Green Beret: A full blown civil war appears to be materializing

As bad as things may seem... Our nation is nowhere near the point of an actual civil war.
if it were, what would it look like?

in the original civil war, we lined up in battlefields and you had north on one side, south on the other. we're still digging up artifacts from battlegrounds to this day.

how would it work? would we supposed to know the mindset of our neighbors and start off doing mean things to them to make them quit? pistol whipping if not shooting later on? would the military divide up and belong to both sides? would the liberals attack 'em masse the whitehouse?

seriously - just what would a modern day civil war look like?

It's going to look just like The Troubles in the United Kingdom...back in the '80s an '90s when they weren't so united.

The Troubles - Wikipedia

Research "Low Intensity Conflict".
As bad as things may seem... Our nation is nowhere near the point of an actual civil war.
if it were, what would it look like?

in the original civil war, we lined up in battlefields and you had north on one side, south on the other. we're still digging up artifacts from battlegrounds to this day.

how would it work? would we supposed to know the mindset of our neighbors and start off doing mean things to them to make them quit? pistol whipping if not shooting later on? would the military divide up and belong to both sides? would the liberals attack 'em masse the whitehouse?

seriously - just what would a modern day civil war look like?

It's going to look just like The Troubles in the United Kingdom...back in the '80s an '90s when they weren't so united.

The Troubles - Wikipedia

Research "Low Intensity Conflict".
will do - appreciate it!
The only people that want a civil war are the ones with nothing to lose - no job, no loved ones and living day to day. The rest of us need to go to work in the morning and then have personal responsibilities after 5pm.
There are a lot of those people thanks to our recently opened borders, our refusal to keep criminals in prison, and a surplus of mentally ill and addicted street people, a la social engineering of the past 40 years or so.
seriously - just what would a modern day civil war look like?
Michael Collins style
Michael Collins (Irish leader) - Wikipedia

Collins had spent much of this period helping to organise the volunteers as an effective military force, concentrating particularly on driving the RIC out of isolated barracks and seizing their weapons. In the early 20th century this permanently armed police force was, in effect, the principal representation of the British state in large parts of rural Munster and Connaught and with their withdrawal, republicans felt able to establish their own institutions. In turn, though, the retreat of the RIC drove the British towards more radical and violent responses: simultaneously alienating already weak support for British rule in the populace but also increasing the military pressure on the volunteers.

Collins was determined to avoid the massive destruction, military and civilian losses for merely symbolic victories that had characterised the 1916 Rising. Instead he directed a guerrilla war against the British, suddenly attacking then just as quickly withdrawing, minimising losses and maximising effectiveness.[35][36]

As the war began in earnest, de Valera travelled to the United States for an extended speaking tour to raise funds for the outlawed Republican government. It was in publicity for this tour that de Valera (who had been elected Príomh Aire by the Dáil) was first referred to as "President". While financially successful, grave political conflicts followed in de Valera's wake there which threatened the unity of Irish-American support for the rebels. Some members of the IRB also objected to the use of the presidential title because their organisation's constitution had a different definition of that title.[26][28][37]

Back in Ireland, Collins arranged the "National Loan", organised the IRA, effectively led the government, and managed arms-smuggling operations. Local guerrilla units received supplies, training and had largely a free hand to develop the war in their own region. These were the "flying columns" who comprised the bulk of the War of Independence rank and file in the south-west. Collins, Dick McKee and regional commanders such as Dan Breen and Tom Barry oversaw tactics and general strategy. There were also regional organisers, such as Ernie O'Malley and Liam Mellows, who reported directly to Collins at St Ita's secret basement GHQ in central Dublin.[38] They were supported by a vast intelligence network of men and women in all walks of life that reached deep into the British administration in Ireland.[39][40]

It was at this time that Collins created a special assassination unit called The Squad expressly to kill British agents and informers. Collins was criticised for these tactics but cited the universal war-time practice of executing enemy spies who were, in his words, "hunting victims for execution." Campaigning for Irish independence, even non-violently, was still targeted both by prosecutions under British law entailing the death penalty and also by extrajudicial killings such as that of Tomas MacCurtain, nationalist mayor of Cork City.

In 1920 the British offered a bounty of £10,000 (equivalent to GB£300,000 / €360,000 in 2010) for information leading to Collins' capture or death. He and the national forces continued to evade capture and carried out strikes against British forces, frequently operating out of safe-houses in the vicinity of government buildings, such as Vaughan's and An Stad.

The Crown responded with escalation of the war, with the importation of special forces such as the "Auxiliaries", the "Black and Tans", the "Cairo Gang", and others. Officially or unofficially, many of these groups were given a free hand to institute a reign of terror, shooting Irish people indiscriminately, invading homes, looting and burning.[26][41]

In 1920, following Westminster's prominent announcements that it had the Irish insurgents on the run, Collins and his Squad killed several British secret service agents in a series of coordinated raids. In retaliation, members of the Royal Irish Constabulary went to Croke Park, where a G.A.A. football match was taking place between Dublin and Tipperary. The police officers opened fire on the crowd, killing twelve and wounding sixty. This event became known as Bloody Sunday. A stampede of panicking British operatives sought the shelter of Dublin Castle next day. About the same time, Tom Barry's 3rd Cork Brigade took no prisoners in a bitter battle with British forces at Kilmichael. In many regions, the RIC and other crown forces became all but confined to the strongest barracks in the larger towns as rural areas came increasingly under rebel control.[42][43]

These republican victories would have been impossible without widespread support from the Irish population, which included every level of society and reached deep into the British administration in Ireland. This pattern of guerrilla success against sophisticated imperialist powers was repeated around the world in the early 20th century.[44]

At the time of the ceasefire in July 1921 a major operation was allegedly in planning to execute every British secret service agent in Dublin, while a major ambush involving eighty officers and men was also planned for Templeglantine, County Limerick.[26][45]
And what about those who arent afraid of weapons, arent pussies, have seen the world, and fought in wars; that also say he's probably wrong...?
Everyone has an opinion, but Civil Wars tend to come about when most think that they cannot happen, the stumble into one.
The only people that want a civil war are the ones with nothing to lose - no job, no loved ones and living day to day. The rest of us need to go to work in the morning and then have personal responsibilities after 5pm.
So what happens when you come home one day and find out that the neighborhood prepper and several neighbors have been arrested for mysterious reasons, then later you discover that all their weapons and dried food had been seized?

You'll just wait till they come for you?
As bad as things may seem... Our nation is nowhere near the point of an actual civil war.
if it were, what would it look like?

in the original civil war, we lined up in battlefields and you had north on one side, south on the other. we're still digging up artifacts from battlegrounds to this day.

how would it work? would we supposed to know the mindset of our neighbors and start off doing mean things to them to make them quit? pistol whipping if not shooting later on? would the military divide up and belong to both sides? would the liberals attack 'em masse the whitehouse?

seriously - just what would a modern day civil war look like?

It's going to look just like The Troubles in the United Kingdom...back in the '80s an '90s when they weren't so united.

The Troubles - Wikipedia

Research "Low Intensity Conflict".

Ambushes, assassinations and intel gathering will be the main aspects of such a conflict and will be fought on each others doorsteps.
The only people that want a civil war are the ones with nothing to lose - no job, no loved ones and living day to day. The rest of us need to go to work in the morning and then have personal responsibilities after 5pm.
So what happens when you come home one day and find out that the neighborhood prepper and several neighbors have been arrested for mysterious reasons, then later you discover that all their weapons and dried food had been seized?

You'll just wait till they come for you?
By whom and for what? This is still a nation of laws.

The only people that would make that possible are our "Conservatives", for they are the one trying to muzzle the free press.
What fucking bullshit. A few nutbags on both sides of the political spectrum are fighting in the streets. In the meantime, we have a terrible disaster going on in Texas, and no one is asking who voted for whom when they are helping. That is who we are, not the fruitloops that are are constantly wishing for a civil war.
Unfortunately, the extremists determine the culture.

AntiFa has been VERY successful in changing the culture.

The question is, how far will it go before "normal" Americans say, "ENOUGH!" And what are you willing to do to stop them, when they have the power of government behind them?

Pretty sure American's stood up and said "ENOUGH" with the election of President Trump, and the punks hired ANTIFA to come over and shut us up. I don't know about the fate of you lower 48ers but Alaska's government will not allow terrorists to control our streets, nor will our populace up here (mostly military, and Trump supporters as well.)

Regardless, if these ANTIFA and far left punks think they're getting into our home, pulling us out of our vehicles, or assaulting us in the streets, they'll be shot down like the dogs they are. Me and mine have no mercy nor sympathy for the violent; and we're not alone, folks with our mindset are all over the country. For now these punks stick to cities with a "gov nanny" mentality, but it's just a matter of time before these twats get brave and move to rural areas and find American's who are ready to defend themselves, their family, their property, and their American rights to the death. I say go ahead and touch our flag ANTIFA's, law up here says we can blow your faces off for it.
Many of the lefts protesters are paid or don't even know why they are protesting.
Life is too good for a civil war. The hardship level (to the frustration of the democrats and the media) is not increasing.
People in the middle class are for the first time in 8 years saving money, paying off debt and planning vacations. A civil war in a nation with plenty of food, lots of jobs, great entertainment, I Phones...? No way. Maybe a few ANTIFA nuts will burn some stuff but that's it. The real Americans will just laugh and get ready for Christmas and the holidays.
No they just see a part of the world that most ass holes haven't got the balls to see themselves because pussies are afraid of weapons, and pussies who never saw a real war live in a fantasy world where they think the world revolves around sunshine and lollipops.
I take it you've served?
Many of the lefts protesters are paid or don't even know why they are protesting.
Life is too good for a civil war. The hardship level (to the frustration of the democrats and the media) is not increasing.
People in the middle class are for the first time in 8 years saving money, paying off debt and planning vacations. A civil war in a nation with plenty of food, lots of jobs, great entertainment, I Phones...? No way. Maybe a few ANTIFA nuts will burn some stuff but that's it. The real Americans will just laugh and get ready for Christmas and the holidays.

I'll agree with that to a point, but those ANTIFA nuts will push the envelope because the media is egging them on - I'm willing to bet more of them will die in the coming year from running into folks who are quite simply not going to put up with their threats and bullshit.
I'll agree with that to a point, but those ANTIFA nuts will push the envelope because the media is egging them on - I'm willing to bet more of them will die in the coming year from running into folks who are quite simply not going to put up with their threats and bullshit.
Oh it will get ugly for sure but not a war. IMO...I've said for years that the media would love to cover a civil war. But they have yet to get their wish and I don't think they will now.
I'll agree with that to a point, but those ANTIFA nuts will push the envelope because the media is egging them on - I'm willing to bet more of them will die in the coming year from running into folks who are quite simply not going to put up with their threats and bullshit.
Oh it will get ugly for sure but not a war. IMO...I've said for years that the media would love to cover a civil war. But they have yet to get their wish and I don't think they will now.

I suppose it does depend how you define "war" These college twats think they're fighting a war, but it's not even to the level of say a drug gang in a big city. I don't think we'll have a everyone's got guns type civil war, but these 20-35 year old punks are going to get a bloody wake up call of what "war" actually looks like if they don't stop hanging out with ANTIFA.
The only people that want a civil war are the ones with nothing to lose - no job, no loved ones and living day to day. The rest of us need to go to work in the morning and then have personal responsibilities after 5pm.
So what happens when you come home one day and find out that the neighborhood prepper and several neighbors have been arrested for mysterious reasons, then later you discover that all their weapons and dried food had been seized?

You'll just wait till they come for you?
By whom and for what? This is still a nation of laws.

The only people that would make that possible are our "Conservatives", for they are the one trying to muzzle the free press.
No OldCock...the only one's trying to eliminate free speech rights of Americans, are you idiots on the left.

It is amazing that people like you exist. After the last 100 years of leftist government's murdering millions, you still cling to your leftism. CRAZY!!!

Hope your grand kids are doing well.

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