Greek is more original and more interesting. The Jewish mythology as contained in the Old and New T


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Greek mythology pwns jewish mythology.

This site sucks. Cannot edit the title to make it more easily comprehensible to the masses.
Greek mythology pwns jewish mythology.

This site sucks. Cannot edit the title to make it more easily comprehensible to the masses.

There is a way , go into edit, and at the top it says edit the title.
Interesting topic, can you elaborate?

I prefer ancient Mesopotamian mythology myself but to each their own. Greek myth is epic as well. And Egyptian. And Abrahamic, and others. I enjoy it all.

Did the Greek myths chapter and book #'s match their fulfilled events dates like the Tanakh does?
Didn't think so. Neither does the NT text ever show proof of non linear time intervention.
Which means one is influenced by that which knows future outcomes already and the other is just archaic age scribbling.
Greek mythology pwns jewish mythology.

This site sucks. Cannot edit the title to make it more easily comprehensible to the masses.

When the Greek pantheon has a god in charge of banquets, feasts, wine, and orgies, it blows away pretty much everything else. :)
Did the Greek myths chapter and book #'s match their fulfilled events dates like the Tanakh does?
Didn't think so. Neither does the NT text ever show proof of non linear time intervention.
Which means one is influenced by that which knows future outcomes already and the other is just archaic age scribbling.

Your OT is story telling of fables passed from those before you, that the Jews slaughtered and took their stories and made them their own. Come on Moses, according to your story book, must of taken Yahweh from the Kenites, his FIL. Also Moses was not the first to be found in a basket was he. Your book was put together after the exile from Babylon, by Ezra and his scribes from tales. Not much original there.
Keep thinking that Penelope and we'll keep laughing at your posts.
Did those earlier stories you like to mention without source and details, have chapter and book #'s match
their fulfilled events dates like the Tanakh does?
Keep fumbling and we'll leave the lights on for ya.
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Greek mythology is far more interesting in that their Gods and stories were filled with human fault and folly.
I prefer ancient Mesopotamian mythology myself but to each their own. Greek myth is epic as well. And Egyptian. And Abrahamic, and others. I enjoy it all.

The Druze religion encompasses a little bit of everyone's. The follow Jethro, Moses FIL, interesting.
Keep thinking that Penelope and we'll keep laughing at your posts.
Did those earlier stories you like to mention without source and details, have chapter and book #'s match
their fulfilled events dates like the Tanakh does?
Keep fumbling and we'll leave the lights on for ya.

Just keep on thinking your so superior, if that makes you feel good. Oh the prophecy in your books is not different than saying sooner or later Assad will fall.
Thank you Penelope for finally revealing the psychological reason why you use hate and propaganda,
you are revealing to us that it's your inferiority complex. Hence your raving about ones superiority in your own mind. Now that we know the issue, what do you suppose is the solution? I already gave you the keys, and ironically the mere name of the holy city once again is all you need. In your specific case you need to become a more complete and whole (Shalem) person to stop feeling less then whole and inferior to those you lash out on.

Fact: you have never given us sources to back your propaganda, that's because you regurgetated hate propaganda that has none. Just a bunch of parrots mimicking each other with no clue as to the meaning or validity of what they repeat.
Fact: your reply about prophecy shows how little you know about the hidden Torah and what prophecy is and what I am discussing regarding exact dates of events in the scripture matching exact book and chapter numbers.
Instead of admiting you do not have a source and that these invisible books don't relate to dates of events, means your failed argument needed a cover up, which leads us to that Genesis lesson.... the nakedness was like refering to naked truth, they covered up their deceptions not their body nakedness. You are left naked when you have no books and source to back your statement as everyone can see, you've been left bare.
Embarassing isn't it, to be revealed of your deceptive nature. Now go cover yourself with another excuse like reply tgat also has nothing to do with what I stated.
Nothing hidden about the torah, its there in black and white, because you love to invent further stories about what it means, shows that you don't understand it. I guess some of you need to study it full time, and can't work, right?

God is not your OT, Yahweh is nothing more than the jewish tribal god which existed before Moses. You people are so arrogant.
Prove it, to this date none if your posts ever have sources nor backing. You are a mere parrot for a terrorist organization that uses you and it's people for that same reason of feeling of inadequacy.
Norse mythology was the coolest. If I had to pick one religion origin story, it would be that one. Not sure how we'd be doing these days with all the modern weaponry though lol. The Abrahamic religions are too boring, and it all happens in a tiny little section of the world, completely ignoring entire continents full of people and civilizations.
Norse mythology was the coolest. If I had to pick one religion origin story, it would be that one. Not sure how we'd be doing these days with all the modern weaponry though lol. The Abrahamic religions are too boring, and it all happens in a tiny little section of the world, completely ignoring entire continents full of people and civilizations.

You think Exodus was boring. If you take away all the glitzy miracles and Godly proclimations, you still have the foundations for one of the greatest drama/tragedies in metaphysical literature,

A people enslaved.
Their 'masters' are fearful of their numbers
Then the rumor/foretelling of a future rabble rouser that will set them free in Egypt!!
Will the slaves overthrow the Pharaoh
Will they, in turn, enslave the Egyptians?

To find out--read the Book:Exodus!!

Ok, the way I presented it is a bit more interesting than the style used.
I am very fond of ancient scriptural writings------from the norse stuff all the way to the Hindu stuff-------- I find the OT to be ---SUBLIME -----the Gita is good too. The norse stuff is kinda babyish-----but the greek stuff is very interesting. Penelope never read any of it

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