Greta Thunberg: Time Person of the Year

Time magazine named Greta Thunberg its 2019 Person of the Year on Wednesday.

This is the first time the magazine has named a teenager, making 16-year-old Swedish climate change activist is the youngest person to ever be named. The record was previously held by 25-year-old Charles Lindbergh in 1927.
Calling politicians to task for their failures is a right of all citizens
Even young ones

The opinion of a child who has never supported herself, never voted, never had a job, etc is utterly meaningless
The United Nations, most of Europe, Time Magazine and a majority of her demographic...disagree with you!

Greta Thunberg - Wikipedia

Thunberg first became known for her activism in August 2018 when, at age 15, she began spending her school days outside the Swedish parliament to call for stronger action on global warming by holding up a sign saying (in Swedish) "School strike for the climate". Soon, other students engaged in similar protests in their own communities. Together, they organised a school climate strike movement under the name Fridays for Future. After Thunberg addressed the 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference, student strikes took place every week somewhere in the world. In 2019, there were at least two coordinated multi-city protests involving over one million students each.[5][6] At home, Thunberg convinced her parents to adopt several lifestyle choices to reduce their own carbon footprint, including giving up air travel and not eating meat.[7]

Her sudden rise to world fame has made her a leader and a target.[8] In May 2019, Thunberg was featured on the cover of Time magazine, which named her a "next generation leader" and noted that many see her as a role model.[9] Thunberg and the school strike movement were also featured in a 30-minute Vice documentary titled Make the World Greta Again.[10] Some media have described her impact on the world stage as the "Greta Thunberg effect".[11] Thunberg has been the recipient of numerous honours and awards, including fellowship of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, has been named as one of the 100 most influential people of 2019 by Time magazine, eventually being named Time Person of the Year 2019.[12] Thunberg was nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize which was ultimately awarded to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali.[13] In September 2019, she addressed the UN Climate Action Summit in New York.

There is no shortage of followers looking for something to follow on this planet.
This is true...and explains the Trump effect admirably.

Au contraire, Trump has actually accomplished many things.
As has Greta....history will no doubt make the comparison, in due time. The fact that we are even having this conversation speaks to that. When literal millions turn out for both people, it speaks to their parity on the world stage..and Trump is old and fading--Greta will be with us for a lot longer--as will her message.
Wonder how many trees got destroyed, and all that co2 released, for all those magazines? :(

Do you think a young lady concerned with the environment equates to Hitler?
I believe he is alluding to the fact that Hitler was also a Time Magazine Person of the Year. An award that is based on how influential the editorial staff believe the person to have been in the past year. Not an ethical or moral imprimatur.

One could never argue Hitler's effect on the world..his influence. Just as they could never argue his evil nature.

Congratulations Greta

Who knew disrespect for elders and truancy are criteria for an award?

Calling politicians to task for their failures is a right of all citizens
Even young ones
She's not an American. She doesn't get to lecture us. Well, she CAN, but nobody cares
I love to watch the hate generated by conservatives towards a young lady who only wants to protect the environment
Bullshit- she's told what she wants- her handlers use her as a tool- her handlers want godvernments to FORCE others to conform to their religion- the use of FORCE is immoral. Period. Giving a tool an award is akin to being a tool- ALL conflict begins when one FORCES another- the intent is immaterial- as is said, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"- the unintended consequences far outweigh the alleged salvation-
You people, for some reason, believe only godvernment taxing something or making something illegal is the *cure-all* for all the ills known to man- when in fact, it's "man" adapting to whatever is the salvation of man and stupid fucking tools along with talking heads and politicians are the exact opposite- you stifle innovation with laws and bullshit- free enterprise and free markets will figure out the adapting- NOT idiots trying to FORCE their theology on others-
The opinion of a child who has never supported herself, never voted, never had a job, etc is utterly meaningless
The United Nations, most of Europe, Time Magazine and a majority of her demographic...disagree with you!

Greta Thunberg - Wikipedia

Thunberg first became known for her activism in August 2018 when, at age 15, she began spending her school days outside the Swedish parliament to call for stronger action on global warming by holding up a sign saying (in Swedish) "School strike for the climate". Soon, other students engaged in similar protests in their own communities. Together, they organised a school climate strike movement under the name Fridays for Future. After Thunberg addressed the 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference, student strikes took place every week somewhere in the world. In 2019, there were at least two coordinated multi-city protests involving over one million students each.[5][6] At home, Thunberg convinced her parents to adopt several lifestyle choices to reduce their own carbon footprint, including giving up air travel and not eating meat.[7]

Her sudden rise to world fame has made her a leader and a target.[8] In May 2019, Thunberg was featured on the cover of Time magazine, which named her a "next generation leader" and noted that many see her as a role model.[9] Thunberg and the school strike movement were also featured in a 30-minute Vice documentary titled Make the World Greta Again.[10] Some media have described her impact on the world stage as the "Greta Thunberg effect".[11] Thunberg has been the recipient of numerous honours and awards, including fellowship of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, has been named as one of the 100 most influential people of 2019 by Time magazine, eventually being named Time Person of the Year 2019.[12] Thunberg was nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize which was ultimately awarded to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali.[13] In September 2019, she addressed the UN Climate Action Summit in New York.

There is no shortage of followers looking for something to follow on this planet.
This is true...and explains the Trump effect admirably.

Au contraire, Trump has actually accomplished many things.
As has Greta....

Please. Go back to your day job.

There's a huge difference between being awarded as a symbol within a sycophantic club and actually accomplishing things that have practical applications and rewarding results.
I love to watch the hate generated by conservatives towards a young lady who only wants to protect the environment
Bullshit- she's told what she wants- her handlers use her as a tool- her handlers want godvernments to FORCE others to conform to their religion- the use of FORCE is immoral. Period. Giving a tool an award is akin to being a tool- ALL conflict begins when one FORCES another- the intent is immaterial- as is said, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"- the unintended consequences far outweigh the alleged salvation-
You people, for some reason, believe only godvernment taxing something or making something illegal is the *cure-all* for all the ills known to man- when in fact, it's "man" adapting to whatever is the salvation of man and stupid fucking tools along with talking heads and politicians are the exact opposite- you stifle innovation with laws and bullshit- free enterprise and free markets will figure out the adapting- NOT idiots trying to FORCE their theology on others-
Just because you seek to dis-empower her message does not mean you are correct. You have an opinion..based on nothing but her age and your desire to bury your head in the oil sands of yesteryear.
You dare not believe that this is HER message---and that she is a harbinger of things to come. Are there those who seek to use her? Of course there are. So?
Is her message a bit over-the-top? Of course it is. She's also going to be one of the defining voices..of her generation, on this issue. Like it..or not.

I don't know who 'you people' are--it seems to be one of those phrases designed to divide...with no other redeeming reason for using it. I'm not a great believer in taxation as a control method..just as a revenue gathering mechanism. I'm quite sure that when the powers that be have milked enough from internal combustion...they will be ready to move to the next revenue vehicle.

Your plea to the free markets as a panacea is noted..and laughed at.
Getting all this mucg idolization at such a young age is a double-edged sword

Like many child actors she will grow up someday

And if no one pays attention to her it can be a big downer
The United Nations, most of Europe, Time Magazine and a majority of her demographic...disagree with you!

Greta Thunberg - Wikipedia

Thunberg first became known for her activism in August 2018 when, at age 15, she began spending her school days outside the Swedish parliament to call for stronger action on global warming by holding up a sign saying (in Swedish) "School strike for the climate". Soon, other students engaged in similar protests in their own communities. Together, they organised a school climate strike movement under the name Fridays for Future. After Thunberg addressed the 2018 United Nations Climate Change Conference, student strikes took place every week somewhere in the world. In 2019, there were at least two coordinated multi-city protests involving over one million students each.[5][6] At home, Thunberg convinced her parents to adopt several lifestyle choices to reduce their own carbon footprint, including giving up air travel and not eating meat.[7]

Her sudden rise to world fame has made her a leader and a target.[8] In May 2019, Thunberg was featured on the cover of Time magazine, which named her a "next generation leader" and noted that many see her as a role model.[9] Thunberg and the school strike movement were also featured in a 30-minute Vice documentary titled Make the World Greta Again.[10] Some media have described her impact on the world stage as the "Greta Thunberg effect".[11] Thunberg has been the recipient of numerous honours and awards, including fellowship of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, has been named as one of the 100 most influential people of 2019 by Time magazine, eventually being named Time Person of the Year 2019.[12] Thunberg was nominated for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize which was ultimately awarded to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali.[13] In September 2019, she addressed the UN Climate Action Summit in New York.

There is no shortage of followers looking for something to follow on this planet.
This is true...and explains the Trump effect admirably.

Au contraire, Trump has actually accomplished many things.
As has Greta....

Please. Go back to your day job.

There's a huge difference between being awarded as a symbol within a sycophantic club and actually accomplishing things that have practical applications and rewarding results.
Trump...rewarding results??? Thanx for the laugh.
And the snipping of my post...whenever I see one of your ilk do that..I know I've won the battle. Truncating posts is the hallmark of the intellectually dishonest. You wish to promote your view by falsely portraying another's view out of context.
There is no shortage of followers looking for something to follow on this planet.
This is true...and explains the Trump effect admirably.

Au contraire, Trump has actually accomplished many things.
As has Greta....

Please. Go back to your day job.

There's a huge difference between being awarded as a symbol within a sycophantic club and actually accomplishing things that have practical applications and rewarding results.
Trump...rewarding results??? Thanx for the laugh.
And the snipping of my post...whenever I see one of your ilk do that..I know I've won the battle. Truncating posts is the hallmark of the intellectually dishonest. You wish to promote your view by falsely portraying another's view out of context.

I answered the pertinent phrase. The remainder was mere pontificating.

Asperger's is often a sign of genius level intellect. Her actions on the world scene merely validate that. Even if I disagreed with her..and I do, on some issues--I'd never stoop so low as to personally attack a 16 yo...for having strong opinions and effectively articulating them.

Do with that what you will.

I have ridiculed her quite a bit.

However, she is just a tool of her handlers.

I blame her parents for allowing her to used by the filthy Left Environmental Wackos.

They have screwed up her childhood. She is the laughing stock of the world now and a focus for the stupidity of the Left.
This is true...and explains the Trump effect admirably.

Au contraire, Trump has actually accomplished many things.
As has Greta....

Please. Go back to your day job.

There's a huge difference between being awarded as a symbol within a sycophantic club and actually accomplishing things that have practical applications and rewarding results.
Trump...rewarding results??? Thanx for the laugh.
And the snipping of my post...whenever I see one of your ilk do that..I know I've won the battle. Truncating posts is the hallmark of the intellectually dishonest. You wish to promote your view by falsely portraying another's view out of context.

I answered the pertinent phrase. The remainder was mere pontificating.
As has Greta....history will no doubt make the comparison, in due time.


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