Green Deal Price Tag...93,000,000,000,000.00

All consequences that are bogus left wing talking points.. None of which is happening by empirical evidence. You want us to accept killing our economies and millions of people for a non-existent problem. That takes a special kind of stupid... Do you idiots ever use cognitive thought before you spew crap?

Yep...that about describes your claims....want to revise them or are you going to stick with horse shit??
There is a whole lot more that I could say but I know that none of it would do any good with you knuckle heads
Your aversion to real, verifiable, facts is duly noted... Continue with your fantasy..
Trump Sycophants, Climate Deniers Say Climate Change is a Hoax Because It’s Currently Cold | Right Wing Watch

Here is a real verifiable fact, Trump and Pence are fucking idiots as are those who like their boots

Some of President Donald Trump’s most shameless supporters are standing alongside climate change deniers to claim that because it is currently brutally cold in many parts of the country, that the consensus warnings about the impacts of climate change are invalid.

Prompted by media chatter about “Green New Deal” legislation set to be introduced by Democratic Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Right Wing Watch has observed a general uptick in climate change denial chatter within conservative circles online.

Mike Pence: ‘For Some Reason’ Liberals Care About Climate Change | Right Wing Watch

oday on “Fox & Friends,” Vice President Mike Pence lavished praise on President Trump for withdrawing from the Paris climate change agreement, repeating Trump’s nonsensical line that he “was elected to represent Pittsburgh, not Paris.”

Pence hailed Trump for demonstrating “leadership” by pulling out of the international accords and standing “without apology for the American people.”

He added that he was perplexed as to why people, particularly liberals, even care about climate change: “For some reason or another, this issue of climate change has emerged as a paramount issue for the left in this country and around the world.”

s0n.....what Trump and Pence realize is that you dont go and have the head of your gorgan removed so you can ball somebody in more hero-like fashion. Only fucking k00ks would think that advisable. If you dont get the analogy, sadly, I cant help you!

Yep...that about describes your claims....want to revise them or are you going to stick with horse shit??
There is a whole lot more that I could say but I know that none of it would do any good with you knuckle heads
Your aversion to real, verifiable, facts is duly noted... Continue with your fantasy..
Trump Sycophants, Climate Deniers Say Climate Change is a Hoax Because It’s Currently Cold | Right Wing Watch

Here is a real verifiable fact, Trump and Pence are fucking idiots as are those who like their boots

Some of President Donald Trump’s most shameless supporters are standing alongside climate change deniers to claim that because it is currently brutally cold in many parts of the country, that the consensus warnings about the impacts of climate change are invalid.

Prompted by media chatter about “Green New Deal” legislation set to be introduced by Democratic Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Right Wing Watch has observed a general uptick in climate change denial chatter within conservative circles online.

Mike Pence: ‘For Some Reason’ Liberals Care About Climate Change | Right Wing Watch

oday on “Fox & Friends,” Vice President Mike Pence lavished praise on President Trump for withdrawing from the Paris climate change agreement, repeating Trump’s nonsensical line that he “was elected to represent Pittsburgh, not Paris.”

Pence hailed Trump for demonstrating “leadership” by pulling out of the international accords and standing “without apology for the American people.”

He added that he was perplexed as to why people, particularly liberals, even care about climate change: “For some reason or another, this issue of climate change has emerged as a paramount issue for the left in this country and around the world.”

s0n.....what Trump and Pence realize is that you dont go and have the head of your gorgan removed so you can ball somebody in more hero-like fashion. Only fucking k00ks would think that advisable. If you dont get the analogy, sadly, I cant help you!
What the fuck are you talking about ?, and I'm not your damned son
No sorry this isn't going to work on us. You aren't going to normalize lying. He lied and should be voted out for being a pathalogical liar.

When trump becomes half the liar that bill or hillary clinton is, then we can talk about putting him out of office....

Trump averaged 15 false claims a day. You're dumb if you accept that as ok.

And you can tell when bill or hillary are lying simply by watching to see when their lips move.....and trump isn't lying in an attempt to extract money from people who produce to give it to people who don't. Protecting our border is a serious issue....the democrats are simply reacting and not thinking....should this nation experience another terrorist attack, and should it be determined that the terrorists came into the country via mexico.....the most likely path by the way....the damage to the party who was against the wall will be generational... kings of unintended consequences....thinking like a child having a tantrum.....vindictive self serving anger rather than considered action....

But then Trump would have to tell the truth the rest of the time in office. Not one more lie.

View attachment 248307
This is Hillary

And this is Trump
View attachment 248308

For you to say what you said tells me you are highly uninformed about how much Trump lies and why he lies

Why Trump lies, and why you should care - The Boston Globe
I love the left wing crap site you used as proof.... I bet I can find a site that says you lie just as much... LOL Boston Globe fact checkers that have been busted creating facts from thin air.. Priceless... And you believe this shit?
Then find it and post it.

You don’t get to deny liberal news and our sources just cause you don’t like the info
Today on “Fox & Friends,” Vice President Mike Pence lavished praise on President Trump for withdrawing from the Paris climate change agreement, repeating Trump’s nonsensical line that he “was elected to represent Pittsburgh, not Paris.”
Mike Pence: ‘For Some Reason’ Liberals Care About Climate Change | Right Wing Watch

People, FOX NEWS is not a news source, it is a tabloid masquerading as a news source. The public should force them to change their name or drop the crap.

Priceless....pure alarmism...there are about 325,000 miles of coastline in the world...not millions of miles...and we are losing it at a rate of about 3 mm per year....a fraction of the rate sea level has been rising for most of the past 10,000 years..
Sea level rise will double coastal flood risk worldwide

And opinion piece from the Guardian is what passes for science in your world? Little wonder you have been duped... Here is what sea level has looked like for about the past 8,000 years...

we should find ways to recover costs. an "empire state capacitor" building in any new cities in more optimal locations, could even capture lightning energy for storage in grid scale batteries.
Priceless....pure alarmism...there are about 325,000 miles of coastline in the world...not millions of miles...and we are losing it at a rate of about 3 mm per year....a fraction of the rate sea level has been rising for most of the past 10,000 years..
Sea level rise will double coastal flood risk worldwide

And opinion piece from the Guardian is what passes for science in your world? Little wonder you have been duped... Here is what sea level has looked like for about the past 8,000 years...

It's not an "opinion piece" It is based on Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and your graph is meaningless. No explanation, no source

AR5 Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis — IPCC

On a global scale, fire emissions/burned area peaked in the 1910s, but then plummeted to “about 5% below year 1700 levels by 2010” (Ward et al., 2018).

The decreasing trend in wildfires has continued unabated in the 21st century, as there has been “a strong statistically significant decline in 2001–2016 active fires globally” (Earl and Simmonds, 2018).

On a long-term scale, “global biomass burning during the past century has been lower than at any time in the past 2000 years” (Doerr and Santín, 2016).

Even in the Western United States, where wildfires are currently ravaging the landscape, there has been a “decline in burning over the past 3,000 y[ears], with the lowest levels attained during the 20th century and during the Little Ice Age (LIA, ca. 1400–1700 CE)” (Marlon et al., 2012).

“Numerous reports, ranging from popular media through to peer-reviewed scientific literature, have led to a common perception
that fires have increased or worsened in recent years around the world. Where these reports are accompanied by quantitative observations, they are often based on short timescales and regional data for fire incidence or area burned, which do not necessarily reflect broader temporal or spatial realities.”

To summarize, there are “widely held perceptions both in the media and scientific papers of increasing fire occurrence, severity and resulting losses“, and yet “the quantitative evidence available does not support these perceived overall trends” (Doerr and Santín, 2016).

Globally, fires are a major source of carbon from the terrestrial biosphere to the atmosphere, occurring on a seasonal cycle and with substantial interannual variability. To understand past trends and variability in sources and sinks of terrestrial carbon, we need quantitative estimates of global fire distributions. … Global fire emissions of carbon increase by about 10% between 1700 and 1900, reaching a maximum of 3.4 Pg C yr−1 in the 1910s, followed by a decrease to about 5% below year 1700 levels by 2010. The decrease in emissions from the 1910s to the present day is driven mainly by land use change, with a smaller contribution from increased fire suppression due to increased human population and is largest in Sub‐Saharan Africa and South Asia. Interannual variability of global fire emissions is similar in the present day as in the early historical period, but present‐day wildfires would be more variable in the absence of land use change.”

And I can go on and on with published papers finding no connection between the bit of warming we have seen and fires...rather than look for opinion pieces written by alarmists, you might try looking at the actual science....generally speaking, there is quite a difference between the published literature and what the media prints.
Storm energy and cyclone intensity have declined sharply since 1979
Increased Hurricane Intensity


And here...from the IPCC


Here...from Geophysical Research Letters


Clip: “The extremely active 2017 Atlantic hurricane season concluded an extended period of quiescent continental United States tropical cyclone landfall activity that began in 2006, commonly referred to as the landfall drought. We introduce an extended climatology of U.S. tropical cyclone activity based on accumulated cyclone energy (ACE) and use this data set to investigate variability and trends in landfall activity. The [hurricane landfall] drought years between 2006 and 2016 recorded an average value of total annual ACE [accumulated cyclone energy] over the U.S. that was less than 60% of the 1900–2017 average.”
“Scaling this landfall activity metric by basin-wide activity reveals a statistically significant downward trend since 1950, with the percentage of total Atlantic ACE expended over the continental U.S. at a series minimum during the recent drought period.”

clip: “Continental United States (CONUS) hurricane-related inflation-adjusted damage has increased significantly since 1900. However, since 1900 neither observed CONUS [Continental United States] landfalling hurricane frequency nor intensity show significant trends, including the devastating 2017 season.”


clip: “Over the 1997–2014 period, the mean frequency of western North Pacific (WNP) tropical cyclones (TCs) was markedly lower (~18%) than the period 1980–1996. Here we show that these changes were driven by an intensification of the vertical wind shear in the southeastern/eastern WNP tied to the changes in the Walker circulation, which arose primarily in response to the enhanced sea surface temperature (SST) warming in the North Atlantic, while the SST anomalies associated with the negative phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in the tropical Pacific and the anthropogenic forcing play only secondary roles.”

Inter-decadal change of the lagged inter-annual relationship between local sea surface temperature and tropical cyclone activity over the western North Pacific

Clip: “A vigorous debate has currently focused on the relationship between increasing TC [tropical cyclone] activity and increasing SST [sea surface temperatures] (Knutson et al. 2010). … [O]ver the WNP [Western North Pacific] basin, a significant decrease of TCF [tropical cyclone frequency] has been observed since 1998 (Liu and Chan 2013; Lin and Chan 2015; Zhao and Wang 2016). Global TCF [tropical cyclone frequency] has showed a similar reduction since the late 1990s (Maue 2011). Change of TCF over the past few decades does not appear to be consistent with changes in local SST. Observational analyses further pointed out that there is no significant correlation between the TCF [tropical cyclone frequency] and local SST [sea surface temperatures] over the WNP [Western North Pacific] basin (Chan 2006; Yeh et al. 2010).”

there is plenty more where that came from..the actual scientific literature finds no real connection between climate change and hurricanes...seems that most of what you believe is merely opinion published by a biased press that is ignoring what the published scientific literature says.
Drought today is far less severe worldwide that it has been in the past...and there is no connection between drought and climate change other than to say that cooler climates produce harsher drought.
Drought and Climate Change | Center for Climate and Energy Solutions


clips: "Monsoon droughts of the past were more severe and persistent than any of the last 100 years.

“…the late-16th-century megadrought caused landscape-scale vegetation changes, a 17th-century drought has been implicated in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680 and the 1882-1905 drought killed more than 50 percent of Arizona’s cattle.”

Dürre-Attacken in Österreich: „Am Klimawandel liegt es nicht“

Clip: Klaus Haslinger, climate scientist at the Austrian Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), told the Wochenblick that the very dry conditions fundamentally are “nothing more than a weather phenomenon and that it has nothing to do per se with ‘manmade climate change.”

Haslinger, who specializes in regional climate analysis. modelling, hydrology and drought, explains that the dry weather is due to a blocking high positioned over Scandinavia and that acts to prevent moist Atlantic air from reaching Northern Europe. He told the Wochenblick that the situation, however, looks very different in southeastern Austria.

Multidecadal variability in East African hydroclimate controlled by the Indian Ocean

Clip: The recent decades-long decline in East African rainfall1 suggests that multidecadal variability is an important component of the climate of this vulnerable region. Prior work based on analysing the instrumental record implicates both Indian2 and Pacific1 ocean sea surface temperatures (SSTs) as possible drivers of East African multidecadal climate variability, but the short length of the instrumental record precludes a full elucidation of the underlying physical mechanisms. Here we show that on timescales beyond the decadal, the Indian Ocean drives East African rainfall variability by altering the local Walker circulation, whereas the influence of the Pacific Ocean is minimal. Our results, based on proxy indicators of relative moisture balance for the past millennium paired with long control simulations from coupled climate models, reveal that moist conditions in coastal East Africa are associated with cool SSTs (and related descending circulation) in the eastern Indian Ocean and ascending circulation over East Africa. The most prominent event identified in the proxy record—a coastal pluvial from 1680 to 1765—occurred when Indo-Pacific warm pool SSTs reached their minimum values of the past millennium. Taken together, the proxy and model evidence suggests that Indian Ocean SSTs are the primary influence on East African rainfall over multidecadal and perhaps longer timescales.

And on and on...drought is caused by cooler climate...not warmer...
I'm a dupe?? Seems that you are the one with a political agenda. Everything that you believe flies in the face of the vast majority of scientific research . Each of your responses is nothing more than an appeal to ignorance logical fallacy devoid of documentation. are a do you suppose all the life in the oceans managed to live during the holocene optimum when temperatures were considerably warmer than they are today...or during the dryas, when they were colder....or during the ice age before? You think the climate has always been what we see today? And acidification is one of the biggest jokes of all..

Here is a recently published paper which finds that the oceans have become less acidic with rising CO2..


A pH change of -0.07-0.08 over 200 years is an overall long-term pH change rate of about -0.0003 per year.

By way of comparison, from one season to the next, or over the course of less than 6 months, pH levels naturally change by ±0.15 pH units, or twice the overall rate of the last 200 years.

On a per-decade scale, the changes are even more pronounced. Oceanic pH values naturally fluctuate up and down by up to 0.6 U within a span of a decade, with an overall range between 7.66 and 8.40. This is decadal rate of pH change is larger than the overall 200-year trend (0.07-0.08) by a factor of 8.



Try looking to the published literature rather than political organizations with an alarmist have been misled.. are a do you suppose all the life in the oceans managed to live during the holocene optimum when temperatures were considerably warmer than they are today...

I don't know if this helps or hurts the debate but sea life is living along the mid atlantic ridge where it is very hot and the pressure would crush a human.

Life finds a way to live anywhere and everywhere on this planet, or so it seems
The drought/climate change connection is total gobblygook.....well documented in these pages over the years. Check the thread MORE PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING. There are about 450,000 links on the matter!
The point of the thread s0n is.....never going to happen.

Yup...they said the EXACT SAME THING about.....
1). Going to the moon
2). Nuclear Fission
3). Anti-biotics
4). WW1
5). Nazi Germany
6). WW2
7). Radical Muslims in Congress
8). Obama Care
9). Venezuela Dictator

As in impossible. Nobody wants the US becoming the next Venezuela

Right....nobody except.....
100 million morons called Democrats

But in spite of everything.....let's just keep telling ourselves "it could never happen"......again.
No worries
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The point of the thread s0n is.....never going to happen.

Yup...they said the EXACT SAME THING about.....
1). Going to the moon
2). Nuclear Fission
3). Anti-biotics
4). WW1
5). Nazi Germany
6). WW2
7). Radical Muslims in Congress
8). Obama Care
9). Venezuela Dictator

As in impossible. Nobody wants the US becoming the next Venezuela

Right....nobody except.....
100 million morons called Democrats

But in spite of everything.....let's just keep telling ourselves "it could never happen"......again.
No worries


The public looks at climate change and yawns. The evidence is stupifying. Most DUMS dont give a crap either. People have waaaaaaaay more real things to worry about. Too, most folks dint get hysterical about climate science predictions like you and a handful of bozos in this forum.....they see it as if there is good chance their projections have a good chance of being wrong. Plenty of evidence of that too.

Most notably, people in general are able to think on the margin, something the climate crusader types have an inability to do. Most people dont want to be having their electric costs doubling and having to pay more taxes while China builds 1-2 new coal plants/ month. Doy.....its called common sense.

Indeed, progressives are getting their clocks cleaned on climate change and no end of the losing in sight. The Green New Deal is the new standard joke....nobody takes it seriously.

Check out this thread s0n to bring you up to speed >>

More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

Thread gets you out of the matrix on climate change!:bye1:
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