Gretchen Whitmer bans travel between residences

little Hitler mustache more appropriate

You do know that we're in a pandemic....don't you?
Is that so?

What is the lethality of this virus? What is the chance that someone age 30 will die if they catch it?

I'm 62. I know people who have contracted the virus. Taking with them I know that I don't want it. I'm not stupid, I'm staying put.
/——/ And that should be your option, not an unconditional mandate.
You don't get it. If you become infected, you infect others and take away their option.
/———/ So lets shut the country down every flu season just to be safe. And all AIDS patients must be permanently confined to home.
You do understand that we have vaccines for the flu and medicines that have basically stopped HIV from turning into AIDS don't you? So where is the COVID19 vaccine? Right now it's called," I hope I don't die."
Did the nation ban sex or shut down because of the HIV virus lurking within human beings sight unseen ?? No of course not, even though millions died in that fight that is still on going (no cure). Hiding under ones bed instead of trusting the Lord to lift the plague is crazy...We must trust that man or woman will be given wisdom by God, and then in his or her abilities to get to the results desired we must Trust that God is with them...

It comes through prayer, and through faith, and through good works, (especially after man created the thing out of his disobedience to God and/or in the ignoring of God's teachings)......

It is our only hope to move on in such a thing.

Faith: strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

You believe in fairy tales, I'll believe in Doctors.
You are the product of a wicked generation. Enjoy your just rewards.

Then by all means cover yourself in the blood of Jesus and go forth and kiss the sick on the lips. Fairy Tales!
Ever since this thing hit, I looked at it as something dangerous as time went by "sure", and as I learned more and more about it I took more and more cautions, but I never changed my way of life either at work or at home. Oh well it is what it is, but I ain't slowing down in life. If it's my time, then so be it.

Good luck with that.
little Hitler mustache more appropriate

You do know that we're in a pandemic....don't you?
Is that so?

What is the lethality of this virus? What is the chance that someone age 30 will die if they catch it?
Just as high as it is for anyone else.

Those are anecdotal stories.

How about some science? And statistical breakdown?


Fuck that anecdotal bullshit. One death is too many when you don't have to die. Science says we to stay the course until people are tested and a vaccine is developed. So don't talk about science when your argument doesn't consider what scientists have to say.
You do realize, that if the economy isn't up and running, more people will die for lack of housing, health care and starvation than of the virus.

There is a whole other agenda going on here. . .

Nope, the government can't prevent all deaths, sorry, that is not it's job.

If it were, it would outlaw booze and cigarettes, and make eating junk food illegal.

Get a grip already.
I realize that the economy is not more important than my health. You guys are full of false equivalences, but I don't really want to get any sickness much less one with no cure. If people aren't able to work because of a pandemic or other natural disasters that is when our tax dollars should be used to keep us housed, fed and with health care until their is a cure.
And when the government cant house and feed you or treat you? You can’t tax people who aren’t working...
I'm pretty sure the thieving motherfuckers who are stealing our tax money can be counted on to do the right thing by us, can't they? (sarcasm)

So you're one those stupid motherfuckers that think they can go through life using taxpayer paid services and not pay?
No, I'm one of those violent mercenary motherfuckers who made a living as muscle for the international crime cartel known as the US government. All my dues are paid in full.

So, yes.
little Hitler mustache more appropriate

You do know that we're in a pandemic....don't you?
Is that so?

What is the lethality of this virus? What is the chance that someone age 30 will die if they catch it?

I'm 62. I know people who have contracted the virus. Taking with them I know that I don't want it. I'm not stupid, I'm staying put.
/——/ And that should be your option, not an unconditional mandate.
You don't get it. If you become infected, you infect others and take away their option.
/———/ So lets shut the country down every flu season just to be safe. And all AIDS patients must be permanently confined to home.
You do understand that we have vaccines for the flu and medicines that have basically stopped HIV from turning into AIDS don't you? So where is the COVID19 vaccine? Right now it's called," I hope I don't die."
Vaccines dont cure a disease AFTER you get it. You take the vaccine BEFORE you're exposed to the disease so you have immunity WHEN you've been exposed.

What needs to be done is everyone tested. The States asked the asswipePINO, he said tough shit. (paraphrasing)
Do you not understand basic logistics?
Just like we're running short of masks, we are also short of testing supplies. Hell, swabs alone are getting hard to come by.

The asswipePINO needs to enact the War Powers Act. We are at war with a virus. We need to protect the citizenry. The recurrence of the virus in China, South Korea, and Japan show that.
The majority of the people here are simply talking crazy. You have not lost your freedom by government decree, this is government doing it's mother fucking job. The first priority for government is the well being of it's citizens, not the well being of the economy. This is a health crisis and the number of people getting sick or dying is not decreasing. This is not the flu and when you get it, no matter whether you live or not, you will not like what you go through. Now talking stupid about the man and what you aren't going to let the government do, doesn't mean a damn thing to that virus. All the John Wayne bluster on earth won't lift your ass out of that bed if the virus gets your ass. So then what happens to your mother fucking liberty then?

You want to go back to work now. So what happens if the virus gets you when you do so? Your ass can't get out of bed, you can't work, and then where's the economy?

Nobody likes this shit. But you republicans don't seem to understand that trump cannot bullshit this virus. The republican senate can't vote not to have this virus around. trump can't obstruct, fire or nasty tween fear into this virus. We must be patient and stay disciplined to beat this. Seems like discipline is not a republican belief.
The only thing the government should be doing is defending the border and delivering the mail on time. None of the rest is any of it's damn business.

The asswipePINO didn't defend the border. mean the border that you liberals have deliberately kept as leaky as a sieve for decades now? The border that you declared didn't need a wall? How exactly do you defend a border when you don't have barriers to keep people from strolling on over any time they feel like it?

The fact haven't WANTED to defend the border because you want a massive influx of Hispanics that you think will give you more political power!

I'm not liberal. I've stated many times that the asswipePINO needs to jail employers that knowingly hire illegals. Just short of 40% of illegals came here legally and overstayed their visa. The ONLY way to effectively get ride of illegals is removing the source of income.
little Hitler mustache more appropriate

You do know that we're in a pandemic....don't you?
Is that so?

What is the lethality of this virus? What is the chance that someone age 30 will die if they catch it?
Just as high as it is for anyone else.

Those are anecdotal stories.

How about some science? And statistical breakdown?


Fuck that anecdotal bullshit. One death is too many when you don't have to die. Science says we to stay the course until people are tested and a vaccine is developed. So don't talk about science when your argument doesn't consider what scientists have to say.
You do realize, that if the economy isn't up and running, more people will die for lack of housing, health care and starvation than of the virus.

There is a whole other agenda going on here. . .

Nope, the government can't prevent all deaths, sorry, that is not it's job.

If it were, it would outlaw booze and cigarettes, and make eating junk food illegal.

Get a grip already.
I realize that the economy is not more important than my health. You guys are full of false equivalences, but I don't really want to get any sickness much less one with no cure. If people aren't able to work because of a pandemic or other natural disasters that is when our tax dollars should be used to keep us housed, fed and with health care until their is a cure.
And when the government cant house and feed you or treat you? You can’t tax people who aren’t working...
I'm pretty sure the thieving motherfuckers who are stealing our tax money can be counted on to do the right thing by us, can't they? (sarcasm)

So you're one those stupid motherfuckers that think they can go through life using taxpayer paid services and not pay?
No, I'm one of those violent mercenary motherfuckers who made a living as muscle for the international crime cartel known as the US government. All my dues are paid in full.

So, yes.
I paid alright, and I got the scars to prove it.
little Hitler mustache more appropriate

You do know that we're in a pandemic....don't you?
Is that so?

What is the lethality of this virus? What is the chance that someone age 30 will die if they catch it?

I'm 62. I know people who have contracted the virus. Taking with them I know that I don't want it. I'm not stupid, I'm staying put.
/——/ And that should be your option, not an unconditional mandate.
You don't get it. If you become infected, you infect others and take away their option.
/———/ So lets shut the country down every flu season just to be safe. And all AIDS patients must be permanently confined to home.
LOL... It just goes to show the lefts craziness in their way of thinking or their political agenda one or the other.
There is nothing crazy about avoiding a virus that has no cure at the present time. It's funny how a bunch of retard right wing fringe crazies call sane people crazy. So you go on out there and practice your freedom to get sick and die.
Everytime you get out the bed you are taking a chance, yet you take it anyway ??? No cure yes, but there isn't the fatality rate expected to shut a country completely down, so what gives ?? Oh and I can tell when you start losing the debate, because you jump to petty insults and bullcrap like some kind of self appointed intellectual that can't debate in the simplest of terms with your opponent. LOL.

They are going to lose this badly and the rich thing about it is, their people are impossible to call off. They are all in on Endless Quarantine, Pro-Virus, Who Cares About the Economy.

I think it's wonderful. Hang it all around their necks

Yes, the asswipePINO has done a bang-up job of annihilating western culture. Commie wife, commie chain migrant in-laws.
Who has done a good job at annihilating Western culture or civilization ??? I know you ain't accusing Trump instead of the truly wicked in society of such a deed. If you are, then it just shows what sort of a political hack you really are. People are so much more informed about such things these days, that you are just making a fool of yourself trying to convince people of such radical opinions otherwise.

On January 10, 2020, congress and asswipePINO were advised how bad the COVID-19 virus was. That prompted four bipartisan MOC's to sell just under $6M collectively in stock. Twenty days later the asswipePINO acted. It's my contention that if the asswipePINO would have locked down our borders (US Citizens only admitted after testing) this wouldn't be a problem today. liberals jumped all over Trump for a PARTIAL shut down but now you're blaming him for not locking down the borders? Your "contention" is Monday morning quarterbacking at it's worst! I suppose Mayor De Blasio is at fault for not locking down New York City in early January?

I was quarterbacking when the game was still playing. I advocated closing the borders on January 23. I also advocated getting out of the market at 29.

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