Greta Thurnberg


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2020
Do you think she is brilliant or crazy? Certainly no one could accuse her of being insincere or hypocritical. She even refuses to fly because planes burn much fuel
I think she is autistic, and not too terribly smart.

But, she is perfect for those who are abusing her.
But that is what democrats do, they exploit children for their own political agendas.

Meanwhile, they are destroying their economic future.

Maybe that is why they are pushing for abortion, so less children will have to suffer the future they are preparing for them.
Do you think she is brilliant or crazy? Certainly no one could accuse her of being insincere or hypocritical. She even refuses to fly because planes burn much fuel
She's a 20 year old environmental activist that is concerned about what her generation will have to bear as a consequence of her forerunners actions..and inactions.

On a funnier note, this young woman scares the living shit out of anyone older than 45, the right wing, climate change deniers, and gets insulted and degraded on social media by people who are both much older than her...and should know better. :)
She's a 20 year old environmental activist that is concerned about what her generation will have to bear as a consequence of her forerunners actions..and inactions.

On a funnier note, this young woman scares the living shit out of anyone older than 45, the right wing, climate change deniers, and gets insulted and degraded on social media by people who are both much older than her...and should know better. :)
She reads books n` stuff. That puts them on the Deplorable`s enemies list.
She's a 20 year old environmental activist that is concerned about what her generation will have to bear as a consequence of her forerunners actions..and inactions.

On a funnier note, this young woman scares the living shit out of anyone older than 45, the right wing, climate change deniers, and gets insulted and degraded on social media by people who are both much older than her...and should know better. :)
I know I'm skeered.
Here come the low-T progponcers to accuse real men of being skeeered of a dim witted & indoctrinated climate change clown.
These same "men" would run from a little girl with a sparkler.

She is just an obvious symptom of the brain damage infecting much of the Western world.
Whenever a progbot speaks, people get dumber
Do you think she is brilliant or crazy? Certainly no one could accuse her of being insincere or hypocritical. She even refuses to fly because planes burn much fuel

The right will demonize anyone who goes against their agenda. The right, or Republicans, defend big oil and our worst corporate global polluters. It's just what they do. So of course they are going to trash this young woman.

She's right. We need to stop destroying this planet. And the truth is, we are moving away from fossil fuels. Maybe not fast enough but the entire planet gets it. The only ones fighting it are the global polluters. And they lobby Republicans to deny global warming is real. Meanwhile, the oceans are toilet bowls full of plastic, sea ice is melting, NASA says yes it is real, and Republicans are at war with Science. They did the same thing for tobacco and lead gas.

Anyways, so they are going to mock her, ridicule her, call her stupid, whatever. She's the face of our movement and we love her.

She didn't want to get Al Gored. Al was for going green and the republicans never let him forget he owns 5 homes and flies on private jets.
Ask Greta the following question

How did Co2 melt North American while Freezing Greenland AT THE SAME TIME?

That is the past million years of Earth climate history.
Global warming causes extreme temps. If it makes it warmer in one place, it may make it colder in another place.

Why don't you ask a Climate Scientist that question? Or, why don't you accept their answer? Who are you to argue?

Let me ask you Republicans a question. Why would you argue to burn coal and oil when green energy is cleaner? Cleaner air. Forget global warming. Why are you for dirty air that's giving us cancer?
Here come the low-T progponcers to accuse real men of being skeeered of a dim witted & indoctrinated climate change clown.
These same "men" would run from a little girl with a sparkler.

She is just an obvious symptom of the brain damage infecting much of the Western world.
Whenever a progbot speaks, people get dumber
And, ladies and gentlemen..I give you Example #1. :)
You are. Otherwise you wouldn't denigrate and belittle her.
She is a threat to your perceived way of existence.

If she makes Shell go Green and that costs them money then his gas prices will go up. And his stock might take a hit. Has nothing to do with not believing in global warming.

I think Newt Gingrich admitted 10 or so years ago that they understand GW is real. But corporations don't want to have to pay to go Green. It's cheaper to just continue with the status quo for as long as possible. That's all the corporations care about is profit. We the People care about clean air.
She's a 20 year old environmental activist that is concerned about what her generation will have to bear as a consequence of her forerunners actions..and inactions.

On a funnier note, this young woman scares the living shit out of anyone older than 45, the right wing, climate change deniers, and gets insulted and degraded on social media by people who are both much older than her...and should know better. :)

She doesn't "scare" anyone, we just laugh and shake our heads.
She doesn't "scare" anyone, we just laugh and shake our heads.

She's the face for our movement and you attack her. Trust me dude, the global polluters aren't laughing

Why they're scared of Greta: Youth climate activist has the trolls in retreat​

Right-wingers can't deny Greta Thunberg's truth. In desperation, they're resorting to malice, bigotry and lies​

She doesn't "scare" anyone, we just laugh and shake our heads.
Modern-day conservatism, especially the Republican Party, functions primarily as a protection racket for the fragile egos of mediocre white men. After witnessing the right-wing reaction to Greta Thunberg, the teenage climate activist from Sweden who spoke at the United Nations this week, there can be no doubt of this.

The 16-year-old's steely-eyed courage has helped inspire kids across the country — and the world

Naturally, of course, right-wingers reacted in the ugliest way possible: By arguing that Thunberg's identity — as a young person, as a person on the autism spectrum and, although they are careful not to say this directly, as a girl — inherently discredits what she has to say. Even though Thunberg is capable of doing things many on the right refuse to do — such as read and understand scientific evidence — the argument is that Thunberg and her fellow youth activists cannot think for themselves.

On Fox News, Michael Knowles of the right-wing outlet Daily Wire, in full grumpy-old-man mode, described Thunberg on Monday as "a mentally ill Swedish child who is being exploited by her parents and by the international left," a statement so ugly that even the network was forced to denounce it.

Remember everyone, Fox knowingly lies to it's viewers.

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