Green New Deal

Did they not get the 108 mm by measuring? Where was the measurement taken?, what were the tidal situations? What was the water temperature? Had it rained in the last 24 hours? Was the wind blowing towards shore or away from it?
So,essentially, you are I'm that you, a person with no education or experience in this field, have somehow thought of things that people who dedicate their lives to this scientific field have not.

You really need to think about the absurdity of what you are implying.
Scam? So say the Deniers.

The s science on climate change was settled 15 years ago. Are you hoping that if we drag our feet long enough that we won’t be able to do anything about it?
/——-/ So much for settled science: In a project, experts recently revealed that a tortoise thought to be extinct for 113 years has been rediscovered on a remote volcanic island in the Galapagos.
So much for settled science: In a project, experts recently revealed that a tortoise thought to be extinct for 113 years has been rediscovered on a remote volcanic island in the Galapagos.
Stupid comparison. This discovery did not, for instance, cause any damage at all to the idea of the evolution of turtles from other reptiles.
So much for settled science: In a project, experts recently revealed that a tortoise thought to be extinct for 113 years has been rediscovered on a remote volcanic island in the Galapagos.
Stupid comparison. This discovery did not, for instance, cause any damage at all to the idea of the evolution of turtles from other reptiles.
/—-/ It’s yet another example proving the stupidity of the notion there is Settled Science.
It’s yet another example proving the stupidity of the notion there is Settled Science.
Hmm, that depends. Evolution as a fact is, for all practical purpose, settled science. The fundamental principles of evolution have been proven true so many times over that they are no longer under any serious challenge. Scientists are now focusing their efforts on the details. Just as we are no longer having any serious debate over whether or not the earth revolves about the Sun, or whether or not the Andromeda galaxy is a separate galaxy 2 millon light years away, or just a nebulous cloud in our own galaxy.

If someone were to say that the fact that there are billions of galaxies in our universe is "settled science", you wouldn't have much choice but to agree.

So no, it's not always absurd,. In fact, sometimes it is simply the correct determination to make, in order to proceed from it to do more science.
It’s yet another example proving the stupidity of the notion there is Settled Science.
Hmm, that depends. Evolution as a fact is, for all practical purpose, settled science. The fundamental principles of evolution have been proven true so many times over that they are no longer under any serious challenge. Scientists are now focusing their efforts on the details. Just as we are no longer having any serious debate over whether or not the earth revolves about the Sun, or whether or not the Andromeda galaxy is a separate galaxy 2 millon light years away, or just a nebulous cloud in our own galaxy.

If someone were to say that the fact that there are billions of galaxies in our universe is "settled science", you wouldn't have much choice but to agree.

So no, it's not always absurd,. In fact, sometimes it is simply the correct determination to make, in order to proceed from it to do more science.
/—-/ Go argue with thses guys. Is the science settled?
The science isn't settled
"Many people think the science of climate change is settled. It isn't. And the issue is not whether there has been an overall warming during the past century. There has, although it was not uniform and none was observed during the past decade. The geologic record provides us with abundant evidence for such perpetual natural climate variability, from icecaps reaching almost to the equator to none at all, even at the poles.

The climate debate is, in reality, about a 1.6 watts per square metre or 0.5 per cent discrepancy in the poorly known planetary energy balance." (Jan Veizer)
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Did they not get the 108 mm by measuring? Where was the measurement taken?, what were the tidal situations? What was the water temperature? Had it rained in the last 24 hours? Was the wind blowing towards shore or away from it?
So,essentially, you are I'm that you, a person with no education or experience in this field, have somehow thought of things that people who dedicate their lives to this scientific field have not.

You really need to think about the absurdity of what you are implying.
/——/ So AOC and Al Bore have advanced degrees in the climate?
It’s yet another example proving the stupidity of the notion there is Settled Science.
Hmm, that depends. Evolution as a fact is, for all practical purpose, settled science. The fundamental principles of evolution have been proven true so many times over that they are no longer under any serious challenge. Scientists are now focusing their efforts on the details. Just as we are no longer having any serious debate over whether or not the earth revolves about the Sun, or whether or not the Andromeda galaxy is a separate galaxy 2 millon light years away, or just a nebulous cloud in our own galaxy.

If someone were to say that the fact that there are billions of galaxies in our universe is "settled science", you wouldn't have much choice but to agree.

So no, it's not always absurd,. In fact, sometimes it is simply the correct determination to make, in order to proceed from it to do more science.
/———/ “If someone were to say that the fact that there are billions of galaxies in our universe is "settled science", you wouldn't have much choice but to agree.”

No I would not agree, that is a stupid assumption. Giving a guesstimate is not scientific- prove the exact number of galaxies , not some wild guess.
"Many people think the science of climate change is settled. The scientific community "settled" that science 15 years ago. Since then it has been Denier foot dragging and POLITICS.It isn't. And the issue is not whether there has been an overall warming during the past century.Glad you agree on THAT at least There has, although it was not uniform NO one ever claimed it was uniform. and none was observed during the past decade That's just flat out wrong. The geologic record provides us with abundant evidence for such perpetual natural climate variability, from icecaps reaching almost to the equator to none at all, even at the poles.Yea..occurring over thousands of years...not decades

Go sit in the corner
Did they not get the 108 mm by measuring? Where was the measurement taken?, what were the tidal situations? What was the water temperature? Had it rained in the last 24 hours? Was the wind blowing towards shore or away from it?
So,essentially, you are I'm that you, a person with no education or experience in this field, have somehow thought of things that people who dedicate their lives to this scientific field have not.

You really need to think about the absurdity of what you are implying.

I am saying, as are many others, that the entire man made climate change religion is a made up hoax.

Isn't the goal to get people to stop polluting? If its that, why isn't that enough? Everyone wants to reduce pollution. Why must you insist on the failed link between pollution and climate?

but that's not it is it? the real goal is to control the actions of all people "to save the planet". Its just another method of mandating socialism on the entire world and putting everything in the hands of a few super elites. Why cant you see that?
"Many people think the science of climate change is settled. The scientific community "settled" that science 15 years ago. Since then it has been Denier foot dragging and POLITICS.It isn't. And the issue is not whether there has been an overall warming during the past century.Glad you agree on THAT at least There has, although it was not uniform NO one ever claimed it was uniform. and none was observed during the past decade That's just flat out wrong. The geologic record provides us with abundant evidence for such perpetual natural climate variability, from icecaps reaching almost to the equator to none at all, even at the poles.Yea..occurring over thousands of years...not decades

Go sit in the corner

there is evidence that the climate is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years. What's missing is any real evidence that the acts of humans are CAUSING the changes. Gore said that by now Florida would be under water and there would be no ice at either pole. Was he wrong or lying?

This "sky is falling" bullshit must stop. Its a terrible waste of time and energy that could be applied to the real problems facing the planet------------too many people, not enough fresh water, not enough food, unstable governments, threats of wars, genocide of all kinds, rouge nations with nuclear weapons, radical islam terrorists.

the earth will be just fine climate wise, it always has been and will be hundreds of millions of years after the last human is gone.
"Many people think the science of climate change is settled. The scientific community "settled" that science 15 years ago. Since then it has been Denier foot dragging and POLITICS.It isn't. And the issue is not whether there has been an overall warming during the past century.Glad you agree on THAT at least There has, although it was not uniform NO one ever claimed it was uniform. and none was observed during the past decade That's just flat out wrong. The geologic record provides us with abundant evidence for such perpetual natural climate variability, from icecaps reaching almost to the equator to none at all, even at the poles.Yea..occurring over thousands of years...not decades

Go sit in the corner

there is evidence that the climate is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years. What's missing is any real evidence that the acts of humans are CAUSING the changes. Gore said that by now Florida would be under water and there would be no ice at either pole. Was he wrong or lying?

This "sky is falling" bullshit must stop. Its a terrible waste of time and energy that could be applied to the real problems facing the planet------------too many people, not enough fresh water, not enough food, unstable governments, threats of wars, genocide of all kinds, rouge nations with nuclear weapons, radical islam terrorists.

the earth will be just fine climate wise, it always has been and will be hundreds of millions of years after the last human is gone.

The sad thing is, the socialists have taken up global warming as a wedge issue to pursue their political goals.
"Many people think the science of climate change is settled. The scientific community "settled" that science 15 years ago. Since then it has been Denier foot dragging and POLITICS.It isn't. And the issue is not whether there has been an overall warming during the past century.Glad you agree on THAT at least There has, although it was not uniform NO one ever claimed it was uniform. and none was observed during the past decade That's just flat out wrong. The geologic record provides us with abundant evidence for such perpetual natural climate variability, from icecaps reaching almost to the equator to none at all, even at the poles.Yea..occurring over thousands of years...not decades

Go sit in the corner

there is evidence that the climate is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years. What's missing is any real evidence that the acts of humans are CAUSING the changes. Gore said that by now Florida would be under water and there would be no ice at either pole. Was he wrong or lying?

This "sky is falling" bullshit must stop. Its a terrible waste of time and energy that could be applied to the real problems facing the planet------------too many people, not enough fresh water, not enough food, unstable governments, threats of wars, genocide of all kinds, rouge nations with nuclear weapons, radical islam terrorists.

the earth will be just fine climate wise, it always has been and will be hundreds of millions of years after the last human is gone.

The sad thing is, the socialists have taken up global warming as a wedge issue to pursue their political goals.

Climate change happens and is cyclical. Better technologies at lower cost!
/---/ OK - when these new technologies are commercially viable they will find their way into our lives WITHOUT GUBMINT INTERVENTION.
Sure. Let’s drag our feet waiting for private business to save us. Because ya know... they never look at short term profits over long term viability. Jesus people

Friggin stupidity
Sure. Let’s drag our feet waiting for private business to save us. Because ya know... they never look at short term profits over long term viability. Jesus people

Friggin stupidity
/----/ What's friggin stupid is you thinking Gubmint - that mismanages everything - can bring about the best solutions. The only innovation coming out of Washington is bureaucracy and paperwork.
Sure. Let’s drag our feet waiting for private business to save us. Because ya know... they never look at short term profits over long term viability. Jesus people

Friggin stupidity

No, government has a responsibility to protect the commons. But socialism isn' t the answer.
Did they not get the 108 mm by measuring? Where was the measurement taken?, what were the tidal situations? What was the water temperature? Had it rained in the last 24 hours? Was the wind blowing towards shore or away from it?
So,essentially, you are I'm that you, a person with no education or experience in this field, have somehow thought of things that people who dedicate their lives to this scientific field have not.

You really need to think about the absurdity of what you are implying.
/----/ Scott Adams described your scam perfectly.

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