Greek Navy Aids Disabled Ship With Hundreds of Migrants


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
The people on the ship no doubt are very grateful to the Greek Navy or they might have landed up in Davy Jones' Locker.

Greek Navy Aids Disabled Ship With Hundreds of Migrants


The disabled cargo ship Baris, said to be carrying hundreds of migrants, is seen during a rescue operation on Wednesday off the island of Crete.CreditDefence
ATHENS — Mounting its biggest and riskiest sea rescue in years, the Greek Navy towed a disabled freighter carrying hundreds of migrants toward the Aegean island of Crete on Wednesday, fighting strong winds and high seas, officials said.

The 250-foot ship, the Baris, sent a distress signal on Tuesday when its engine broke down, according to a spokeswoman for the Greek Merchant Marine Ministry, who spoke on the condition of anonymity under government rules. She said 500 to 700 people were believed to be on the ship, which is usually used to carry general cargo

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It's a shame that each country can't supply opportunities for their own so these people don't leave on some perilous journey to places which are already overwhelmed with migrants and don't want to see more coming.

In heart of Europe, migrants offer a one-stop tour of worldwide misery

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In the French city of Calais, the migrant population has been booming as refugees from the world's worst conflicts try to make their way to Britain. (Griff Witte and Casey Capachi/The Washington Post)
By Griff Witte November 26 at 8:04 PM
CALAIS, France — Ibrahim’s odyssey has taken him over the hot sands of the Sahara and across the vast Mediterranean in a death-defying, thousands-of-miles-long quest.

Now the 21-year-old from the Sudanese region of Darfur is so close to his destination that he can see it shimmering on the horizon — his dream, his salvation, his England.

It beckons to him, and it taunts him.
"Migrants"? You mean radical, religiously intolerant, violent "parasites", don't you? Countries like Mexico, Israel, Guatemala, etc. don't let them in, so why should anyone else?

I don't think you can tar them all with the same brush, and don't you think it is a shame that their own countries can't supply them with work that they have to risk their lives to get someplace else to earn a living? As for Mexico, they can't even take care of their own, and that is why many Mexicans risk their lives trying to cross the desert to get here. Many Iranians climbed over mountains to get out when the Ayatollahs came to power, and I don't think you can call them parasites since they seem to be making a nice living and aren't on welfare. I think we will just have to let Europe sort out this problem since so many migrants are headed there.

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