Gregarious George Will writes lengthy book about conservatism, does not mention Trump even once!

You could never say in the last eight decades that an American president wasn’t standing up for the democratic world

Until now, that is.
Trump is the culmination of the grotesque inflation of the presidency!

Trump didn't run as a Conservative.

"i'm a conservative" - Trump during the 2016 campaign

That's not a quote, you just typed that LOL

And it's a fake quote. Trump never said that. In fact this is what he said:

Although Trump was the Republican nominee, he has signaled that the official party platform, adopted at the 2016 Republican National Convention, diverges from his own views

Political positions of Donald Trump - Wikipedia

Here's one for you:

"I'll bend over and take it for the country because I bend over and take it every night" -----Boot Edge Edge during the 2020 campaign
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Trump beat the republicans at their own game. No one, absolutlely no one in any position of power at the time of his accepting the nomination from the republican party, thought he would be able to beat out Hillary Clinton. He was supposed to be the sacrifice to her so she could continue the dems dreams of a globalist society.
Trump then turned around and beat the dems at their own game. He is not a conservative, nor is he a liberal. Populist with varying leanings is probably the best way to label him, maybe even a little bit isolationistic... While he maybe labeled as and affiliated with the republican party, he isn't a republican.
Trump beat the republicans at their own game. No one, absolutlely no one in any position of power at the time of his accepting the nomination from the republican party, thought he would be able to beat out Hillary Clinton. He was supposed to be the sacrifice to her so she could continue the dems dreams of a globalist society.
Trump then turned around and beat the dems at their own game. He is not a conservative, nor is he a liberal. Populist with varying leanings is probably the best way to label him, maybe even a little bit isolationistic... While he maybe labeled as and affiliated with the republican party, he isn't a republican.

He has definitely Governed as a Conservative.
He is what Republicans need to be.
Did he mention Obama, Bush or Clinton? How can you argue about a negative? Doesn't the crazy angry left have more to worry about?
Will is a life long conservative

Trump as a fake conservative
When Will was needed, he showed his true rainbow colors. Also he has taken lots of money for his ranch from the government. And he does not need it. I remember Progs commenting on that some years ago. It seems they were right.

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