Green Deal Price Tag...93,000,000,000,000.00

Freedom isn't free. I don't know why SSDD is defending people's right to be bad citizens. Hell I wouldn't give you a tax break if you don't vote. Only voters get tax breaks.
You are reading more into what I said. I would think it would be good for a lot of these slacker young men and women to have to serve for 3 months or 6 months. I would think it would be good for them.
We know from experience that an all volunteer organization is more productive and efficient than one that has been drafted into service.

Ok you don't have to but then you don't get affordable college. You don't get the $5K deal citizens who served get. So sure if you don't want to serve you don't have to. But I would think most young men would want to serve.
3 or 6 months of service doesn't warrant any special consideration for education...I served two tours in the military in the 60's and went to school on the GI bill when I got out...The only government program that I am aware of that actually works as it is suppose to is the GI bill program....You do your service, you get money for pass or they cut you get incomplete, they want their money back and cut you produce or you are out.

Why do i think it's a good idea for your 18 year old to get out of your house for 3-6 months or maybe a year? I think it will be good for them. THey'll see you aren't as smart as you tell them you are. They'll see the world is much bigger than in your podunk town.

My 18 year olds were out of the house and on their own without having to be shipped off to some summer camp at the expense of taxpayers...

I didn't want to serve either. I don't think you should have to serve the military or be forced to go through basic training. There should be other ways you can serve your country for 3-6 months.

3 to 6 months isn't worth the effort...doesn't teach anything about commitment or getting a job done...sends all the wrong messages to a generation that already doesn't have clue...

Who knows it might make better citizens than we are producing now.

More socialism doesn't produce better citizens..

And I think those elite masters should have to serve too or they don't get that rich person tax break.

Problem with that sort of thinking is that in socialist countries, the wealthy really do hold the power..and nothing short of killing them can move them from that position...ask all the "great" socialist nations who demonstrated so profoundly what a bad idea socialism is...
Freedom isn't free. I don't know why SSDD is defending people's right to be bad citizens. Hell I wouldn't give you a tax break if you don't vote. Only voters get tax breaks.

Sending coddled kids off to some socialist summer camp at the expense of tax payers doesn't make good citizens.....and let me guess, you would be in favor of letting people vote without can't even get a library card without proper ID but you guys are fine with letting people vote with no ID...
Freedom isn't free. I don't know why SSDD is defending people's right to be bad citizens. Hell I wouldn't give you a tax break if you don't vote. Only voters get tax breaks.

Sending coddled kids off to some socialist summer camp at the expense of tax payers doesn't make good citizens.....and let me guess, you would be in favor of letting people vote without can't even get a library card without proper ID but you guys are fine with letting people vote with no ID...

If you can't afford a drivers license they should give a free state ID to anyone who wants one for the purpose of voting.

And no socialist summer camp. If you aren't in a military branch maybe you are cleaning up urban communities or doing something else we the people deem as helpful to our society.

You sure are negative.
Well...…..there goes that idea!!! :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

No commentary needed story on DRUDGE right now!!:hello77:

Don’t worry..... Mexico will pay for it

Actually, that's a good point. Have you seen the headlines "group sees Trump's wall costing 93 trillion over time?

A wall would cost far more than $5 billion, so why have this fight?
If you can't afford a drivers license they should give a free state ID to anyone who wants one for the purpose of voting.

Wouldn't it be interesting to know how many of these people who can't afford a driver's license can afford a $5 per pack smoking habit?

And no socialist summer camp. If you aren't in a military branch maybe you are cleaning up urban communities or doing something else we the people deem as helpful to our society.

And who takes the blame when you put these coddled youth in an urban environment and it gets them killed? I served in Viet Nam and would rather go back there than to clean up some urban hell hole full of soulless hip hoppers...

There is a reason that liberals are known as the kings of unintended base whether a thing is a good idea or a bad idea on how it makes you feel rather than examining the idea thoroughly and taking it to its logical conclusion...really, what do you think happens to kids from the suburbs when you put them in a completely alien environment surrounded by people who have a generational hate for them passed from their parents and grandparents?

You sure are negative.

I am a realist...I am a critical thinker....I don't let my emotions overpower my intellect...I look for the problems in a plan before it is ever put into action...that reduces the likelihood of having to explain to someone why I ever let such a thing happen and why I ever thought it might be a good idea...I like to see my plans actually succeed...liberals would do well to try a bit of critical thinking before they act on ideas that "just feel right"...
Well...…..there goes that idea!!! :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

No commentary needed story on DRUDGE right now!!:hello77:

Don’t worry..... Mexico will pay for it

Actually, that's a good point. Have you seen the headlines "group sees Trump's wall costing 93 trillion over time?

A wall would cost far more than $5 billion, so why have this fight?

Some lawmakers said that the end price tag might be as high as 50 you understand the difference between 50 billion and 93 TRILLION? 1 trillion is 1000 billion...if the wall costs 50 billion, it is not even a drop in the bucket compared to a single trillion, much less 93 trillion....
If you can't afford a drivers license they should give a free state ID to anyone who wants one for the purpose of voting.

Wouldn't it be interesting to know how many of these people who can't afford a driver's license can afford a $5 per pack smoking habit?

And no socialist summer camp. If you aren't in a military branch maybe you are cleaning up urban communities or doing something else we the people deem as helpful to our society.

And who takes the blame when you put these coddled youth in an urban environment and it gets them killed? I served in Viet Nam and would rather go back there than to clean up some urban hell hole full of soulless hip hoppers...

There is a reason that liberals are known as the kings of unintended base whether a thing is a good idea or a bad idea on how it makes you feel rather than examining the idea thoroughly and taking it to its logical conclusion...really, what do you think happens to kids from the suburbs when you put them in a completely alien environment surrounded by people who have a generational hate for them passed from their parents and grandparents?

You sure are negative.

I am a realist...I am a critical thinker....I don't let my emotions overpower my intellect...I look for the problems in a plan before it is ever put into action...that reduces the likelihood of having to explain to someone why I ever let such a thing happen and why I ever thought it might be a good idea...I like to see my plans actually succeed...liberals would do well to try a bit of critical thinking before they act on ideas that "just feel right"...
No you are a person who says things that can be done can't be done. You shoot down every idea because of wild speculation over what if's.

What if your kid is killed serving in Iraq? Nothing. You can't sue the government. So if your kid was out there serving and he got killed you'd be shit out of luck.

None of your reasons were reasons why we shouldn't do what I'm suggesting. But you're in the mood to shoot anyone down who's not a libertarian type thinker such as yourself.

You don't sound smart you sound old angry and stubborn.

And I just through out some totally random examples of ways to serve. Maybe whites clean up their own communities and blacks who are serving clean up theirs.
Well...…..there goes that idea!!! :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

No commentary needed story on DRUDGE right now!!:hello77:

Don’t worry..... Mexico will pay for it

Nobody cares about Mexico paying for the wall...….its a far left talking point!:abgg2q.jpg:
Well...…..there goes that idea!!! :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

No commentary needed story on DRUDGE right now!!:hello77:

Don’t worry..... Mexico will pay for it

Nobody cares about Mexico paying for the wall...….its a far left talking point!:abgg2q.jpg:
Of course you care that's why Trump lied to you when he ran and said Mexico was going to pay.

What you mean is you don't care that Trump lies to you.
Well...…..there goes that idea!!! :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

No commentary needed story on DRUDGE right now!!:hello77:

Don’t worry..... Mexico will pay for it

Nobody cares about Mexico paying for the wall...….its a far left talking point!:abgg2q.jpg:
Well...…..there goes that idea!!! :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

No commentary needed story on DRUDGE right now!!:hello77:

Don’t worry..... Mexico will pay for it

Nobody cares about Mexico paying for the wall...….its a far left talking point!:abgg2q.jpg:
Of course you care that's why Trump lied to you when he ran and said Mexico was going to pay.

What you mean is you don't care that Trump lies to you.

Every politician lies...…….a lot. Duh.

Where have you been s0n?
Well...…..there goes that idea!!! :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

No commentary needed story on DRUDGE right now!!:hello77:

Don’t worry..... Mexico will pay for it

Nobody cares about Mexico paying for the wall...….its a far left talking point!:abgg2q.jpg:
Well...…..there goes that idea!!! :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

No commentary needed story on DRUDGE right now!!:hello77:

Don’t worry..... Mexico will pay for it

Nobody cares about Mexico paying for the wall...….its a far left talking point!:abgg2q.jpg:
Of course you care that's why Trump lied to you when he ran and said Mexico was going to pay.

What you mean is you don't care that Trump lies to you.

Every politician lies...…….a lot. Duh.

Where have you been s0n?

No sorry this isn't going to work on us. You aren't going to normalize lying. He lied and should be voted out for being a pathalogical liar.

Trump averaged 15 false claims a day. You're dumb if you accept that as ok.
No you are a person who says things that can be done can't be done. You shoot down every idea because of wild speculation over what if's. [//quote]

I am averse to unintended consequences...everyone should be...the world would be a much better place. Knee jerk reactions, and operating based on feeling rather than intellect is a recipe for not just failure, but tragic failure. Look at the generational dependence that came out of the first attempt at welfare...that system didn't lift anyone out of simply institutionalized poverty...

What if your kid is killed serving in Iraq? Nothing. You can't sue the government. So if your kid was out there serving and he got killed you'd be shit out of luck.
What if my parent's kid had been killed in Viet Nam...So what? Why should I be paid because of the results of a decision that my adult son or daughter made?

None of your reasons were reasons why we shouldn't do what I'm suggesting. But you're in the mood to shoot anyone down who's not a libertarian type thinker such as yourself.

The utter failure of the first new deal in the long term should clue you into the reasons to not do it again...except on a scale far greater than the first new deal ever considered...

You don't sound smart you sound old angry and stubborn.
I suppose you might see it that way.....most children see wisdom beyond their comprehension as nothing but someone keeping them from having fun when telling them why playing frisbee in the middle of the interstate is a bad idea...

And I just through out some totally random examples of ways to serve. Maybe whites clean up their own communities and blacks who are serving clean up theirs.

And clearly didn't put any real thought into any of them...they just sounded good to you and so you were prepared to run with it...failure to think is not a reasonable excuse for is the stupidest reason for failure of all...
Well...…..there goes that idea!!! :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

No commentary needed story on DRUDGE right now!!:hello77:

Don’t worry..... Mexico will pay for it

Nobody cares about Mexico paying for the wall...….its a far left talking point!:abgg2q.jpg:
I seem to remember it as a Trump talking point
No sorry this isn't going to work on us. You aren't going to normalize lying. He lied and should be voted out for being a pathalogical liar.

When trump becomes half the liar that bill or hillary clinton is, then we can talk about putting him out of office....

Trump averaged 15 false claims a day. You're dumb if you accept that as ok.

And you can tell when bill or hillary are lying simply by watching to see when their lips move.....and trump isn't lying in an attempt to extract money from people who produce to give it to people who don't. Protecting our border is a serious issue....the democrats are simply reacting and not thinking....should this nation experience another terrorist attack, and should it be determined that the terrorists came into the country via mexico.....the most likely path by the way....the damage to the party who was against the wall will be generational... kings of unintended consequences....thinking like a child having a tantrum.....vindictive self serving anger rather than considered action....
No sorry this isn't going to work on us. You aren't going to normalize lying. He lied and should be voted out for being a pathalogical liar.

When trump becomes half the liar that bill or hillary clinton is, then we can talk about putting him out of office....

Trump averaged 15 false claims a day. You're dumb if you accept that as ok.

And you can tell when bill or hillary are lying simply by watching to see when their lips move.....and trump isn't lying in an attempt to extract money from people who produce to give it to people who don't. Protecting our border is a serious issue....the democrats are simply reacting and not thinking....should this nation experience another terrorist attack, and should it be determined that the terrorists came into the country via mexico.....the most likely path by the way....the damage to the party who was against the wall will be generational... kings of unintended consequences....thinking like a child having a tantrum.....vindictive self serving anger rather than considered action....

But then Trump would have to tell the truth the rest of the time in office. Not one more lie.


This is Hillary

And this is Trump

For you to say what you said tells me you are highly uninformed about how much Trump lies and why he lies

Why Trump lies, and why you should care - The Boston Globe
No sorry this isn't going to work on us. You aren't going to normalize lying. He lied and should be voted out for being a pathalogical liar.

When trump becomes half the liar that bill or hillary clinton is, then we can talk about putting him out of office....

Trump averaged 15 false claims a day. You're dumb if you accept that as ok.

And you can tell when bill or hillary are lying simply by watching to see when their lips move.....and trump isn't lying in an attempt to extract money from people who produce to give it to people who don't. Protecting our border is a serious issue....the democrats are simply reacting and not thinking....should this nation experience another terrorist attack, and should it be determined that the terrorists came into the country via mexico.....the most likely path by the way....the damage to the party who was against the wall will be generational... kings of unintended consequences....thinking like a child having a tantrum.....vindictive self serving anger rather than considered action....

But then Trump would have to tell the truth the rest of the time in office. Not one more lie.

View attachment 248307
This is Hillary

And this is Trump
View attachment 248308

For you to say what you said tells me you are highly uninformed about how much Trump lies and why he lies

Why Trump lies, and why you should care - The Boston Globe
I love the left wing crap site you used as proof.... I bet I can find a site that says you lie just as much... LOL Boston Globe fact checkers that have been busted creating facts from thin air.. Priceless... And you believe this shit?
Well...…..there goes that idea!!! :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

No commentary needed story on DRUDGE right now!!:hello77:
What is the price of doing nothing to curb climate change?
What is the price of loosing millions of miles of coastal property?
What is the price of more frequent and worsening wild fires?
What is the price of more frequent superstorms that devastate entire regions"?
What is the price of more frequent and severe droughts the lead to famine and social/political unrest ?
What is the price of loosing most of the fish in the ocean as a source of food?

Just like with health care, all you people want to do is talk about the cost of what is proposed but never ever about the cost 0r consequences of ignoring the problem
Well...…..there goes that idea!!! :iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

No commentary needed story on DRUDGE right now!!:hello77:
What is the price of doing nothing to curb climate change?
What is the price of loosing millions of miles of coastal property?
What is the price of more frequent and worsening wild fires?
What is the price of more frequent superstorms that devastate entire regions"?
What is the price of more frequent and severe droughts the lead to famine and social/political unrest ?
What is the price of loosing most of the fish in the ocean as a source of food?

Just like with health care, all you people want to do is talk about the cost of what is proposed but never ever about the cost 0r consequences of ignoring the problem
All consequences that are bogus left wing talking points.. None of which is happening by empirical evidence. You want us to accept killing our economies and millions of people for a non-existent problem. That takes a special kind of stupid... Do you idiots ever use cognitive thought before you spew crap?

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