Groped, Molested, and Raped in the Hauptbahnhof, Germany by muslim Refugees!

Wow wow wow !!!!

This say's it all !!!!!
The mayor of Cologne is a liberal, and she is asking women to behave themselves !!
Unfucking believeable !!

Mayor of Cologne urges code of conduct for young women to prevent future assaults

The Mayor of Cologne says women should adopt a “code of conduct” to prevent future attacks following trouble on New Year's eve when women in the city centre were subjected to sexual assaults by hundreds of men.

Mayor of Cologne urges code of conduct for young women to prevent future assaults

Just fucking muslims being muslims, it doesn't matter what muslim shithole country you're in!
Wow wow wow !!!!

This say's it all !!!!!
The mayor of Cologne is a liberal, and she is asking women to behave themselves !!
Unfucking believeable !!

Mayor of Cologne urges code of conduct for young women to prevent future assaults

The Mayor of Cologne says women should adopt a “code of conduct” to prevent future attacks following trouble on New Year's eve when women in the city centre were subjected to sexual assaults by hundreds of men.

Mayor of Cologne urges code of conduct for young women to prevent future assaults
Sounds like that AG after San Bernardino, anyone 'edging toward' hate speech and do on. They are all sickening.
Can anyone explain why libturds don't care at all that women are being sexually assaulted and raped by the refugees their fellow libtards admitted to their countries? And why they want the same for the women of America?
The raping, even of children, has been going on for some time.

Germany in a state of SIEGE: Merkel was cheered when she opened the floodgates to migrants. Now, with gangs of men roaming the streets and young German women being told to cover up, the mood's changing

Yesterday, the Mail reported how social workers and women’s groups in Giessen wrote a letter to the local state parliament claiming that rape and child abuse were rife in the refugee camp. The allegations were corroborated by Atif over his curry. ‘The camp is dangerous,’ he agreed. ‘Men of different nationalities fight and women are attacked.’

Many women have felt the need to sleep in their clothes... they won’t go to the toilet at night because rapes and assaults have taken place on their way to, or from, there.

The letter says the camp, far from being a peaceful haven for those fleeing war, is a dangerous melting-pot, where there have been ‘numerous rapes and sexual assaults, and forced prostitution’.

There are even reports of children being raped and subjected to sexual assault, it adds.


telling women how to dress, taliban style, is usually the sign of a great american,
Quit derailing the thread.
In other words, STFU unless you have something to contribute.
make me, retard.
I can't make you. I was appealing to any decency you might have.
then don't pretend. if you had any decency you would appreciate my contributions to this retarded thread. be angry at the thread starter for presenting this issue in the way he did.

It's "retarded" to report the atrocities of these scum ?
Groped, Molested, and Raped in the Hauptbahn hof, Germany by muslim Refugees!

What can one say except that Germany had it coming to them, for their incredibly stupid politically correct, open border policies!

For years it was obvious Muslims were creating problems as migrants to Europe, but Mutty Merkel chose to ignore all the warning signs.

Germany have only themselves to blame for their problems, while they deny that Islam is the core factor behind them.

And don't even get me started about Sweden.

But they have a few problems with another muslims, like Turks, for a years! :) Details are really significant...
All you have are blog posts by hate-mongering retards like yourself alleging "mass sexual assault by 100% of all Muslims on the planet earth." You are a disgrace.

It's what scared, angry, old white men do.
No, there aren't a bunch of white old man rapists running around assaulting women in train stations. Thats what muslims do.

Most of the crimes in Germany are committed by white Germans, moron.

And 800 cars at the Paris streets are burned only by white Frenches every year? Yes, now it's a crime to be white educated christian male :)))
Ah, coming to America, specifically for your wives and daughters!....The should HANG Heir Merkel!

Gates of Vienna ^
Last Thursday night — New Year’s Eve — a large crowd of “refugees” gathered in the Hauptbahnhof, the main train station of Cologne, and took advantage of the loud revelry and fireworks to avail themselves the “uncovered meat” they saw in front of them heading for the platform or alighting from the trains. A wave of harassment, groping, molestation, theft, and reportedly even rape descended upon native German women unfortunate enough to be passing through the station at that time. The crimes committed that evening in Cologne were so blatant, and so uniformly committed by the newly-arrived enrichers of German...
From the article you linked, one reader from Czech Republic said the following:

vera on January 4, 2016 at 11:05 pm said:
"In Czechia, the wits are saying… the people of Germany work so hard. They managed to plow under all of Europe with one cow... Sorry. Don’t mean to negate the seriousness of the situation. But I think… it’s too late. Remember (civil) post war Germany? It’s over."

Funny, but sad. I have to believe the situation in many Western European nations is far more grave than even their own governments or media outlets dare attest to. It takes some courage now to take action, but how suicidal can we be not to?
It grieves me to say this as a European, but Europe is finished, and we have Germany to thank for putting the final nail in the coffin of demise. The damage simply cannot be undone.
yeah, it is always ze germans. i hatez zem.

Only because they're white and don't have a deals with goats and camels? :)
Muslim culture has zero respect for women.

Well, for women that are not Islamic and not their property. Yes. They in short skirts, high heels, Sexy pantyhose, colored underwear,,,,,,,ahemmm. I got off track. They are there for Islam to take,

Results of feminism. Who would be defend white women, "free property"? Women? They usually don't have muscle force to do it. Men? But by law it would be a sort of sexual harrasment :)
Europeans will have to grow some backbone, force out their Muslim pandering political leaders and have their militaries and police toss out the Muslims. If they don't do that, they don't deserve the freedoms they had.

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