Groped, Molested, and Raped in the Hauptbahnhof, Germany by muslim Refugees!

Europeans will have to grow some backbone, force out their Muslim pandering political leaders and have their militaries and police toss out the Muslims. If they don't do that, they don't deserve the freedoms they had.

Muslims muslims... What would you do, if they officially take Christianity and hook cruxes at all places of their clothes? They can to do it - arabian culture is a culture of expressive and unbelievable lies :) Just remember, how the stories of Shahrazad begin :))))
The idiots let over a million refugees come into their country last year alone.
Don't they see what an impact this will have on their culture and identity ?
Pointing out their actual behavior is not demonizing someone. It's telling truth.
Using a tiny, infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group to encourage hatred and fear against the whole group, including the innocent members of that group, is absolutely "demonizing." Nvm that we don't actually know who was in the crowd as you spiteful conservatives jump at the chance to enjoy some bigotry and xenophobia.

Except that it is not an "infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group". It is a culture shared by the group as a whole.

This is a change. The mass sexual assault of women is a result of importing Third World Culture into a First World Nation.
Your first sentence is incorrect. Your second sentence is incorrect. Your 3rd sentence is correct. And the premise of your fourth sentence is a falsehood, so also incorrect.

Link to show that such a mass sexual assault is part of normal German culture.

Or apologize.
Germany has 7,000 plus reported cases of rape per year. 1 rape was reported according to this story, on New Years night - one of the biggest drunken party nights of the year; the race and background of the suspect, if it even happened, are completely unknown.

Germany - Assaults, Kidnapping, Robbery, Sexual Rape - Rape, rate
Germany 2015 Crime and Safety Report

All you have are blog posts by hate-mongering retards like yourself alleging "mass sexual assault by 100% of all Muslims on the planet earth." You are a disgrace.

That would be relevant if I was claiming that only Muslim immigrants rape women in Germany.

As that is not what I said, it is just a deflection from a serious issue that you don't want to face honestly.
All you have are blog posts by hate-mongering retards like yourself alleging "mass sexual assault by 100% of all Muslims on the planet earth." You are a disgrace.

It's what scared, angry, old white men do.
No, there aren't a bunch of white old man rapists running around assaulting women in train stations. Thats what muslims do.

Most of the crimes in Germany are committed by white Germans, moron.


So, the fact that 5% of the population commits less than 80% of the population is your defense?!

Five years Merkel admitted liberal multi-culturalism has failed.

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German.

The comments come amid rising anti-immigration feeling in Germany.

A recent survey suggested more than 30% of people believed the country was "overrun by foreigners".

The study - by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation think-tank - also showed that roughly the same number thought that some 16 million of Germany's immigrants or people with foreign origins had come to the country for its social benefits.

Foreign workers
Mrs Merkel told a gathering of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party on Saturday that at "the beginning of the 60s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country."

She added: "We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be gone', but this isn't reality."

Germany's charged immigration debate

"And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other... has failed, utterly failed."

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed - BBC News

Considering the scale of her fuck up, what is she doing to take responsibility?

Really, resigning is the only thing that would be relevant. And she should still be shunned as a moron and a disaster for her nation and her people.
Five years Merkel admitted liberal multi-culturalism has failed.

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German.

The comments come amid rising anti-immigration feeling in Germany.

A recent survey suggested more than 30% of people believed the country was "overrun by foreigners".

The study - by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation think-tank - also showed that roughly the same number thought that some 16 million of Germany's immigrants or people with foreign origins had come to the country for its social benefits.

Foreign workers
Mrs Merkel told a gathering of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party on Saturday that at "the beginning of the 60s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country."

She added: "We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be gone', but this isn't reality."

Germany's charged immigration debate

"And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other... has failed, utterly failed."

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed - BBC News

Considering the scale of her fuck up, what is she doing to take responsibility?

Really, resigning is the only thing that would be relevant. And she should still be shunned as a moron and a disaster for her nation and her people.

I wonder how their impeachment process works ?
Listening to a woman being interviewed on the BBC, she said all of these men looked Arabic or African, and she said they were not drunk, they knew exactly what they were doing.
Groped between the legs and a firework thrown into a hoodie: Brave female victims reveal the horrifying details after attacks by sex mob of 2,000 'North African and Arab' men in Cologne

Read more: Teenage victims of Cologne sex mob describe harrowing ordeal
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They've turned their city into a no go area overnite.......can ya say war on women......knew ya could

It's almost like all cultures aren't equal...
Things are much better in Sweden....


Five years Merkel admitted liberal multi-culturalism has failed.

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German.

The comments come amid rising anti-immigration feeling in Germany.

A recent survey suggested more than 30% of people believed the country was "overrun by foreigners".

The study - by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation think-tank - also showed that roughly the same number thought that some 16 million of Germany's immigrants or people with foreign origins had come to the country for its social benefits.

Foreign workers
Mrs Merkel told a gathering of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party on Saturday that at "the beginning of the 60s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country."

She added: "We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be gone', but this isn't reality."

Germany's charged immigration debate

"And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other... has failed, utterly failed."

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed - BBC News

Considering the scale of her fuck up, what is she doing to take responsibility?

Really, resigning is the only thing that would be relevant. And she should still be shunned as a moron and a disaster for her nation and her people.
She gets heckled wherever she goes now, but she's a pig-headed creature whom I doubt would ever willingly leave office.
Last edited:
Five years Merkel admitted liberal multi-culturalism has failed.

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German.

The comments come amid rising anti-immigration feeling in Germany.

A recent survey suggested more than 30% of people believed the country was "overrun by foreigners".

The study - by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation think-tank - also showed that roughly the same number thought that some 16 million of Germany's immigrants or people with foreign origins had come to the country for its social benefits.

Foreign workers
Mrs Merkel told a gathering of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party on Saturday that at "the beginning of the 60s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country."

She added: "We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be gone', but this isn't reality."

Germany's charged immigration debate

"And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other... has failed, utterly failed."

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed - BBC News

Considering the scale of her fuck up, what is she doing to take responsibility?

Really, resigning is the only thing that would be relevant. And she should still be shunned as a moron and a disaster for her nation and her people.

I wonder how their impeachment process works ?
There is a pretty poor translation of the wording of this petition at the site, and I think we have a German speaking poster called LucyHamilton ? But I don't know how to do that thing where you 'call' a poster to a thread. I think also one of Merkels ministers pulled off something behind her back, Ie stemming the flow of immigrants by forcing a return to the Dublin agreement, but the damage has already been done. I'll have to check the details at some point.

Over 70,000 Germans sign ‘Impeach Merkel’ petition
Over 70,000 Germans sign ‘Impeach Merkel’ petition |
Last edited:
Five years Merkel admitted liberal multi-culturalism has failed.

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German.

The comments come amid rising anti-immigration feeling in Germany.

A recent survey suggested more than 30% of people believed the country was "overrun by foreigners".

The study - by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation think-tank - also showed that roughly the same number thought that some 16 million of Germany's immigrants or people with foreign origins had come to the country for its social benefits.

Foreign workers
Mrs Merkel told a gathering of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party on Saturday that at "the beginning of the 60s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country."

She added: "We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be gone', but this isn't reality."

Germany's charged immigration debate

"And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other... has failed, utterly failed."

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed - BBC News

Considering the scale of her fuck up, what is she doing to take responsibility?

Really, resigning is the only thing that would be relevant. And she should still be shunned as a moron and a disaster for her nation and her people.

I wonder how their impeachment process works ?
It seems the president can be impeached, and the chancellor can be ousted by a vote of no confidence, from what I can make out.
Five years Merkel admitted liberal multi-culturalism has failed.

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German.

The comments come amid rising anti-immigration feeling in Germany.

A recent survey suggested more than 30% of people believed the country was "overrun by foreigners".

The study - by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation think-tank - also showed that roughly the same number thought that some 16 million of Germany's immigrants or people with foreign origins had come to the country for its social benefits.

Foreign workers
Mrs Merkel told a gathering of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party on Saturday that at "the beginning of the 60s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country."

She added: "We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be gone', but this isn't reality."

Germany's charged immigration debate

"And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other... has failed, utterly failed."

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed - BBC News

Considering the scale of her fuck up, what is she doing to take responsibility?

Really, resigning is the only thing that would be relevant. And she should still be shunned as a moron and a disaster for her nation and her people.

I wonder how their impeachment process works ?
It seems the president can be impeached, and the chancellor can be ousted by a vote of no confidence, from what I can make out.

If they continue to take in refugees by the score, I don't see how she survives.
Honestly, like all the rest of LIBERAL Europe, the Germans don't have the BALLS to put a stop to it!

Five years Merkel admitted liberal multi-culturalism has failed.

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German.

The comments come amid rising anti-immigration feeling in Germany.

A recent survey suggested more than 30% of people believed the country was "overrun by foreigners".

The study - by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation think-tank - also showed that roughly the same number thought that some 16 million of Germany's immigrants or people with foreign origins had come to the country for its social benefits.

Foreign workers
Mrs Merkel told a gathering of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party on Saturday that at "the beginning of the 60s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country."

She added: "We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be gone', but this isn't reality."

Germany's charged immigration debate

"And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other... has failed, utterly failed."

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed - BBC News

Considering the scale of her fuck up, what is she doing to take responsibility?

Really, resigning is the only thing that would be relevant. And she should still be shunned as a moron and a disaster for her nation and her people.
She gets heckled wherever she goes now, but she's a pig-headed creature whom I doubt would ever willingly leave office.

Have you heared about #einearmlänge ? I cannot find it in English...
Five years Merkel admitted liberal multi-culturalism has failed.

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed

Attempts to build a multicultural society in Germany have "utterly failed", Chancellor Angela Merkel says.

She said the so-called "multikulti" concept - where people would "live side-by-side" happily - did not work, and immigrants needed to do more to integrate - including learning German.

The comments come amid rising anti-immigration feeling in Germany.

A recent survey suggested more than 30% of people believed the country was "overrun by foreigners".

The study - by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation think-tank - also showed that roughly the same number thought that some 16 million of Germany's immigrants or people with foreign origins had come to the country for its social benefits.

Foreign workers
Mrs Merkel told a gathering of younger members of her conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party on Saturday that at "the beginning of the 60s our country called the foreign workers to come to Germany and now they live in our country."

She added: "We kidded ourselves a while, we said: 'They won't stay, sometime they will be gone', but this isn't reality."

Germany's charged immigration debate

"And of course, the approach [to build] a multicultural [society] and to live side-by-side and to enjoy each other... has failed, utterly failed."

Merkel says German multicultural society has failed - BBC News

Considering the scale of her fuck up, what is she doing to take responsibility?

Really, resigning is the only thing that would be relevant. And she should still be shunned as a moron and a disaster for her nation and her people.
She gets heckled wherever she goes now, but she's a pig-headed creature whom I doubt would ever willingly leave office.

Have you heared about #einearmlänge ? I cannot find it in English...

Do you mean:
German women using the hashtag #eineArmlänge to argue that it is the responsibility of attackers, not victims to change their behaviour

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