Green Beret: A full blown civil war appears to be materializing

Green Berets are capable of being morons too

No they just see a part of the world that most ass holes haven't got the balls to see themselves because pussies are afraid of weapons, and pussies who never saw a real war live in a fantasy world where they think the world revolves around sunshine and lollipops.

In case you haven't noticed.....we are not some shithole third world country

We are the wealthiest nation on earth and our citizens are fat and lazy.....not the makings of a Civil War
I lived through the 60s and saw the Civil Rights protests and anti-war protests. We did not come close to a Civil War

What is the "Hot button issue" today that would push us over the brink?
Domestic Foreign Troop Activity From Coast to Coast: FEMA Behaving Strangely

The above photo was taken by Joel S. in Pennsylvania. This is one of several NATO helicopters operating in the same area where I reported UN activity four months ago. It has been quiet in this area until the emergence of Hurricane Harvey.

UN Activity in California
In the past four months, I have received numerous reports from people in California regarding their sighting of UN personnel and vehicles in California.

Here is the report we filed in this on April 27, 2017.

Domestic Foreign Troop Activity From Coast to Coast: FEMA Behaving Strangely

The only people that want a civil war are the ones with nothing to lose - no job, no loved ones and living day to day. The rest of us need to go to work in the morning and then have personal responsibilities after 5pm.
Apparently a lot of preppers in and near Houston got it almost right.

They laid in stores of important stuff in case of strife, shortage, etc.

And stored it all in their basements.

Infrastructure systems include: medical care, transportation, power, housing, food and agriculture, finances, schools, and more. All of these systems are commercial in nature. They continue as long as there is sufficient money to fund their activities. But because they are commercial, they are always close to capacity. It would not be economical to run any infrastructure system with a significant amount of unused capacity. The money it would take to keep extra capacity at the ready would not generate any income. As a result, our infrastructure systems are always close to the breaking point.
Apparently a lot of preppers in and near Houston got it almost right.

They laid in stores of important stuff in case of strife, shortage, etc.

And stored it all in their basements.
And then, in a true civil war, when yhe military goes door to door and confiscates your food for redistribution, not to mention your weapons
Apparently a lot of preppers in and near Houston got it almost right.

They laid in stores of important stuff in case of strife, shortage, etc.

And stored it all in their basements.
And then, in a true civil war, when yhe military goes door to door and confiscates your food for redistribution, not to mention your weapons

These leftards can't believe any of it because they aren't living it so it doesn't compute.
Most of these idiots seem to think America is immune from everything. Shows what type of memory they have.
As bad as things may seem... Our nation is nowhere near the point of an actual civil war.

Wake up dreamy. =)


"If our government won’t protect it’s citizens then ‘We the People’ will have to take matters into our own hands. This isn’t a message of government revolt. However, if they are standing down and not doing their jobs we will have no other choice. As Americans, it is our duty to protect our liberty and prosperity."

ANTIFA and the Coming Civil War - Rogue Right
As bad as things may seem... Our nation is nowhere near the point of an actual civil war.

Oh dude you need to wake up we are so close you can smell it. This Country is not immune from war my gawd.
What fucking bullshit. A few nutbags on both sides of the political spectrum are fighting in the streets. In the meantime, we have a terrible disaster going on in Texas, and no one is asking who voted for whom when they are helping. That is who we are, not the fruitloops that are are constantly wishing for a civil war.
Apparently a lot of preppers in and near Houston got it almost right.

They laid in stores of important stuff in case of strife, shortage, etc.

And stored it all in their basements.
And then, in a true civil war, when yhe military goes door to door and confiscates your food for redistribution, not to mention your weapons

These leftards can't believe any of it because they aren't living it so it doesn't compute.
Most of these idiots seem to think America is immune from everything. Shows what type of memory they have.
Look, bitch, I have been here for over 73 years, and have constantly heard assholes like you that the nation is going down the tubes. That we are all going to be shooting each other and starving in a couple of years. And you are just as wrong, silly, and stupid as the people that were saying the same thing 50 years ago.
What fucking bullshit. A few nutbags on both sides of the political spectrum are fighting in the streets. In the meantime, we have a terrible disaster going on in Texas, and no one is asking who voted for whom when they are helping. That is who we are, not the fruitloops that are are constantly wishing for a civil war.
Unfortunately, the extremists determine the culture.

AntiFa has been VERY successful in changing the culture.

The question is, how far will it go before "normal" Americans say, "ENOUGH!" And what are you willing to do to stop them, when they have the power of government behind them?
GREEN BERET: A Full-Blown Civil War Is Materializing

At the rate things are going, a full-blown civil war appears to be materializing.

The country is committing suicide as we speak. The push for revision and redaction in all the history books has been on for some time. Now we’re seeing actual mobs of demonstrators surrounding these historical statues. The push is on.

On August 19, demonstrators in Detroit gathered to ..............................

The zombies won't ever see it coming as the warnings of this situation keep coming out all over the place. But hey live in that safe little fantasy world and maybe you ANTIFA fks can dream of it going away.
and ANTIFA will be the very a.h. who will kick it off.

More Conservatives hoping for and pining for a Civil War.

Poor little snowflakes.
Domestic Foreign Troop Activity From Coast to Coast: FEMA Behaving Strangely

The above photo was taken by Joel S. in Pennsylvania. This is one of several NATO helicopters operating in the same area where I reported UN activity four months ago. It has been quiet in this area until the emergence of Hurricane Harvey.

UN Activity in California
In the past four months, I have received numerous reports from people in California regarding their sighting of UN personnel and vehicles in California.

Here is the report we filed in this on April 27, 2017.

You loons will believe anything.

How did you get out of Obama's FEMA Camps you were put in after he seized all of your guns?
GREEN BERET: A Full-Blown Civil War Is Materializing

At the rate things are going, a full-blown civil war appears to be materializing.

The country is committing suicide as we speak. The push for revision and redaction in all the history books has been on for some time. Now we’re seeing actual mobs of demonstrators surrounding these historical statues. The push is on.

On August 19, demonstrators in Detroit gathered to ..............................

The zombies won't ever see it coming as the warnings of this situation keep coming out all over the place. But hey live in that safe little fantasy world and maybe you ANTIFA fks can dream of it going away.
and ANTIFA will be the very a.h. who will kick it off.

More Conservatives hoping for and pining for a Civil War.

Poor little snowflakes.
Domestic Foreign Troop Activity From Coast to Coast: FEMA Behaving Strangely

The above photo was taken by Joel S. in Pennsylvania. This is one of several NATO helicopters operating in the same area where I reported UN activity four months ago. It has been quiet in this area until the emergence of Hurricane Harvey.

UN Activity in California
In the past four months, I have received numerous reports from people in California regarding their sighting of UN personnel and vehicles in California.

Here is the report we filed in this on April 27, 2017.

You loons will believe anything.

How did you get out of Obama's FEMA Camps you were put in after he seized all of your guns?

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