Green, Clean, Energy Fails California

California has so much water they can export billions of dollars worth of products that are liquid or used water to grow.

California HAS no water, Idiot! They save, steal every drop they can from elsewhere. They gulp up ever drop of runnoff in backyards, down streets into aquifers. It takes water to have liquid anything or to grow anything, without which, they'd have no economy to live on.

But that's all coming to an end fool. You keep believing what you want to think. California is fucked. Another shithole run into the ground by democrats where more and more people move FROM leaving only the homeless and illegals.

vaya con dios, bubka.
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Sorry Moron, read the data. THEIR OWN CLIMATE PAGE DISAGREES WITH YOUR ASS. 0.54 inches. As if even 5 inches a year ain't BONE FUCKING DRY.
Their own? You mean the webpage that you linked to that is in Norway. Now if we are to call one another morons, you just stole that title and aint giving it back.
Time and Date AS
Kanalsletta 4
NO-4033 Stavanger
Yes, California has suffered the worst blackouts in years. Yet they brag they have thee most clean energy more than capable at meeting their needs.

Well, it looks like that all that planning, ruling, and regulating has destroyed the grid and resulted in blackouts all throughout California.

As you can see, the total of geothermal, biomass, biogas, small hydro, and wind is sweet Fanny Adams … and now, notice when the solar started to run out in the evening. Just about the time that our power went out.
But as we know, correlation is not causation. So here’s the other relevant CAISO chart, showing the net demand with and without renewables …
Fail? It worked according to plan!
And there you go,

California has so much water I can buy apple juice made in California, here in Rhode Island.

California has so much water I can buy beer from Fort Bragg California anywhere in the USA.

California Grapes are everywhere and grapes are pure water.

California wine, is everywhere.

California Almonds, they use millions of gallons of water, and I buy almonds in Connecticut.

California dairy products, everywhere

California beef, harder to find but it is everywhere, even in Mexico (with california chickens)

The only thing California does not export, is electricity, which pumps all the water.

California is suffering an Electricity shortage.
And there you go,

California has so much water I can buy apple juice made in California, here in Rhode Island.

California has so much water I can buy beer from Fort Bragg California anywhere in the USA.

California Grapes are everywhere and grapes are pure water.

California wine, is everywhere.

California Almonds, they use millions of gallons of water, and I buy almonds in Connecticut.

California dairy products, everywhere

California beef, harder to find but it is everywhere, even in Mexico (with california chickens)

The only thing California does not export, is electricity, which pumps all the water.

California is suffering an Electricity shortage.
Delusional jackass. They export that stuff because it GROWS THERE, moron. And it all takes lots of water to grow it which why they are running out. California can't get enough water to support the population, industry AND agricultural base.

Their days are numbered.
But that's all coming to an end fool. You keep believing what you want to think. California is fucked. Another shithole run into the ground by democrats where more and more people move FROM leaving only the homeless and illegals.
Dont get me wrong, I do not vote Democrat. I know the problems with the state. But that does not mean I am ignorant to exactly what is going on in California.

They claim they have no water, and they need $80 billion to fix just that problem. They will get that money cause people like you repeat the propaganda.

You want to hate the democrats, call their state a shithole. Fine. But you fuck yourself and the rest of the country when you can't separate the facts from the politics and see the trillions they will get from you to make things work.

Every read the Crush reports. The millions of gallons of grape juice produced for wine. They set near record amounts for many years. You posted a link to a story that claimed california would run out of water for that year. That year California set a record, most amount of grapes crushed. They set that record 4 years in a row.

Think what you want, you fell for CaliPropaganda. You are right, they have "no water", now watch them take all your money to fix the problem!
Fail? It worked according to plan!
You got me there, they did plan to ruin the state so that they have to spend trillions to fix it.

Now you got it!

See "Failure" with respect to Progressives, democrats and Communists, how ever you call them you be if everyone prospered instead of only the political leaders; that's a total failure! Progressives, democrats and Communists absolutely fucking hate people with every cell in their body, because people are so fucking stupid and can never tell how evil Progressives, democrats and Communists truly are! That's why you get Cubam Detroit, Venezuela, California and DeBlasio's NY, that's a success!
Delusional jackass. They export that stuff because it GROWS THERE, moron. And it all takes lots of water to grow it which why they are running out. California can't get enough water to support the population, industry AND agricultural base.

Their days are numbered.
But everything you have linked, was wrong and old. If you are speaking delusional, your posts have all been wrong hence you are delusional. Mine are all right, and I have offered multiple sources.

California exports have risen, they have not gone down as you state. Yes, you say they are running out of water, you link to stuff that says they ran out of water five years ago. So you must also believe exports have gone down. Beings that according to you they ran out of water five years ago (your link says so). Yet it is a fact that exports from California have increased.

The population is fine, one rogue mayor dictating as a democrat, water policy does not reflect on the availability of water in the least.

Education is key, and you have no education on this subject. Start by reading Cadillac Desert. While you read that, watch China Town and, The Two Jakes. Then you will have an idea how much water there is, where it goes, and the history and politics behind it.
Sorry Moron, read the data. THEIR OWN CLIMATE PAGE DISAGREES WITH YOUR ASS. 0.54 inches. As if even 5 inches a year ain't BONE FUCKING DRY.
Their own? You mean the webpage that you linked to that is in Norway. Now if we are to call one another morons, you just stole that title and aint giving it back.
Time and Date AS
Kanalsletta 4
NO-4033 Stavanger
You are TOO STUPID to even continue this conversation. You're arguing in a fucking vacuum, asshole. Now you supposedly don't even know what TRUCKING is, not that I EVER said Ca "does not have water!" I said they are RUNNING OUT MORON.

And you obviously have ignored all the data I've presented. Read and weep, Moron. If you actually CAN read.
I lived in California, I lived in the desert. I lived in 29 Palms, Hemet, Dana Point, and Oakland. I know that Palm Springs get 5 inches of rain every year. Last year it got 8 inches. If all you know is your google search, you are an idiot. You do not even quote from your searches, that is very lazy. Further you do not check to make sure your source is correct. If you did, you would not be looking like the dumbass everyone sees your for.

Here are three sources for Palm Springs average rainfall. None state .5"s
You claim you are from California?

the National Weather Service recorded 8.12 inches of rain at Palm Springs International Airport since Jan. 1. That's more than double the 3.78 inches that fell Jan. 1 through Dec. 3, 2018, and well above the 30-year average of 4.91 inches.

View attachment 377011

about 5.5 inches

In the past 30 years, Palm Springs average rainfall is about 5.5 inches. This small amount of rain annually in Palm Springs California is about 85% less than the USA average, and 75% less than the average in California. There are many months each year in Palm Springs with little or no measurable rain at all.
Palm Springs Weather & Climate Highlights by Month ...
Yes, California has suffered the worst blackouts in years. Yet they brag they have thee most clean energy more than capable at meeting their needs.

Well, it looks like that all that planning, ruling, and regulating has destroyed the grid and resulted in blackouts all throughout California.

As you can see, the total of geothermal, biomass, biogas, small hydro, and wind is sweet Fanny Adams … and now, notice when the solar started to run out in the evening. Just about the time that our power went out.
But as we know, correlation is not causation. So here’s the other relevant CAISO chart, showing the net demand with and without renewables …
Don't think clean energy has to do with doing away with electrical grids.
Been there done that many years ago.........building gas turbines in Nevada to send electricity to Cali in black outs because Cali regulated itself out of power..................

No one would build in the State.........We built one for GE to send in power right next to Needles..............The GE guys said California pressed them to build in the State..........and GE LAUGHED AT THEM...........

Cold day in hell they'd invest inside of Cali because of the lunatics running the show...........long time ago...

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