Gregarious George Will writes lengthy book about conservatism, does not mention Trump even once!

President Trump is not a conservative. He is a hybrid of sorts.
Barack Obama is not black. he is a hybrid of sorts

You are entitled to your opinion....

The man who is now known as "B. Hussein O" used to be Good Old Barry Soetoro, one of the privileged elite of the Pacific Rim and the boss of Honolulu's notorious Choom Gang.

He decided to adopt the "Obama" gimmick as he saw it as a way to make a fortune in the book selling racket and even to seize power in Washington.

He really never was one of the inner city Ghetto Mau Mau warriors he pretended to be.
populism is the reverse of what conservatism stands for. Trump is no conservative.
populism is the reverse of what conservatism stands for. Trump is no conservative.

Trump's accomplishments in de-regulation, reducing taxes, putting conservatives on the court, reducing unemployment especially among minorities and working out tremendous trade deals should be saluted by all Americans, even if he has had to threaten non-conservative measures like tariffs to accomplish them.
populism is the reverse of what conservatism stands for. Trump is no conservative.

Trump's accomplishments in de-regulation, reducing taxes, putting conservatives on the court, reducing unemployment especially among minorities and working out tremendous trade deals should be saluted by all Americans, even if he has had to threaten non-conservative measures like tariffs to accomplish them.
only Trump is allowed to use the word "tremendous". he created it and patented it!
Will is a life long conservative

Trump as a fake conservative

Mr. Will seems to be a lib to me. He supported Hillary Clinton for goodness sakes.

And it looks like he will be supporting Bite Me and AOC in next year's election.

I'm not sure in what universe 70% tax rates, draconian gun control and socialized medicine are considered "conservative", but its not a universe that I am familiar with.

President Trump isn't bound to any ideology except for support of the American people. I heard earlier today how he defended Nancy on charges of Racism launched against her by AOC. Even though Ms. Pelosi is a hard core Ultra Liberal.

This is because you are not a conservative. If you had read the writings of William F. Buckley and Barry Goldwater, you might understand. But I doubt that is going to happen. Goldwater warned the movement what would happen if they let the Christian Right get it's nose under the tent, and he was certainly right. As a result, the conservative movement is dead.
The likes of George will and bill kristol are nothing more than Butt Hurt rinos.....

Trump has delivered on things they could only dream of...

And then they said we needed to vote for hillary clinton to save the republican party....

Fluck the rino republican party.....

It’s TRUMP and the TEA PARTY now baby........
Will is a life long conservative

Trump as a fake conservative

Mr. Will seems to be a lib to me. He supported Hillary Clinton for goodness sakes.

And it looks like he will be supporting Bite Me and AOC in next year's election.

I'm not sure in what universe 70% tax rates, draconian gun control and socialized medicine are considered "conservative", but its not a universe that I am familiar with.

President Trump isn't bound to any ideology except for support of the American people. I heard earlier today how he defended Nancy on charges of Racism launched against her by AOC. Even though Ms. Pelosi is a hard core Ultra Liberal.
He's anti-trump above all else, even party.... he is Americas conservative go to guru when they need to find their way, Sowell and Malkin are in the same mold...have been reading him for years, his gripe with the trump crowd is that they are doing the liberals work for them.

Sowell is far and away in another universe above the likes of Will.

I'm afraid it is Will who has lost his way.

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Will is a life long conservative

Trump as a fake conservative

It's funny how they will turn on folks who have been conservatives and republicans all their lives, if they don't bow down to their king.

It's amazing how anyone could confuse Trump with conservatism. He's not a conservative.... Never has been. Mitt Romney is a conservative. He bears no resemblance whatsoever to Trump politically.


It's amazing how anyone could confuse Trump with conservatism. He's not a conservative.... Never has been. Mitt Romney is a conservative. He bears no resemblance whatsoever to Trump politically.



Trump has actual accomplishments, the fact that he doesn't obey every rule in the Conservative Play Book doesn't change that fact.

I'd rather see success, personally, instead of slavish obedience to some rule book.
Trump has never been conservative. why would anybody confuse him with a conservative politician?
Compared to the Democrats, he is George Washington. We've had lots of "conservatives": Mitt Romney John, McCain, GW Bush, Bob Dole.

I'll take Trump.

Guys like Romney are hapless baby faces.

I remember that he was attacked for putting women in binders, not paying taxes, and his dancing horses. They tried to stick him with Dog-Abuse, and the only reason why that didn't stick is that Obama actually eats dogs.

But Trump would have never stood for any of that. If Trump would have been attacked for dancing horses, he would have brought the media down to the stables and showed them off- explained how Tremendous they were and how anyone would pleased to have them.

But Mitt he just sat back apologetically, as if he was doing something wrong.
Perhaps no single writer has had such an immediate impact on a presidential election since Harriet Beecher Stowe
Perhaps no single writer has had such an immediate impact on a presidential election since Harriet Beecher Stowe

I have to disagree with you. I would opine that it was Ann Coulter, whose epic monograph "In Trump We Trust: E. Pluribus Awesome" had a tremendous effect on the 2016 election even though it was only published a few months before people were sealed in the voting cubicles on 8 November.
Will is a long time Washington insider and Sunday morning news pundit His job is to insure the illusion continues that the democrats and republicans are political opposites when, in reality, they both want the same thing but they go about it in different ways (also so as to insure an illusion).

Will is as irrelevant as his bow tie and his rhapsodic paeans to baseball.

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