Grenada demands USA pay for Solar panels destroyed by hurricane

"One Florida utility"??? FPL is essentially the ONLY Florida utility.
Side question - you guys get some very large hailstones in the US, golf ball to tennis ball size. Does that not cause a big impact for those with solar panels on their houses, and does their insurance cover them?
Side question - you guys get some very large hailstones in the US, golf ball to tennis ball size. Does that not cause a big impact for those with solar panels on their houses, and does their insurance cover them?
It is rare where I live to get hail, after all, Arizona doesn't get much precipitation at all relatively speaking. That said, I get my power using solar panels. I have no connection to the grid. I have had a few panels broken by hailstones. Most of the time I can simply reseal the glass and continue to use the panel, at least for awhile. A commercial operation won't do that by the way. I had one panel broken by hail that could not be temporarily repaired. In any case, broken or cracked panels must be replaced at some point. The good thing for me in that regard is that panels have gotten very cheap. I can get used 250 watt panels that are 8-10 years old, and still put out the power they are supposed to, for 40 dollars.
Hurricane Beryl destroyed a multi-million dollar solar farm on an Island of Grenada's. Now that country, which has no economy to support it's people is demanding that we pay for their stupid idea to put solar panels in the path of Hurricanes to help stop, Hurricanes which people call climate change!

We must end this madness. People really have no business living in the path of hurricanes, especially if they have no money.

Notice the words, "equitable support." Terms of Marxism, Communism.

Grenada's 1st utility-scale solar project destroyed, Minister James demands global action​

Beryl is significant as the first hurricane of the 2024 season and the earliest Category 5 hurricane on record due to the effects of climate change.
She reiterated her commitment to stand with Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell and demanded climate justice. Minister James said that it is very clear that rebuilding and adapting to the availability of scarce resources while major contributors to climate change continue with business as usual is undefendable.

“This is not just about funding; it is about fairness and equitable support for nations
that contribute least to the problem but suffer the most,” highlighted the minister.
Environment Minister further added that there is an urgent need of global response that matches the scale of this global crisis.
This article does NOT support the claims in the thread title. Is the OP going to admit and correct his lie?
It sure does. Who do you think the tiny island off our shore is referring to as, "major contributors."
Grenada is not "off our shore" and you might take note that the term you quote is plural. We certainly might be included, but we are not specifically named. Grenada is talking about those nations that are producing the greatest portions of the human CO2 emissions that are hurting that tiny island which has emitted almost nothing compared to the rest of the world.

Imagine that some sort of disaster harmed a small portion of the United States. Would we not think it our duty to a certain extent to help our fellow citizens? And if we had somehow CAUSED that disaster, we would think this to an even greater extent. Well substitute human race for United States.

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