Grocery Prices FELL in April - Thanks Biden!

I assume you refer to Biden (asshole).

Newsflash. The policies you mention (dumping trillions into the economy because of Covid) were those of BOTH Biden AND Trump

Except the Celery Stalk has kept doing it.

Pretty pathetic you don't know that.
And now time for reality.....................................

"Americans still felt the squeeze in other sectors.
Housing and gas prices were the key drivers behind April’s rise in consumer prices, with the indexes for shelter and gasoline contributing more than 70 percent of the monthly increase."
But Paul Krugman says we are wrong.

The economy is great !

Not sure I could restrain myself if I ever met that little jackass in person.
Well, in a way he is right and so is Biden & Co. The huge deficit spending and printing of money by the government is causing the "economy" to grow and appear fine. That, in turn, has caused prices to skyrocket which, in turn, has forced Americans to use their credit cards in order to buy groceries and everything else, including mortgages and rents. No matter what, you have to live even if you have to charge it in order to survive. So, we have an economy that is "doing just fine", even as Americans are going under at a very fast rate. At some point soon the shit hits the fan as Americans reach the point where they can't charge it anymore because the credit is drying up and they have reached their credit limits.
At this point, less than six months to the election, it would take these prices being cut in HALF to get people to change their minds. My kids are both in their 20s, have a wide circle of friends, and tell me their entire generation has turned against Biden. None of them can afford to live.

What would make people defend this loser, other than they're paid operatives? Is gator a paid operative?

Paid or not, Gator probably has a Biden Blow up doll.

And yes, many people are struggling to do much.

Never mind the poor response to higher housing prices and higher interest rates.

Instead of helping people to understand how this is going to hurt (Reagan had the same issue in 1983...only worse as unemployment was very high....but he was acknowledging and empathetic), Biden has tried to sell the s***show as being "great". All the while Paul Krugman is talking out Biden's bellybutton doing the same.

One year later....1984. Reagan was re-elected in a landslide and he didn't even have to run a campaign. The dems knew they were screwed so they threw Mondale in the opposition and humiliated an otherwise descent man.

Biden will be in an Alzheimer's ward in 2025.

And Lesh then attacks your family (was reported). Typical left-wing jackass.
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Well well well. So grocery prices fell in April and are up 1.1% in the last year. Looks like corporations are learning that high prices slow sales and cause customers to substitute. Additionally now that supply disruptions are lessening we are seeing Food prices stabilize. I know this news will make the conservatives sad. They would like to see a bad economy but just can’t seem to find one. Thank you Biden for your stewardship on food prices.

3…2…1.. until someone posts low prices are killing farmers and that‘s Bidens fault too.

Grocery prices fell on the whole in April, according to data released Wednesday by the Labor Department.

Prices for food at home fell 0.2 percent in April, according to the Labor Department’s consumer price index (CPI), the closely watched inflation gauge. It was the first time food at home prices fell since April 2023 and followed several months of plateauing.

After rising quickly for most of the past three years due to supply chain constraints and the impact of the Ukraine war, grocery prices are up just 1.1 percent over the past 12 months.

The government also said wolverine make great housepets
After going up 20%+ on Tater’s watch. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
From Trumps uncontrolled Covid disaster Wages are up more than prices since 2019 thanks to Biden. Worst employment record in modern history from Trump.
Well well well. So grocery prices fell in April and are up 1.1% in the last year. Looks like corporations are learning that high prices slow sales and cause customers to substitute. Additionally now that supply disruptions are lessening we are seeing Food prices stabilize. I know this news will make the conservatives sad. They would like to see a bad economy but just can’t seem to find one. Thank you Biden for your stewardship on food prices.

3…2…1.. until someone posts low prices are killing farmers and that‘s Bidens fault too.

Grocery prices fell on the whole in April, according to data released Wednesday by the Labor Department.

Prices for food at home fell 0.2 percent in April, according to the Labor Department’s consumer price index (CPI), the closely watched inflation gauge. It was the first time food at home prices fell since April 2023 and followed several months of plateauing.

After rising quickly for most of the past three years due to supply chain constraints and the impact of the Ukraine war, grocery prices are up just 1.1 percent over the past 12 months.
I haven't seen any reductions in prices.
At this point, less than six months to the election, it would take these prices being cut in HALF to get people to change their minds. My kids are both in their 20s, have a wide circle of friends, and tell me their entire generation has turned against Biden. None of them can afford to live.

What would make people defend this loser, other than they're paid operatives? Is gator a paid operative?
What would you like to do for these kids? My graduates from medical school last week and bought a $500k home with his engineer wife all on their own. I thought you righties liked hard work to pay off?

Again, what is your suggestion the government should be doing?

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