Gringos stay home.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017

As COVID rages uncontrolled in southern and western states (thanks to the unfathomable stupidity of those conflating the imposition of public health measures with violations of their liberty) US travelers, foreign and domestic, have become pariahs. NY now lists 16 states from which residents must quarantine themselves for 2 weeks before moving about freely. Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah. Similarly............................................

After the unjustified invasion and occupation of Iraq it took quite a time to begin to restore the US's standing in the world. After withdrawing from the Paris climate accords, the Iran nuclear agreement, threats to withdraw from NATO, pandering to despots, the imposition of tariffs, petulant acts of buffoonery directed at various world leaders, the mistreatment of allies, and now the incomprehensible mismanagement of COVID, we are seen as an unreliable country run by a shithole President.
Unless and until we remove the Orange Fraud from office we deserve to.

As COVID rages uncontrolled in southern and western states (thanks to the unfathomable stupidity of those conflating the imposition of public health measures with violations of their liberty) US travelers, foreign and domestic, have become pariahs. NY now lists 16 states from which residents must quarantine themselves for 2 weeks before moving about freely. Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Nevada, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Utah. Similarly............................................

After the unjustified invasion and occupation of Iraq it took quite a time to begin to restore the US's standing in the world. After withdrawing from the Paris climate accords, the Iran nuclear agreement, threats to withdraw from NATO, pandering to despots, the imposition of tariffs, petulant acts of buffoonery directed at various world leaders, the mistreatment of allies, and now the incomprehensible mismanagement of COVID, we are seen as an unreliable country run by a shithole President.
Unless and until we remove the Orange Fraud from office we deserve to.
Good. The Mexicans should build a wall. All for it!
The childishly simple-minded nonsense that dimwitted democrats want to believe is oh-so-persuasive:
"Oh noes! They don't like us! The only way to save our soul is for everyone to support every lefty policy I can think of! Quick, before it's too late!"

Yeah, that'll work... :rolleyes:
Can you really be so blindly arrogant as to think everyone in the world wants to live here?
They really do think that, by the way. I had a bizarre "conversation" with Trumpsters who were completely flummoxed by the notion that many illegals are here for the money, not for the glorious opportunity to live here. The thought was completely foreign (no pun intended) to them. They just assume the entire world is miserable because they don't live here. Weird.
Some reality that some love to ignore:

Why are there so many people from South of the Border who are trying so hard to come here?
They're desperate.

Why are they desperate?
Because their countries have been turned, in many areas, to shit holes, and their loved ones are suffering.

Why are those countries so screwed up?
Because of the corruption.

Who is corrupt?
Most folks in authority. Politicians, law enforcement, military.

Where is the corruption coming from?
The drug cartels, who are paying everyone off and leverage that to threaten the rest.

How do the cartels get all that cash?
Drug sales.

How long has this been going on?
Fucking decades.

Well, who's buying the drugs?
Can you really hate your own country so much as to ignore the facts of migration patterns?
You should just acknowledge that you can't defend your position. Because that is what you essentially admitted to by resorting to accusing me of not loving my country.
This is what we need.

But the Orange Clown is too busy trying to claim he has absolute power to do anything he wants as prez and then shirks the responsibility to coordinate a national response to COVID so he can lay off the blame for failure on someone else...........anyone else.
Can you really hate your own country so much as to ignore the facts of migration patterns?
You should just acknowledge that you can't defend your position. Because that is what you essentially admitted to by resorting to accusing me of not loving my country.
You dont love your country, otherwise you wouldnt be defending those looters, rioters and murderers...
LOL!! Ask anyone in the world if they could live anywhere in the world, where they rather be? As for Trump, we'll see in November who the voters prefer. Good luck with senile Joe Biden for President.
Hell... an orangutan sitting in the Oval Office would be an improvement.

But... uhhhh.... wait... oh... yeah... sorry... we've already got one of those... my bad...


The Rump presidency is a train-wreck...

130,000+ dead... 3,00,000 infected... market crash... 401(k) devaluations... 40,000,000 unemployed... nationwide race-riots... nonexistent leadership... and on and on and on...

Your boy is going down on November 3, 2020, and the Nation will raise a deafening cheer as your Orange Baboon-God leaves DC for good on January 20, 2021...

Those cheering will include vast numbers of Republicans and former Reagan Trump Democrats who have finally had enough of your amoral, ignorant, incompetent clown.

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