Green New Deal

Sure. Let’s drag our feet waiting for private business to save us. Because ya know... they never look at short term profits over long term viability. Jesus people

Friggin stupidity
/----/ What's friggin stupid is you thinking Gubmint - that mismanages everything - can bring about the best solutions. The only innovation coming out of Washington is bureaucracy and paperwork.
That’s where we differ. I trust government more than I trust private business. And the reason I do is motivation and accountability.

Private business is motivated by profit and accountable to their stock holders.

Government is motivated by keeping the system running and is accountable to the PEOPLE.

Private business is by nature , short term. Government has the ability and in fact duty to look long term. That’s called policy

you are so naïve. How do you think congresspersons become multi millionaires on a 175K annual salary? Their goal is to fill their own pockets at the public's expense, they don't give a shit about you or me. Private business is accountable to its shareholders and employees if it wants to remain in business it must keep those people happy, not so with the government.
First of all most GET there as millionaires. Most are Doctors or lawyers. They also get speaking fees and own businesses.

And $175K is pretty serious money

That said...the GOAL of private business is short term gain and nothing else.

And more than's the millions of ordinary people working for the government that makes it work for the people. Most of the agencies you tards would trash actually CARE about doing their jobs properly and their jobs are NOT short term profits.

that's really funny coming from someone who claims to hate rich elites. If a person was in congress for 10 years and saved every penny, never spent any of his/her salary, they could accumulate 1,750,000. Pelosi is worth 26 million, and you don't think there is corruption in congress?

A business that only cares about short term profits will not survive, you continue to display your ignorance about everything.
The fact that someone was talking about Global warming that far back is important.

We've learned a lot since then and have far more evidence and better indicators.'
Now back to work at your buggy whip manufacturing plant

Yes, our planet has been warming and cooling for hundreds of millions of years, man has never had anything to do with, cannot stop it, cannot delay it, and cannot reverse it.

Plastic straws and cow farts are not causing the end of the world. Its is amazing how dumb you libs are.
Yes, our planet has been warming and cooling for hundreds of millions of years, man has never had anything to do with, cannot stop it, cannot delay it, and cannot reverse it.

Plastic straws and cow farts are not causing the end of the world. Its is amazing how dumb you libs are.

Oh christ. This same sad shit again?

No one disputes that climate has changed in the past. What you are stupidly ignoring is that it changed over thousands of years and often in ways that would have destroyed a civilization like we now have.

We have changes that are directly caused by our reliance on fossil fuels. Something that only began on this scale with the Industrial revolution and which has been accelerating as the warming has been accelerating

We CAN still do something about it but the window on that is closing rapidly

Trying to get Deniers (mostly Republicans) to deal with this is a lot like trying to get a teen ager to clean up his room.

They'll lie, rationalize,promise, and lie again and only do it when they are forced to.

Grow the fuck up ...
Sure. Let’s drag our feet waiting for private business to save us. Because ya know... they never look at short term profits over long term viability. Jesus people

Friggin stupidity
/----/ What's friggin stupid is you thinking Gubmint - that mismanages everything - can bring about the best solutions. The only innovation coming out of Washington is bureaucracy and paperwork.
That’s where we differ. I trust government more than I trust private business. And the reason I do is motivation and accountability.

Private business is motivated by profit and accountable to their stock holders.

Government is motivated by keeping the system running and is accountable to the PEOPLE.

Private business is by nature , short term. Government has the ability and in fact duty to look long term. That’s called policy

you are so naïve. How do you think congresspersons become multi millionaires on a 175K annual salary? Their goal is to fill their own pockets at the public's expense, they don't give a shit about you or me. Private business is accountable to its shareholders and employees if it wants to remain in business it must keep those people happy, not so with the government.
First of all most GET there as millionaires. Most are Doctors or lawyers. They also get speaking fees and own businesses.

And $175K is pretty serious money

That said...the GOAL of private business is short term gain and nothing else.

And more than's the millions of ordinary people working for the government that makes it work for the people. Most of the agencies you tards would trash actually CARE about doing their jobs properly and their jobs are NOT short term profits.

that's really funny coming from someone who claims to hate rich elites. If a person was in congress for 10 years and saved every penny, never spent any of his/her salary, they could accumulate 1,750,000. Pelosi is worth 26 million, and you don't think there is corruption in congress?

A business that only cares about short term profits will not survive, you continue to display your ignorance about everything.
Cortez (AOC) was already given $10 Million from Netflix for documentary rights before she had even been in office for a month.
/----/ What's friggin stupid is you thinking Gubmint - that mismanages everything - can bring about the best solutions. The only innovation coming out of Washington is bureaucracy and paperwork.
That’s where we differ. I trust government more than I trust private business. And the reason I do is motivation and accountability.

Private business is motivated by profit and accountable to their stock holders.

Government is motivated by keeping the system running and is accountable to the PEOPLE.

Private business is by nature , short term. Government has the ability and in fact duty to look long term. That’s called policy

you are so naïve. How do you think congresspersons become multi millionaires on a 175K annual salary? Their goal is to fill their own pockets at the public's expense, they don't give a shit about you or me. Private business is accountable to its shareholders and employees if it wants to remain in business it must keep those people happy, not so with the government.
First of all most GET there as millionaires. Most are Doctors or lawyers. They also get speaking fees and own businesses.

And $175K is pretty serious money

That said...the GOAL of private business is short term gain and nothing else.

And more than's the millions of ordinary people working for the government that makes it work for the people. Most of the agencies you tards would trash actually CARE about doing their jobs properly and their jobs are NOT short term profits.

that's really funny coming from someone who claims to hate rich elites. If a person was in congress for 10 years and saved every penny, never spent any of his/her salary, they could accumulate 1,750,000. Pelosi is worth 26 million, and you don't think there is corruption in congress?

A business that only cares about short term profits will not survive, you continue to display your ignorance about everything.
Cortez (AOC) was already given $10 Million from Netflix for documentary rights before she had even been in office for a month.

Yea...that's a fucking lie. So it off Facebook did ya? Are the Russians still pushing fake news on that platform?

Newsflash...THEY pulled that bullshit ad

No, Netflix did not pay Ocasio-Cortez for documentary
Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace: “The whole climate crisis is not only Fake News, it’s Fake Science. There is no climate crisis, there’s weather and climate all around the world, and in fact carbon dioxide is the main building block of all life.”
Democrats used to explain away murderous communists by describing them as “liberals in a hurry.” Think of Venezuela’s miseries as a preview of AOC’s `GreenNewDeal' running in fast-forward mode.

Okay fine maybe *one* more photo shoot

Don't feed the troll. Stop quoting him
i don't mind "arguing those of the Opposing View, into argumentative submission", not Only for practice, but also just for fun.
Well you're "arguing" with a troll. Trolls don't engage in honest discussion. If you have a point..make it but please do not feed the troll...unless trolling is what you are doing as well.
you would never recognize honesty.
Patrick Moore is fake news.

He was not a co-founder of Greenpeace and he's been a paid lobbyist for the energy lobby for 35 years

"every time i eat a cheeseburger a polar bear dies" - Mark Steyn

"we shouldn't have kids. we should go extinct. it's hopeless" - Tucker nut job guest
The defeatist attitude of the lefties on this climate discussion is amazing. "the world will end in 12 years" "no point in having kids because humanity if going to be extinct" and the UN "The sea level will rise by the year 2000 such that most coastal areas and many islands will be under water".

Its all horseshit, but the ignorant eat it up and repeat it like its the massive truth of the universe discovered by the prophet algore as he strolled around his 20,000 sq ft mansion after getting off a private jet from a global warming conference.

Its fricken lunacy being expressed daily by lunatics.
"Defeatist attitude"?

That's the Denier "well there's nothing we can dooooo" bullshit

No one is saying "the world is gonna end in 12 years" . The fact that you lie about that speaks to your basic dishonesty on the subject.

We're already seeing the effects of Climate Change and scientists tell us that we have about a 12 year window in which to address it. After that , the window closes.
"Defeatist attitude"?

That's the Denier "well there's nothing we can dooooo" bullshit

No one is saying "the world is gonna end in 12 years" . The fact that you lie about that speaks to your basic dishonesty on the subject.

We're already seeing the effects of Climate Change and scientists tell us that we have about a 12 year window in which to address it. After that , the window closes.

Ok, you really need to consider something that resembles research instead of just saying stupid stuff.
'The world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change,' Ocasio-Cortez says
So the heater function of CO2 can’t warm cold countries? Only warm warm ones? Hmmm I think you don’t know

why do some countries get colder than others if the same amount of CO2 is above them?

That's called WEATHER dumfuks
what's called weather, CO2 above the countries or the location of the country on the planet and sun light? has nothing to do with weather. It's called climate.
Where are you getting your misinformation from?

Here? Scientific Consensus | Facts – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

Or here What President Trump, Fox and Breitbart Are Not Saying About Climate Science Denier Patrick Moore

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