Green energy, solar and wind are can't happen fast enough.

Read TS.3.

End of conversation.
How much greater do you believe the feedback is compared to the radiative forcing effect of CO2? Surely you can tell me that, right? That's not asking too much from you, is it?

You do believe there's feedback, right?
Read TS.3.

End of conversation.

Can you provide the expected values that Fig TS.3(b) uses ... and also how the signal-to-noise ratio was calculated ... methods that use the square of standard deviation in the denominator will crash those result big time ...

"Statistics don't lie, but liars use statistics" ... The IPCC doesn't allow dissent ... therefore it's not scientific ... strictly political ... and full of statistics ...
Can you provide the expected values that Fig TS.3(b) uses ...

and also how the signal-to-noise ratio was calculated ... methods that use the square of standard deviation in the denominator will crash those result big time ...
Your attempts to impress the audience are really fucking pathetic. Please explain the significance of your two queries to this 'discussion'? And do explain how using deviation will "crash those results".
The IPCC doesn't allow dissent ... therefore it's not scientific ... strictly political ... and full of statistics ...

PS: I told him to go to TS.3 (ie, Chapter 3 in the Technical Summary: "Understanding the Climate System Response and Implications for Limiting Global Warming"), not figure 3 in Chapter 1.
It isn't

Are you a climate alarmist who thinks something bad is going to happen maybe 30-40 years years in the future even you dont know what it will be?

Or a super alarmist who is sure that the human race will experience hell on earth if not extinction unless we do what greta thunberg tells us to?
Are you a climate alarmist who thinks something bad is going to happen maybe 30-40 years years in the future even you dont know what it will be?

Or a super alarmist who is sure that the human race will experience hell on earth if not extinction unless we do what greta thunberg tells us to?
Neither. I'm someone who accepts the overwhelming conclusions of mainstream science which give me enormous concern for the well being of my children and theirs and the rest of humanity in the face of the cowardice, bigotry and ignorance of people like you.
Neither. I'm someone who accepts the overwhelming conclusions of mainstream science which give me enormous concern for the well being of my children and theirs and the rest of humanity in the face of the cowardice, bigotry and ignorance of people like you.
You have to be one or the other

If you dont think we are in serious trouble now, or soon will be, then your alarmism is fake
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You don't get to define my options. I have believed we were in serious trouble due to AGW for decades. And I don't give two shits what you think about my "alarmism".
You have been an alarmist for decades yet the earth is still here
Neither. I'm someone who accepts the overwhelming conclusions of mainstream science which give me enormous concern for the well being of my children and theirs and the rest of humanity in the face of the cowardice, bigotry and ignorance of people like you.

Thankfully, Chinese CO2 is harmless.
Your imagined “threat”never materializes
Global temperatures have not risen? Sea level has not risen? The world's snow and ice isn't melting? Species of plants and animals aren't being affected?
Global temperatures have not risen? Sea level has not risen? The world's snow and ice isn't melting? Species of plants and animals aren't being affected?

Growing seasons aren't longer? Crop yields aren't higher?
Deaths from cold weather aren't lower?
Global temperatures have not risen? Sea level has not risen? The world's snow and ice isn't melting? Species of plants and animals aren't being affected?
They may have risen incrementally, but the catastrophic consequences that greenies screamed about never happened

Like the man said, much to do about nothing

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