Greta Thunberg: Time Person of the Year

Ridiculous that a child is named person of the year.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how often has it happened before now? I don't see anything wrong with it going to someone younger. Sometimes those who are younger end up having more sense than an older person and when you believe that something wrong is being done, saying something is what a person is supposed to do because remaining silent only means that the wrong doing can and will continue.

Who knew disrespect for elders and truancy are criteria for an award?
When the elders are dead wrong....disrespect is the only sane response.
Amen to this. Anything else is only a form on enabling.

God bless you and the girl and our current leader always!!!


All she ever did was say "how dare you?" to a roomful of delegates which IMO was extremely disrespectful.

She is a child who basically had a temper tantrum in front of the UN
Those who pander to oil companies while blocking action on climate change deserve much worse than a “how dare you”

And that should come from an adult not a child who has absolutely no idea what it's like to work and support herself.

Her opinion is absolutely worthless.

And the only people that "stole her Childhood " are her parents
Ridiculous that a child is named person of the year.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how often has it happened before now? I don't see anything wrong with it going to someone younger. Sometimes those who are younger end up having more sense than an older person and when you believe that something wrong is being done, saying something is what a person is supposed to do because remaining silent only means that the wrong doing can and will continue.

Who knew disrespect for elders and truancy are criteria for an award?
When the elders are dead wrong....disrespect is the only sane response.
Amen to this. Anything else is only a form on enabling.

God bless you and the girl and our current leader always!!!


All she ever did was say "how dare you?" to a roomful of delegates which IMO was extremely disrespectful.

She is a child who basically had a temper tantrum in front of the UN
Those who pander to oil companies while blocking action on climate change deserve much worse than a “how dare you”

And that should come from an adult not a child who has absolutely no idea what it's like to work and support herself.

Her opinion is absolutely worthless.

And the only people that "stole her Childhood " are her parents

She is making it clear that “adults” are not getting it done
Ok, strange they would honor someone so ineffectual.

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What enables you to measure effectiveness? By what metric? She's enhanced the conversation...and many in her generation are listening to her.
Hell...given the mass amount of hate and out-and-out lying directed at her by most here..she MUST be doing something right!

Congratz Greta--you have already made more of a mark in history at 16 than most of these geezers have made or will make in their entire life.

Being a laughing stock enhances a conversation, but that does not make you effectual. Her latest rants are that climate pledges are meaningless. That will be the end of the line for people lining up at her alter.
Greta Thunberg, the Swedish schoolgirl who inspired a global movement to fight climate change, has been named Time magazine's Person of the Year for 2019.

Greta Thunberg is youngest Time Person of the Year

Oh no so you see this is the final draw as to this award meaning jack shit................... All you have to do is hate your country like Obama and htis little vitch and there's your prize your rich for life sell your soul , sell your kids and your dirty little rich dreams are yours for life lmfao... Wait until you idiots learn your other life never ends bahah hell will suck.

The peace prize/nobel -- best person of the year YOUR PIG DEMOCRATS MADE ALL OF THIS WORTHLESS AND USELESS . INSTEAD JUST GET YOUR ASS AND TITS AS BIG AS KIM KARDASHIAN and you will be filled with riches........ just sell your soul ppl that's all you gotta do.
Hitler Stalin Mao Obama and Greta
Ridiculous that a child is named person of the year.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but how often has it happened before now? I don't see anything wrong with it going to someone younger. Sometimes those who are younger end up having more sense than an older person and when you believe that something wrong is being done, saying something is what a person is supposed to do because remaining silent only means that the wrong doing can and will continue.

When the elders are dead wrong....disrespect is the only sane response.
Amen to this. Anything else is only a form on enabling.

God bless you and the girl and our current leader always!!!


All she ever did was say "how dare you?" to a roomful of delegates which IMO was extremely disrespectful.

She is a child who basically had a temper tantrum in front of the UN
Those who pander to oil companies while blocking action on climate change deserve much worse than a “how dare you”

And that should come from an adult not a child who has absolutely no idea what it's like to work and support herself.

Her opinion is absolutely worthless.

And the only people that "stole her Childhood " are her parents

She is making it clear that “adults” are not getting it done

She is accusing people of "stealing her childhood".

You know that childhood where her parents bought her a boat and paid for her to learn how to sail and supported her financially

Yeah her childhood was stolen

Try and tell that to some poor kid slaving away in a diamond mine

How dare you not spend trillions of dollars to fix the climate. She has no concept of money, no concept of politics and no clue as to what it takes to support herself or a family
Lol a mentally abused child with mental illness parroting pseudo bullshit...
But I guess its better than mass murders like stalin and hitler. Or tyrants like FDR. Or gay Kenyans like obama.
This award has been a joke for a century.
Dude..Asberger's is NOT mental illness. At least, not in the way you portray it. But hey..hater's gotta hate...I get it.
ADHD and OCD. She is known to suddenly have outbursts of anger and cuss her mother when she cooks beef instead of dandelions.
Aspergers is a development disorder.
Do with that what you will.
Asperger's is often a sign of genius level intellect. Her actions on the world scene merely validate that. Even if I disagreed with her..and I do, on some issues--I'd never stoop so low as to personally attack a 16 yo...for having strong opinions and effectively articulating them.

Do with that what you will.
Asperger's is often a sign of genius level intellect.

Not in this case. The girl is an idiot.
You know her? You have some sound basis for your judgement? I doubt it. Just another opinion..noted and discarded.
I've got this as the basis for my judgement.
Greta Thunberg, the Swedish schoolgirl who inspired a global movement to fight climate change, has been named Time magazine's Person of the Year for 2019.

Greta Thunberg is youngest Time Person of the Year

Oh no so you see this is the final draw as to this award meaning jack shit................... All you have to do is hate your country like Obama and htis little vitch and there's your prize your rich for life sell your soul , sell your kids and your dirty little rich dreams are yours for life lmfao... Wait until you idiots learn your other life never ends bahah hell will suck.

The peace prize/nobel -- best person of the year YOUR PIG DEMOCRATS MADE ALL OF THIS WORTHLESS AND USELESS . INSTEAD JUST GET YOUR ASS AND TITS AS BIG AS KIM KARDASHIAN and you will be filled with riches........ just sell your soul ppl that's all you gotta do.
Hitler Stalin Mao Obama and Greta

And Nixon. And Reagan. And both Bushes. And Trump. And Ken Starr. And Rudy Guliani. And Newt Gingrich.

A puppet is the most influential person of the year? We're in more trouble than I thought.

It's funny how leftist are eating their own (media) shit and screaming how it taste great.

FYI, Hong Kong protesters got 90% more votes for TIME's person(s) of the year, but they put Greta anyways.
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More people doing their business and making big money on a mentally ill child.


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