Grocery Prices FELL in April - Thanks Biden!

What would you like to do for these kids? My graduates from medical school last week and bought a $500k home with his engineer wife all on their own. I thought you righties liked hard work to pay off?

Great for doctors and engineers (especially married to each other).

I guess that's our answer....everyone become a doctor.
I appreciate the rational response but it needs some corrections.

Food was a marginal decrease that was very small so yes they were down but I think your point is we didn’t see massive price reductions. Massive price reductions would be bad. We are looking for stabilization.

Demand for houses isn’t out of control it is really normal demand fighting for lower inventories. Taxes are not really an issue but if house prices are high from low supply the taxes can put someone over the edge of affordability.

While inflation at home has seemed like it has hurt the dollar wage are up more so people havent lost buying power. And exchange rates are very high. The dollar is strong. Look at the Euro or Chinese Yaun.

The dollar is a failing currency because it is more debt than spending potential. The Yuan is artificially pegged ( on purpose by the ccb ) to keep the trade advantage tipped toward China.
I would look more at the British pound for comparison. More accurate.

I guess housing demand is subject to opinion. Fact remains low inventory= 30 to 40 offers per listing within the first few days of being listed and in this area none of the listings are selling below asking price plus 10%. My opinion? That's out of control.

Property taxes aren't a problem?
Not sure where you live. Trust me they are. Not for me...I set myself up long ago with income property...good thing too...the property taxes in this region of central mass are about 10 percent of the median income. Ridiculous! The pension roles continue to grow at exponential rates basically draining municipal coffers.
Great for doctors and engineers (especially married to each other).

I guess that's our answer....everyone become a doctor.
What would you like to do for those at the bottom? Other than complain Biden is president. How about some of Bidens suggestions:

  • Minimum wage increases
  • Strengthen labor unions for wage growth
  • Expand healthcare for those at the bottom
  • Child tax credit for middle class.
  • Free the US from OPECs control by diversifying energy
  • Invest in public schools
  • Forgive interest on middle class college loans
  • Loan support for first time home buyers
  • Raise taxes on wealthy and companies to pay for it
The list of actual policies you righties won’t support is never ending. You don’t care about families that aren’t doctors and engineers because you don’t support policies for anyone but them.
What would you like to do for those at the bottom? Other than complain Biden is president. How about some of Bidens suggestions:

  • Minimum wage increases
  • Strengthen labor unions for wages
  • Expand healthcare for those at the bottom
  • Child tax credit for middle class.
  • Free the US from OPECs control by diversifying energy
  • Invest in public schools
  • Forgive interest on middle class college loans
  • Loan support for first time home buyers
  • Raise taxes on wealth and companies to pay for it
The list of actual policies you righties won’t support is never ending. You don’t care about families that aren’t doctors and engineers because you don’t support policies for anyone but them.

Why don't you go back to the fact that your argument was stupid. We'll start there.

It was stupid.

Now to your next question:

Biden is fast tracking us to 40 trillion in debt. And Medicare has really not really hit it's peak and won't for some time.

Biden is on track for 2.5 Trillion this year alone.

We'd be in a better position to do these things if wasn't going to take us over the cliff.

Some of the stuff you've listed is just a money garbage disposal.

Some are reasonable (only one or two).
Brought to you by the duopoly and those that vote for them.

Not going to argue with you on that one.

Neither side (and you'll find me call out MAGA in specific on a specific thread) is saying s**t about this.

Why not ?

Pretty soon it won't matter if we put Charles Manson in the W.H. (yes I know he's dead....probably be smarter than Trump or Biden even at that).
Not going to argue with you on that one.

Neither side (and you'll find me call out MAGA in specific on a specific thread) is saying s**t about this.

Why not ?

Pretty soon it won't matter if we put Charles Manson in the W.H. (yes I know he's dead....probably be smarter than Trump or Biden even at that).

Neither side say shit about it as both keep getting reelected, which is basically the voters giving them their approval to keep on doing it. Why would they change when they keep getting put back into office.

And then there is the problem of actually cutting spending. Last month the USDA announced that NASS would be be conducting their annual County Estimates for Row Crops and Small Grains this year due to budget constraints as the budget for NASS was cut. This caused a huge uproar in the Ag community with lobbing groups calling members of Congress and now Congress is talking about forcing NASS to do these surveys along with the extra funding to do them.

Everyone says they want spending cuts, but nobody is willing for their little piece of the pie to be cut. Thus we are now spending more to service our debt than we do on national defense.
$10.00 bubble gum here we come.
Why don't you go back to the fact that your argument was stupid. We'll start there.

It was stupid.

Now to your next question:

Biden is fast tracking us to 40 trillion in debt. And Medicare has really not really hit it's peak and won't for some time.

Biden is on track for 2.5 Trillion this year alone.

We'd be in a better position to do these things if wasn't going to take us over the cliff.

Some of the stuff you've listed is just a money garbage disposal.

Some are reasonable (only one or two).
I asked what you’d like to see done and you dodged. It is because I was 100% correct. You have no idea what to do. You don’t like Biden suggestions to help those at the bottom? WHAT ARE YOUR IDEAS? Everyone become a doctor and marry an engineer?
Things are coming along right on time.
No they aren't. I'm pretty sure that they're usng Chained CPI to measure the effect of inflation on the standard of living rather than standard CPI.

In other words, if you can't afford steak because inflation has caused the prices to rise far too high, and buy hamburger instead, they conclude that you would have bought hamburger anyway even if the steak hadn't been so expensive, so the entire debate therefore becomes based on the cost of buying hamburger.

''Substantive equivalent,'' the scoundrels call it.

OP has much to learn about how things actually work before starting threads like these.

Regurgitating shallow "talking points'' from The Hill won't cut it...
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