Greedy, incompetent, White Boys,responsible for America's Economic mess.

Again, you are comparing a loss of FINANCES with a LOSS OF LIFE and acting like violent crime somehow has less of a societal impact than fraud. go tell the wife of a dead liquor store clerk that joke.

You are making dumb comparisons, whites kill as well as blacks, why the obsession with liquor store robberies? Whites commit robberies too. The point is that white collar crime, which is committed predominantly by whites, is more of a financial burden people than all black crime put together.

The point of this thread is about how crime[white collar crime] by rich whites economically affects the economy, your retarded self took the thread off-topic with your ad-hominem arguing about people dying in liquor store robberies which is non-sequitir.
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Yes and whites need to quit killing each other also, but that is a completely different topic so you and Shogun need to quit introducing red herrings to distract from what is being discussed in *THIS* thread.

And you guys need to stop ignoring the facts presented earlier in this thread. Seems you'd rather discuss red herrings than acknowledge the facts that show the thread starter is talking out of his anal cavity!
And you guys need to stop ignoring the facts presented earlier in this thread. Seems you'd rather discuss red herrings than acknowledge the facts that show the thread starter is talking out of his anal cavity!

Idiot this thread is about financial crimes by whites hurting the economy, you and that sawed off nut introduced the red herrings or should the Great One say strawman by talking about liquor store robberies and murder.
Idiot this thread is about financial crimes by whites hurting the economy, you and that sawed off nut introduced the red herrings or should the Great One say strawman by talking about liquor store robberies and murder.

And here's me thinking you were intelligent! Seems you're just another dumb biff. Before you call someone an idiot, you really should make sure you're on firm ground.

Clearly you haven't been following the thread, or are you another racist who believes there are no Blacks on Wall Street. Go back and read my earlier posts you five finger shuffler! I've made it as easy as possible for dumb shits by laying out the top 25 BLACK managers on Wall Street.

How can you possibly confine your accusations to whites, when many are supervised by blacks? Time to stop talking out your fart factory mate.
I look at companies like Tyco,WorldCom,Enron, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers,
AIG, and the SocGen trader that stole Billions,and what do I see?, I see always a greedy White male stealing hundreds of millions of dollars.
And they receive little to no Punishment.

Why are these Wall street theives always White males, who feel that they have to not only,steal large sums of money,but they destory millions of other
peoples s lives, by their actions in the destruction of these Billion dollar

I was always told as a child, "never put all your eggs in one basket".
Who, in their right mind, would put so much money into "Sub prime" Mortages?!.This whole thing is bordering on gross incompetence by those greedy incompetent White Boys!

Since you want to stereotype, perhaps you can tell us why it always unscrupulous greedy blacks who prey on other blacks selling them drugs and forcing them into gangs and crime within their own neighborhoods and destroy millions of people's lives in the process?

Oh wait ... THAT's different and I'm racist, right? Bullshit. Being unscrupulous and greedy isn't limited to nor defined by skin color. It is coincidental to the opportunities sociopaths find theselves presented with.

Your assertion is stupid.
Since you want to stereotype, perhaps you can tell us why it always unscrupulous greedy blacks who prey on other blacks selling them drugs and forcing them into gangs and crime within their own neighborhoods and destroy millions of people's lives in the process?

Oh wait ... THAT's different and I'm racist, right? Bullshit. Being unscrupulous and greedy isn't limited to nor defined by skin color. It is coincidental to the opportunities sociopaths find theselves presented with.

Your assertion is stupid.

Out of 40 million blacks not even 1% sell drugs so what are you talking about? The average drug dealer isn't making any money and lives and poverty, that in no way is comparable to already rich whites who robs people of 300 billion dollars annually with their white collar crimes. Crimes in the ghetto like drug dealing is related to poverty, what drives these rich people on Wall Street to commit white collar crimes? Greed and evil capitalism. While poverty driven crime is *NOT* excusable, it isn't driven by greed so much as it is by poverty. Nevertheless, your premise is correct, greed isn't specific nor limited to any one skin color.
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Out of 40 million blacks not even 1% sell drugs so what are you talking about? The average drug dealer isn't making any money and lives and poverty, that in no way is comparable to already rich whites who robs people of 300 billion dollars annually with their white collar crimes. Crimes in the ghetto like drug dealing is related to poverty, what drives these rich people on Wall Street to commit white collar crimes? Greed and evil capitalism. While poverty driven crime is *NOT* excusable, it isn't driven by greed so much as it is by poverty.

You missed my point entirely because you're too hung up on your own skin color and bullshit.

There is NO difference between white, sociopathic opporunists and black sociopathic opportunists. You try using totals as justification to make whites appear the worse, when in fact, if you break that down by percentages of demographs your totals don't pan out as well as you'd like them to.

The fact you try to justify crimes in the ghetto with poverty while cutting no slack to whiate collar crimes on Wall Street is disengenuous. Crime is crime and drugs destroy lives every bit as much as any unscrupulous lender coupled with a stupid buyer.

And last I heard, you liked to wear your ring under whitey's nose anyway, os what the fuck would you know? You're a product of a pandering white society that has propped you up on top giving you opportunities whites don't get because of your minority status. Don't whine to me with a silver spoon in your hand. Mine's stainless steel.:eusa_eh:
You missed my point entirely because you're too hung up on your own skin color and bullshit.

No the Bass isn't hung up on colour, you need to re-read the post below because it was edited at the end.

There is NO difference between white, sociopathic opporunists and black sociopathic opportunists. You try using totals as justification to make whites appear the worse, when in fact, if you break that down by percentages of demographs your totals don't pan out as well as you'd like them to.

The Bass never said their is justification for what blacks do, the Bass simply said its driven by different factors, namely poverty and it has nothing to do with race. If yo took a trip to France and saw the ghettos there the same thing exist, why? Because of poverty.

The fact you try to justify crimes in the ghetto with poverty while cutting no slack to whiate collar crimes on Wall Street is disengenuous. Crime is crime and drugs destroy lives every bit as much as any unscrupulous lender coupled with a stupid buyer.

And last I heard, you liked to wear your ring under whitey's nose anyway, os what the fuck would you know? You're a product of a pandering white society that has propped you up on top giving you opportunities whites don't get because of your minority status. Don't whine to me with a silver spoon in your hand. Mine's stainless steel.:eusa_eh:

Blacks are given opportunities that whites don't get? Come again? Ever heard of white privilege? Despite some progress by my people its still the same old crap, a "****** is a ****** and never will the ******* be equal to us whites because we're superior and because we're white". White privilege will always trump any opportunities given to blacks.
First off the economy is going bankrupt because the 60% tax payer base(middle class) cant support all the freaking federally force reparations programs or welfare handouts. A deregulated Wall Street is just icing on the cake...Besides do you all realize the rigors of training that go into Trader training, not to mention the candidates for these positions have to have sharp shrewed mentalities with nerves of steel, to this end the choices of Wall Street Traders are limited at best(so dont go bashing whites you racist). However if you'd like to truely fix the economy instead of playing the blame game?? start by calling your congressman or congresslady tell'em to stop all federally funded welfare handouts including foreign aid as well as foreign blackmail funding, harshly regulate Wall Street, abolish NAFTA and the IRS(overall percentage tax) and the economy will mostly heal its self......................
The financial crisis we're in now was triggered by the mortgage meltdown.

The mortgage meltdown was caused by one thing: blacks and Hispanics not paying their mortgages!

First they said the system was "racist" 'cause blacks and Hispanics with bad credit couldn't get loans. So they loosened things up, and now look at what happens.

At the top, a lot of the slick money men playing with other people's money are JEWS, not whites.

I'm sure you can find some unscrupulous whites on Wall Street and some irresponsible whites who also did not pay their mortgages, but to blame our mess on "Greedy, incompetent, White Boys" is absurd. Blacks, left to their own devices, couldn't support an economy based on subsistence farming. The rich blacks in America basically have WHITES to thank for their stations... a musically or athletically talented black African sure as hell doesn't get wildly rich IN AFRICA.
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William Joyce your absolutly right thats why i sad in my last post,"A deregulated Wall Street was just icing on the cake"
If you wanna' blame us white people for everything that goes wrong with blacks, then I want credit for the good stuff too.
From now on Halle Berry is White,
Micheal Jordan was trained by white people,
The Blues was invented by whites, etc, etc.

We'll let you take the credit for crack cocaine though. :lol:

I do realize that there are many excellent machines, and computers, and other
great inventions created by White men, and or "White Boys", that I use , and have benefited from.Don't misinterpret my post"Greedy incompetent White boys, responsible for America's Economic mess", was not intended to disrespect
White men or the "White Race". I was just trying to make a point, about a certain breed of White men then have no morals, or ethics, when it comes to
dealing with hundreds of millions of Dollars.So no disrespect intended towards, "White Men" or "White Boys" in General.
I look at companies like Tyco,WorldCom,Enron, Bear Sterns, Lehman Brothers,
AIG, and the SocGen trader that stole Billions,and what do I see?, I see always a greedy White male stealing hundreds of millions of dollars.
And they receive little to no Punishment.

Why are these Wall street theives always White males, who feel that they have to not only,steal large sums of money,but they destory millions of other
peoples s lives, by their actions in the destruction of these Billion dollar

I was always told as a child, "never put all your eggs in one basket".
Who, in their right mind, would put so much money into "Sub prime" Mortages?!.This whole thing is bordering on gross incompetence by those greedy incompetent White Boys!

Because the vast majority of blacks are too stupid to steal anything other than some 100 dollar shoes they shot some 12 year old for? But there is that "talented tenth", a particulaly interesting example given the current situation of the affairs on wall stree and your aversion to sub-prime lendingt:

Franklin Raines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As corrupt as they come.

By the way, the dumb ass dumbocrats in congress are responsible for this mess for allowing them to throw sub-primes at anyone with a pulse. Know why the did it? To increase minority home ownership and the fat kickbacks they were getting, Odumba being one of the largest recipients of this money.
Because the vast majority of blacks are too stupid to steal anything other than some 100 dollar shoes they shot some 12 year old for? But there is that "talented tenth", a particulaly interesting example given the current situation of the affairs on wall stree and your aversion to sub-prime lendingt:

Franklin Raines - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As corrupt as they come.

By the way, the dumb ass dumbocrats in congress are responsible for this mess for allowing them to throw sub-primes at anyone with a pulse. Know why the did it? To increase minority home ownership and the fat kickbacks they were getting, Odumba being one of the largest recipients of this money.

The Best you could do is find one black person? LMAO!
Out of 40 million blacks not even 1% sell drugs so what are you talking about? The average drug dealer isn't making any money and lives and poverty, that in no way is comparable to already rich whites who robs people of 300 billion dollars annually with their white collar crimes. Crimes in the ghetto like drug dealing is related to poverty, what drives these rich people on Wall Street to commit white collar crimes? Greed and evil capitalism. While poverty driven crime is *NOT* excusable, it isn't driven by greed so much as it is by poverty. Nevertheless, your premise is correct, greed isn't specific nor limited to any one skin color.

Out of 200,00,00 million Whites not 1/1000th of 1% caused the Wall street banking crises so what the FUCK are YOU talking about?

That the poor get screwed by our criminal justice system, but the rich don't?

No shit, sherlock.

And you think that doesn't effect Whites just like it does Blacks, why?

Because, Charlie Bass, YOU are a racist, that's why.
Out of 200,00,00 million Whites not 1/1000th of 1% caused the Wall street banking crises so what the FUCK are YOU talking about?

That the poor get screwed by our criminal justice system, but the rich don't?

No shit, sherlock.

And you think that doesn't effect Whites just like it does Blacks, why?

Because, Charlie Bass, YOU are a racist, that's why.

300 million dollars a year is no small deal you jackass and nobody said the crisis only affected blacks, its about these rich, greedy white men ripping off the country and getting away with it.

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