Greed = the one thng that unites politicians over the world

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

Its hilarious that a man who doesnt like the minimum wage wants more money in the trough for politicians.

He is right about low quality people in the job. But I dont think more pay is the answer to that.

Is this an issue that can unite left and right ?
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Moron Turdy thinks it is restricted to politicians .

Turdy and Raspberry . Our two award winning wankers
Corrupt Dems don't need a pay raise. Dem members of congress seem to be doing well, Briben raked in millions in bribes, Pelosi raked in $150M, the gold bars and bricks of cash bribes Dem in the news recently. A bunch of them just opt to not pay their taxes.
Why do people with immense wealth root against those with little wealth? It's truly a phenomenon. The two don't share the same ideals for sure.
Its hilarious that a man who doesnt [sic] like the minimum wage wants more money in the trough for politicians.
He is right about low quality people in the job. But I dont [sic] think more pay is the answer to that.
Is this an issue that can unite left and right ?

A parasite that lives entirely on wealth stolen from those who rightfully worked to earn it, never doing anything to earn his own way, wants to speak to us of greed.
We are clearly divided by socio economics. The different classes don't share the same ideals.

Its hilarious that a man who doesnt like the minimum wage wants more money in the trough for politicians.

He is right about low quality people in the job. But I dont think more pay is the answer to that.

Is this an issue that can unite left and right ?

AOC said similar day1. Nary a peep outa you brown-brit. It costs a lot to live in DC they say. But they know that going in? Well AOC probably not? But I digress.

it’s enough for an APT, I would think? But not to buy a 5000 Sqft home at “home” also? Try stocking shelves at night at Costco.
AOC said similar day1. Nary a peep outa you brown-brit. It costs a lot to live in DC they say. But they know that going in? Well AOC probably not? But I digress.

it’s enough for an APT, I would think? But not to buy a 5000 Sqft home at “home” also? Try stocking shelves at night at Costco.
They say that london is expensive. But they get help with that.
No surprise, there.

Your very existence is based on greed, on living off of wealth stolen from others who worked to produce and earn it, while doing nothing to produce anything of any value yourself.
Low wage labor built this themselves. The greedy sat back and thought about how to reduce their wages.
No surprise, there.

Your very existence is based on greed, on living off of wealth stolen from others who worked to produce and earn it, while doing nothing to produce anything of any value yourself.
IIRC, there's a dirty little word describing that , that so few like to bring up Bobby ~S~

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