Green Beret: A full blown civil war appears to be materializing


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
GREEN BERET: A Full-Blown Civil War Is Materializing

At the rate things are going, a full-blown civil war appears to be materializing.

The country is committing suicide as we speak. The push for revision and redaction in all the history books has been on for some time. Now we’re seeing actual mobs of demonstrators surrounding these historical statues. The push is on.

On August 19, demonstrators in Detroit gathered to ..............................

The zombies won't ever see it coming as the warnings of this situation keep coming out all over the place. But hey live in that safe little fantasy world and maybe you ANTIFA fks can dream of it going away.
and ANTIFA will be the very a.h. who will kick it off.
GREEN BERET: A Full-Blown Civil War Is Materializing

At the rate things are going, a full-blown civil war appears to be materializing.

The country is committing suicide as we speak. The push for revision and redaction in all the history books has been on for some time. Now we’re seeing actual mobs of demonstrators surrounding these historical statues. The push is on.

On August 19, demonstrators in Detroit gathered to ..............................

The zombies won't ever see it coming as the warnings of this situation keep coming out all over the place. But hey live in that safe little fantasy world and maybe you ANTIFA fks can dream of it going away.
and ANTIFA will be the very a.h. who will kick it off.

i suspect the Civil War will be precipitated by some kind of catastrophe that will reduce our population by a huge amount, anywhere from 50% to 90% of the population will either starve, be slaughtered or die from disease.

Perhaps this is why the rich are buying so many luxury bunkers across the nation?
GREEN BERET: A Full-Blown Civil War Is Materializing

At the rate things are going, a full-blown civil war appears to be materializing.

The country is committing suicide as we speak. The push for revision and redaction in all the history books has been on for some time. Now we’re seeing actual mobs of demonstrators surrounding these historical statues. The push is on.

On August 19, demonstrators in Detroit gathered to ..............................

The zombies won't ever see it coming as the warnings of this situation keep coming out all over the place. But hey live in that safe little fantasy world and maybe you ANTIFA fks can dream of it going away.
and ANTIFA will be the very a.h. who will kick it off.

i suspect the Civil War will be precipitated by some kind of catastrophe that will reduce our population by a huge amount, anywhere from 50% to 90% of the population will either starve, be slaughtered or die from disease.

Perhaps this is why the rich are buying so many luxury bunkers across the nation?

Too bad it can't pick out the losers only.
As bad as things may seem... Our nation is nowhere near the point of an actual civil war.

Oh dude you need to wake up we are so close you can smell it. This Country is not immune from war my gawd.
As bad as things may seem... Our nation is nowhere near the point of an actual civil war.

Oh dude you need to wake up we are so close you can smell it. This Country is not immune from war my gawd.
Buddy ive been a prepper for over 14 years, and im ready for whatever comes our way. But if you think this is the first time alarmists, have sworn that "civil war is so close you can smell it"; I direct you to the plethora of threads claiming Obama wouldnt leave office...
Ive been awake for years; and realize things could be much worse. And will have to be much, much worse; before selfish Americans risk losing all they have to take up arms for what they believe in.
As bad as things may seem... Our nation is nowhere near the point of an actual civil war.

Oh dude you need to wake up we are so close you can smell it. This Country is not immune from war my gawd.
Buddy ive been a prepper for over 14 years, and im ready for whatever comes our way. But if you think this is the first time alarmists, have sworn that "civil war is so close you can smell it"; I direct you to the plethora of threads claiming Obama wouldnt leave office...
Ive been awake for years; and realize things could be much worse. And will have to be much, much worse; before selfish Americans risk losing all they have to take up arms for what they believe in.

I've been awake just that long, and buddy just because you are a prepper does not mean you are informed on ALL LEVELS.....

We are at risk for multiple types of wars
and we're gearing up for all of them

Information ( we are in it now)
you obviously have no clue about why ANTIFA is being put out there which is part of the Civil war"


As bad as things may seem... Our nation is nowhere near the point of an actual civil war.
Why do you so categorically assert this?

We have a media that is demonizing half the population, encouraging violence against it and castigating any politician that does not take their side.

If that is not the prestage of a civil war, though not necessarily so, I dont know what is.
As bad as things may seem... Our nation is nowhere near the point of an actual civil war.

Oh dude you need to wake up we are so close you can smell it. This Country is not immune from war my gawd.
Buddy ive been a prepper for over 14 years, and im ready for whatever comes our way. But if you think this is the first time alarmists, have sworn that "civil war is so close you can smell it"; I direct you to the plethora of threads claiming Obama wouldnt leave office...
Ive been awake for years; and realize things could be much worse. And will have to be much, much worse; before selfish Americans risk losing all they have to take up arms for what they believe in.

I've been awake just that long, and buddy just because you are a prepper does not mean you are informed on ALL LEVELS.....

We are at risk for multiple types of wars
and we're gearing up for all of them

Information ( we are in it now)
you obviously have no clue about why ANTIFA is being put out there which is part of the Civil war"


Free men are always on the verge of losing it all. Thats the risk of freedom.
Ive been awake for years; and realize things could be much worse. And will have to be much, much worse; before selfish Americans risk losing all they have to take up arms for what they believe in.
There is no requirement for most Americans to be awakened to events in o order to initiate a Civil War.

The Oligarchs will reach a point where they think that their odds are better of keeping power if a Civil War starts.

Then you will have your Civil War.
Because neither you, nor a single person you know; is ready to risk everything they have, to fight. Trust me... We're nowhere near a civil war.
Since when do we serfs have to want a Civil War in order to get one?

When the Oligarchs want it we will then get it.
As bad as things may seem... Our nation is nowhere near the point of an actual civil war.

Oh dude you need to wake up we are so close you can smell it. This Country is not immune from war my gawd.
Buddy ive been a prepper for over 14 years, and im ready for whatever comes our way. But if you think this is the first time alarmists, have sworn that "civil war is so close you can smell it"; I direct you to the plethora of threads claiming Obama wouldnt leave office...
Ive been awake for years; and realize things could be much worse. And will have to be much, much worse; before selfish Americans risk losing all they have to take up arms for what they believe in.


There’s a pronounced uptick in violence and protests (often going hand in hand.) Free speech is being crushed by the opposition with the mere threat of violent responses. Statues and memorials are being vandalized or defended. Protesters show up armed and armored, ready for battle. The media throws gasoline on these flames with reports solely laying the blame on one side. Some groups are openly planning sedition and no one is trying to stop them.

Our country has reached a point of such division that it’s hard to imagine how we could once again become united.

The events are snowballing.

The United Nations has issued an “early warning” about civil conflict in America. Many people believe these extremist “sides” are made up of professional provocateurs and do not reflect the true feelings of Americans. (Brandon Smith makes an incredibly compelling case for this.) California wants to secede and a lot of folks would be happy to see them go. Some black people want outrageous “reparations” from white people while others call them out for being easily manipulated.

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It seems like no one wants peace in America except us average folks, who are happy to get along with our neighbors, regardless of their race, religion, or sexual proclivities. But at the rate things are escalating, our wishes could be irrelevant.

Historian and strategist Gregory Copley wrote:

Yes, there is a civil war looming in the United States.

But it will not look like the orderly pattern of descent which characterized the conflict of 1861-65. It will appear more like the Yugoslavia break-up, or the Russian and Chinese civil wars of the 20th Century.

It will appear as an evolving chaos…

What Civil War 2.0 Will Look Like - LewRockwell
As bad as things may seem... Our nation is nowhere near the point of an actual civil war.

Oh dude you need to wake up we are so close you can smell it. This Country is not immune from war my gawd.
Buddy ive been a prepper for over 14 years, and im ready for whatever comes our way. But if you think this is the first time alarmists, have sworn that "civil war is so close you can smell it"; I direct you to the plethora of threads claiming Obama wouldnt leave office...
Ive been awake for years; and realize things could be much worse. And will have to be much, much worse; before selfish Americans risk losing all they have to take up arms for what they believe in.

What is it you think Americans are selfish about?
As bad as things may seem... Our nation is nowhere near the point of an actual civil war.
if it were, what would it look like?

in the original civil war, we lined up in battlefields and you had north on one side, south on the other. we're still digging up artifacts from battlegrounds to this day.

how would it work? would we supposed to know the mindset of our neighbors and start off doing mean things to them to make them quit? pistol whipping if not shooting later on? would the military divide up and belong to both sides? would the liberals attack 'em masse the whitehouse?

seriously - just what would a modern day civil war look like?
Green Berets are capable of being morons too

No they just see a part of the world that most ass holes haven't got the balls to see themselves because pussies are afraid of weapons, and pussies who never saw a real war live in a fantasy world where they think the world revolves around sunshine and lollipops.
Green Berets are capable of being morons too

No they just see a part of the world that most ass holes haven't got the balls to see themselves because pussies are afraid of weapons, and pussies who never saw a real war live in a fantasy world where they think the world revolves around sunshine and lollipops.
And what about those who arent afraid of weapons, arent pussies, have seen the world, and fought in wars; that also say he's probably wrong...?
I suppose this is a love fest huh LMFAO gawd ppl live in the fkn twilight zone


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