Finance
grease like the United States is going broke because the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes

--LOL grease--LOL

Greece has outrageous tax rates
Tax evasion and corruption in Greece - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
you could just change the word Greece to America and that report would probably be just as accurate
Oh, also:
  1. Oxfam estimates that it would take $60 billion annually to end extreme global poverty--that's less than 1/4 the income of the top 100 richest billionaires.
And the Grexit I predicted back in January comes one step closer. What did those assholes think? They could stick their thumbs in Europeans' eyes and say fuck you but still continue to get bailout money? I dont think so.
Greece and creditors fail in last attempt to reach deal - Yahoo Finance
grease like the United States is going broke because the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes

--LOL grease--LOL

Greece has outrageous tax rates
even my Republican friends in Europe know that the rich even the middle class in Greece have never paid their taxes. I recently learned how to use talk to text and it's allowed me to right 100 times faster but not as accurate on my smartphone sorry

everyone tries to avoid the outrageous taxes levied in Greece

that is why the black market is such a huge success there
And the Grexit I predicted back in January comes one step closer. What did those assholes think? They could stick their thumbs in Europeans' eyes and say fuck you but still continue to get bailout money? I dont think so.
Greece and creditors fail in last attempt to reach deal - Yahoo Finance
grease like the United States is going broke because the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes

--LOL grease--LOL

Greece has outrageous tax rates
even my Republican friends in Europe know that the rich even the middle class in Greece have never paid their taxes. I recently learned how to use talk to text and it's allowed me to right 100 times faster but not as accurate on my smartphone sorry

everyone tries to avoid the outrageous taxes levied in Greece

that is why the black market is such a huge success there
Scandinavia is calling, asking why they don't have mass tax evasion despite high taxes. Oh wait, a MASSIVE welfare initiative, education, healthcare, strong labor unions.. Greece was suffering and the conditions didn't allow for these things to spiral up.
And the Grexit I predicted back in January comes one step closer. What did those assholes think? They could stick their thumbs in Europeans' eyes and say fuck you but still continue to get bailout money? I dont think so.
Greece and creditors fail in last attempt to reach deal - Yahoo Finance
grease like the United States is going broke because the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes

--LOL grease--LOL

Greece has outrageous tax rates
Tax evasion and corruption in Greece - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

thats socialism for ya
A debt based country will never be fixed, however, progressive taxation has been shown to alleviate inequality, give greater funding to state programs, etc, etc.. You can't honestly tell me the inequality in this world is justified?

How is the inequality not justified ... Other than the fact you don't like it?
You have no justification to take what isn't yours to take ... At least not one that is worthwhile.

If we are going to decide that it is okay to take from people what we think we ought to take ... Give me your address and I will show up tomorrow with a truck and take all your shit.

Their is only one way to justify a tiny few who do almost nothing productive for anyone amassing billions while billions toil in impoverished conditions.. A horribly skewed moral compass.
  1. Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.
This is being generous and ignoring all context or a realistic poverty number.

If someone not having something is worthwhile justification for taking it from someone else ... Then pony up cowboy ... We will take your shit instead.

And the Grexit I predicted back in January comes one step closer. What did those assholes think? They could stick their thumbs in Europeans' eyes and say fuck you but still continue to get bailout money? I dont think so.
Greece and creditors fail in last attempt to reach deal - Yahoo Finance
grease like the United States is going broke because the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes

--LOL grease--LOL

Greece has outrageous tax rates
Tax evasion and corruption in Greece - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

thats socialism for ya
Are you a moron? Greece was never socialist, fuck, socialism is collective ownership of the means of production, your attempt at partisan stupidity is noted.
we'll see if Europe and the US just let them starve/riot. I doubt it, the powers that be are too afraid that it will spread, to Spain, etc.
And the Grexit I predicted back in January comes one step closer. What did those assholes think? They could stick their thumbs in Europeans' eyes and say fuck you but still continue to get bailout money? I dont think so.
Greece and creditors fail in last attempt to reach deal - Yahoo Finance
grease like the United States is going broke because the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes

--LOL grease--LOL

Greece has outrageous tax rates
even my Republican friends in Europe know that the rich even the middle class in Greece have never paid their taxes. I recently learned how to use talk to text and it's allowed me to right 100 times faster but not as accurate on my smartphone sorry

everyone tries to avoid the outrageous taxes levied in Greece

that is why the black market is such a huge success there
isn't that free market capitalism?
A debt based country will never be fixed, however, progressive taxation has been shown to alleviate inequality, give greater funding to state programs, etc, etc.. You can't honestly tell me the inequality in this world is justified?

How is the inequality not justified ... Other than the fact you don't like it?
You have no justification to take what isn't yours to take ... At least not one that is worthwhile.

If we are going to decide that it is okay to take from people what we think we ought to take ... Give me your address and I will show up tomorrow with a truck and take all your shit.

Their is only one way to justify a tiny few who do almost nothing productive for anyone amassing billions while billions toil in impoverished conditions.. A horribly skewed moral compass.
  1. Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.
This is being generous and ignoring all context or a realistic poverty number.

If someone not having something is worthwhile justification for taking it from someone else ... Then pony up cowboy ... We will take your shit instead.

I'll let others examine your moral conscious, but it's clear you have a sick idea of right and wrong.
Inequality is becoming extreme, people are suffering, and you want to tell me this is ok because a tiny few won't have to pay higher taxes on their fucking billions? This is the right wing.
Annual income of richest 100 people enough to end global poverty four times over Oxfam International
I'll let others examine your moral conscious, but it's clear you have a sick idea of right and wrong.
Inequality is becoming extreme, people are suffering, and you want to tell me this is ok because a tiny few won't have to pay higher taxes on their fucking billions? This is the right wing.
Annual income of richest 100 people enough to end global poverty four times over Oxfam International

Having money is not immoral ... Attempting to steal it from someone else just because you think it is a good idea is.

I'll let others examine your moral conscious, but it's clear you have a sick idea of right and wrong.
Inequality is becoming extreme, people are suffering, and you want to tell me this is ok because a tiny few won't have to pay higher taxes on their fucking billions? This is the right wing.
Annual income of richest 100 people enough to end global poverty four times over Oxfam International

Having money is not immoral ... Attempting to steal it from someone else just because you think it is a good idea is.

Nothing about owning abstract value is "immoral" what's immoral is you blatantly accepting that billions should suffer so a tiny few can keep 100 yachts instead of 75. Oh my fucking god, YOU'RE ACTING LIKE TAXES ARE STEALING. This is pathetic, then again, you're not helping show the right as having a "moral compass."
A debt based country will never be fixed, however, progressive taxation has been shown to alleviate inequality, give greater funding to state programs, etc, etc.. You can't honestly tell me the inequality in this world is justified?

How is the inequality not justified ... Other than the fact you don't like it?
You have no justification to take what isn't yours to take ... At least not one that is worthwhile.

If we are going to decide that it is okay to take from people what we think we ought to take ... Give me your address and I will show up tomorrow with a truck and take all your shit.

Their is only one way to justify a tiny few who do almost nothing productive for anyone amassing billions while billions toil in impoverished conditions.. A horribly skewed moral compass.
  1. Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.
This is being generous and ignoring all context or a realistic poverty number.

Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.

It's obvious, taxes in those countries must be increased. LOL! Moron.
A debt based country will never be fixed, however, progressive taxation has been shown to alleviate inequality, give greater funding to state programs, etc, etc.. You can't honestly tell me the inequality in this world is justified?

How is the inequality not justified ... Other than the fact you don't like it?
You have no justification to take what isn't yours to take ... At least not one that is worthwhile.

If we are going to decide that it is okay to take from people what we think we ought to take ... Give me your address and I will show up tomorrow with a truck and take all your shit.

Their is only one way to justify a tiny few who do almost nothing productive for anyone amassing billions while billions toil in impoverished conditions.. A horribly skewed moral compass.
  1. Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.
This is being generous and ignoring all context or a realistic poverty number.

Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day.

It's obvious, taxes in those countries must be increased. LOL! Moron.
Not what I'm saying at all, maybe you should learn to read.
Annual income of richest 100 people enough to end global poverty four times over Oxfam International
I'll let others examine your moral conscious, but it's clear you have a sick idea of right and wrong.
Inequality is becoming extreme, people are suffering, and you want to tell me this is ok because a tiny few won't have to pay higher taxes on their fucking billions? This is the right wing.
Annual income of richest 100 people enough to end global poverty four times over Oxfam International

Having money is not immoral ... Attempting to steal it from someone else just because you think it is a good idea is.

Nothing about owning abstract value is "immoral" what's immoral is you blatantly accepting that billions should suffer so a tiny few can keep 100 yachts instead of 75. Oh my fucking god, YOU'RE ACTING LIKE TAXES ARE STEALING. This is pathetic, then again, you're not helping show the right as having a "moral compass."

Your ideas of theft are not any more moral just because you think you have a good idea.
What is pathetic is your inability to understand that you have no right to what isn't yours ... And stealing it is wrong.

Your moral compass is fucked beyond repair ... You think it is okay to take stuff that isn't yours from other people.

I'll let others examine your moral conscious, but it's clear you have a sick idea of right and wrong.
Inequality is becoming extreme, people are suffering, and you want to tell me this is ok because a tiny few won't have to pay higher taxes on their fucking billions? This is the right wing.
Annual income of richest 100 people enough to end global poverty four times over Oxfam International

Having money is not immoral ... Attempting to steal it from someone else just because you think it is a good idea is.

Nothing about owning abstract value is "immoral" what's immoral is you blatantly accepting that billions should suffer so a tiny few can keep 100 yachts instead of 75. Oh my fucking god, YOU'RE ACTING LIKE TAXES ARE STEALING. This is pathetic, then again, you're not helping show the right as having a "moral compass."

Your ideas of theft are not any more moral just because you think you have a good idea.
What is pathetic is your inability to understand that you have no right to what isn't yours ... And stealing it is wrong.

Your moral compass is fucked beyond repair ... You think it is okay to take stuff that isn't yours from other people.

Disgusting. Time to go through this.. "Theft" Ah, tell me, who generated this abstract value (money) for the capitalist? Certainly not the capitalist, do you truly think one person who does nothing productive to the world should own as much as millions of productive laborers all working harder in actual productive labor? Think before you speak, the money these morons owned is generated by labor, it's the surplus value of labor, and I wouldn't call taxes stealing, more like, taking back what is rightfully owned ;). What isn't mine? Of course I don't, fuck, by even talking about inequality or taxes, you assume people are fucking thieves? You can ignore poverty, starvation, suffering children, sweatshop workers, etc, etc all you want and consistently defend the growing wealth gap, by throwing yourself on the side of a tiny few who only care about their own wealth acquisition and profit, which is fine, people need to be aware of what the right wing advocates.
How much debt is the united states in right now? ...Good job trying to imply Greece's evil "socialism" and "taking other people's money" only applies to Greece.

Nowhere did the OP mention Greece's "evil socialism" but the moral of this Greek Tragedy is the end game that is playing out as we speak: that any economic entity - individual, family, business, city, country, etc. - will fail if it persistently spends beyond its means. Greece pretends to have a "First World" economy and spends accordingly. They ran out of their money decades ago and are about to run out of OPM.
The jig is up for Greece and reality will be a difficult and bitter pill for the Greeks to swallow (austerity is coming whether they vote for it or not) but their plight certainly provides a valuable lesson for all.
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How much debt is the united states in right now? ...Good job trying to imply Greece's evil "socialism" and "taking other people's money" only applies to Greece.

Nowhere did the OP mention Greece's "evil socialism" but the moral of this Greek Tragedy is the end game that playing out as we speak: that any economic entity - individual, family, business, city, country, etc. - will fail if it persistently lives beyond its means. Greece pretends to have a "First World" economy and spends accordingly. They ran out of money decades ago and are about to run out of OPM.
The jig is up for Greece and reality will be a difficult and bitter pill for the Greeks to swallow (austerity is coming whether they vote it or not) but their plight certainly provides a valuable lesson for all.
I've talked with the OP before sayit, trust me, this is what was being implied. (The OP claimed California is an example of failed socialism, don't expect me not to laugh.)
And the Grexit I predicted back in January comes one step closer. What did those assholes think? They could stick their thumbs in Europeans' eyes and say fuck you but still continue to get bailout money? I dont think so.
Greece and creditors fail in last attempt to reach deal - Yahoo Finance
grease like the United States is going broke because the rich are not paying their fair share of taxes

--LOL grease--LOL

Greece has outrageous tax rates
even my Republican friends in Europe know that the rich even the middle class in Greece have never paid their taxes. I recently learned how to use talk to text and it's allowed me to right 100 times faster but not as accurate on my smartphone sorry

everyone tries to avoid the outrageous taxes levied in Greece

that is why the black market is such a huge success there
Scandinavia is calling, asking why they don't have mass tax evasion despite high taxes. Oh wait, a MASSIVE welfare initiative, education, healthcare, strong labor unions.. Greece was suffering and the conditions didn't allow for these things to spiral up.

2/3 of Greek workers under declare or lie altogether about their incomes to the government

22% - 42% payroll taxes
capital gain in Greece is added to regular income
another 16.5% to ssi taxes
then of course the vat tax 23%
honest folks could not survive there

Scandinavia is calling, asking why they don't have mass tax evasion despite high taxes

oh and by the way Scandinavia evasion is not far behind at 19 percent while Greece is 24 percent
I'll let others examine your moral conscious, but it's clear you have a sick idea of right and wrong.
Inequality is becoming extreme, people are suffering, and you want to tell me this is ok because a tiny few won't have to pay higher taxes on their fucking billions? This is the right wing.
Annual income of richest 100 people enough to end global poverty four times over Oxfam International

Having money is not immoral ... Attempting to steal it from someone else just because you think it is a good idea is.

Nothing about owning abstract value is "immoral" what's immoral is you blatantly accepting that billions should suffer so a tiny few can keep 100 yachts instead of 75. Oh my fucking god, YOU'RE ACTING LIKE TAXES ARE STEALING. This is pathetic, then again, you're not helping show the right as having a "moral compass."

Your ideas of theft are not any more moral just because you think you have a good idea.
What is pathetic is your inability to understand that you have no right to what isn't yours ... And stealing it is wrong.

Your moral compass is fucked beyond repair ... You think it is okay to take stuff that isn't yours from other people...

The one right that leftists consider non-negotiable is THEIR right to decide what is best for you AND your money.

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