Groped, Molested, and Raped in the Hauptbahnhof, Germany by muslim Refugees!

Why did you leave this part out?

Germany's integration commissioner, Aydan Özoguz, demanded a rapid investigation "because on the one hand, the women need clarity and on the other, refugees and foreigners are quickly becoming the focus of broad suspicion."

Despite such urgings, however, it will likely take some time before any of the perpetrators can be identified. Footage from surveillance cameras mounted at the entrance to the Cologne station will certainly help, but the number of people on the square combined with darkness and the not entirely reliable memories of many of those partying at the site will make the process dramatically more difficult, say officials.

Did that part take a bit away from the hatred and fear you're trying to spread?

What's the matter, afraid a story like this might trip you up from your attempt to lead us all down the garden path ?
No. I'm afraid that spinsters like you and the embarrassing blogger in the OP will lead people down the evil paths that end in Fascism. Xenophobia, hyper-nationalism, demonizing "undesirable" groups of people...

You truly are a blithering idiot.

That tells me you know I'm correct :wink:

Pointing out their actual behavior is not demonizing someone. It's telling truth.
Using a tiny, infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group to encourage hatred and fear against the whole group, including the innocent members of that group, is absolutely "demonizing." Nvm that we don't actually know who was in the crowd as you spiteful conservatives jump at the chance to enjoy some bigotry and xenophobia.
A wingnut blog post?


Gee, Vagisil, with all the horrible crimes these people are alleged to commit, surely you could find something from a legitimate news outlet.


Vag is still an idiot.


Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women - BBC News

Another Muslim apologist goes down in flames.
No mention of Muslims in your link other than that authorities said there was zero confirmation asylum seekers had anything to do with it.

The RWNJ blog post in the OP does a much better job of whipping you rubes into a fear and hate filled frenzy.

Happy now ?

01/05/2016Font:New Year's Eve AttacksDozens of Women Sexually Assaulted in Cologne

Dozens of women celebrating New Year's Eve in Cologne have said they were the victims of sexual assault. With a group of men with North African and Middle Eastern appearances under suspicion, the incident threatens to augment growing concern over Germany's refugee policies.

German politicians and officials are voicing concern on Tuesday over reports that dozens of women were harassed and groped in the heart of Cologne on New Year's Eve by a large group of men on the crowded square in front of the city's main train station. According to police, many also had personal items stolen and fireworks were also fired into the crowd of revelers. According to police, some 90 complaints had been filed by Tuesday morning, with witnesses saying that the perpetrators were young men between 15 and 35 years old and appeared to have migrant backgrounds.

"We will not tolerate such cowardly and abhorrent attacks," said German Justice Minister Heiko Maas on Tuesday. "This is apparently an entirely new dimension of organized crime." All of those involved, Maas demanded, must be "identified and made accountable."

At a press conference on Monday evening, Cologne's police chief, Wolfgang Albers, said that a quarter of the complaints made were related to sexual harassment or groping, with many others pertaining to theft of purses, wallets and mobile phones. He said that smaller groups of men repeatedly emerged from a crowd of about 1,000 young men to surround women, harass them and steal from them. According to the Cologne daily Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, many of the presumed perpetrators are suspected of being from a large group of men that has attracted the attention of police in the past several months. Prior to New Year's Eve, the group had been involved in theft and petty crimes in Cologne nightlife districts.

"The entire square was full of almost exclusively men with just a few fearful women among them being stared at," says Anne, a 27-year-old who was at the scene on New Year's Eve and who spoke to SPIEGEL ONLINE. "I can hardly describe it. I felt very uncomfortable." She says that she was groped soon after arriving to the square.

New Year's Eve Attacks: Dozens of Women Sexually Assaulted in Cologne - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Why did you leave this part out?

Germany's integration commissioner, Aydan Özoguz, demanded a rapid investigation "because on the one hand, the women need clarity and on the other, refugees and foreigners are quickly becoming the focus of broad suspicion."

Despite such urgings, however, it will likely take some time before any of the perpetrators can be identified. Footage from surveillance cameras mounted at the entrance to the Cologne station will certainly help, but the number of people on the square combined with darkness and the not entirely reliable memories of many of those partying at the site will make the process dramatically more difficult, say officials.

Did that part take a bit away from the hatred and fear you're trying to spread?

Old Fool perhaps this will help, but I doubt it!...You're such a TERRORIST sympathizer, and anti-American!

Merkel on Muslim attacking Germans: We must accept that immigrants are more criminal

A wingnut blog post?


Gee, Vagisil, with all the horrible crimes these people are alleged to commit, surely you could find something from a legitimate news outlet.


Vag is still an idiot.


Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women - BBC News

Another Muslim apologist goes down in flames.
No mention of Muslims in your link other than that authorities said there was zero confirmation asylum seekers had anything to do with it.

The RWNJ blog post in the OP does a much better job of whipping you rubes into a fear and hate filled frenzy.

Happy now ?

01/05/2016Font:New Year's Eve AttacksDozens of Women Sexually Assaulted in Cologne

Dozens of women celebrating New Year's Eve in Cologne have said they were the victims of sexual assault. With a group of men with North African and Middle Eastern appearances under suspicion, the incident threatens to augment growing concern over Germany's refugee policies.

German politicians and officials are voicing concern on Tuesday over reports that dozens of women were harassed and groped in the heart of Cologne on New Year's Eve by a large group of men on the crowded square in front of the city's main train station. According to police, many also had personal items stolen and fireworks were also fired into the crowd of revelers. According to police, some 90 complaints had been filed by Tuesday morning, with witnesses saying that the perpetrators were young men between 15 and 35 years old and appeared to have migrant backgrounds.

"We will not tolerate such cowardly and abhorrent attacks," said German Justice Minister Heiko Maas on Tuesday. "This is apparently an entirely new dimension of organized crime." All of those involved, Maas demanded, must be "identified and made accountable."

At a press conference on Monday evening, Cologne's police chief, Wolfgang Albers, said that a quarter of the complaints made were related to sexual harassment or groping, with many others pertaining to theft of purses, wallets and mobile phones. He said that smaller groups of men repeatedly emerged from a crowd of about 1,000 young men to surround women, harass them and steal from them. According to the Cologne daily Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, many of the presumed perpetrators are suspected of being from a large group of men that has attracted the attention of police in the past several months. Prior to New Year's Eve, the group had been involved in theft and petty crimes in Cologne nightlife districts.

"The entire square was full of almost exclusively men with just a few fearful women among them being stared at," says Anne, a 27-year-old who was at the scene on New Year's Eve and who spoke to SPIEGEL ONLINE. "I can hardly describe it. I felt very uncomfortable." She says that she was groped soon after arriving to the square.

New Year's Eve Attacks: Dozens of Women Sexually Assaulted in Cologne - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Why did you leave this part out?

Germany's integration commissioner, Aydan Özoguz, demanded a rapid investigation "because on the one hand, the women need clarity and on the other, refugees and foreigners are quickly becoming the focus of broad suspicion."

Despite such urgings, however, it will likely take some time before any of the perpetrators can be identified. Footage from surveillance cameras mounted at the entrance to the Cologne station will certainly help, but the number of people on the square combined with darkness and the not entirely reliable memories of many of those partying at the site will make the process dramatically more difficult, say officials.

Did that part take a bit away from the hatred and fear you're trying to spread?

Old Fool perhaps this will help, but I doubt it!...You're such a TERRORIST sympathizer, and anti-American!

Merkel on Muslim attacking Germans: We must accept that immigrants are more criminal
4 year old video taken out of context and forced onto this current event. Awesome.

Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women - BBC News

Another Muslim apologist goes down in flames.
No mention of Muslims in your link other than that authorities said there was zero confirmation asylum seekers had anything to do with it.

The RWNJ blog post in the OP does a much better job of whipping you rubes into a fear and hate filled frenzy.

Happy now ?

01/05/2016Font:New Year's Eve AttacksDozens of Women Sexually Assaulted in Cologne

Dozens of women celebrating New Year's Eve in Cologne have said they were the victims of sexual assault. With a group of men with North African and Middle Eastern appearances under suspicion, the incident threatens to augment growing concern over Germany's refugee policies.

German politicians and officials are voicing concern on Tuesday over reports that dozens of women were harassed and groped in the heart of Cologne on New Year's Eve by a large group of men on the crowded square in front of the city's main train station. According to police, many also had personal items stolen and fireworks were also fired into the crowd of revelers. According to police, some 90 complaints had been filed by Tuesday morning, with witnesses saying that the perpetrators were young men between 15 and 35 years old and appeared to have migrant backgrounds.

"We will not tolerate such cowardly and abhorrent attacks," said German Justice Minister Heiko Maas on Tuesday. "This is apparently an entirely new dimension of organized crime." All of those involved, Maas demanded, must be "identified and made accountable."

At a press conference on Monday evening, Cologne's police chief, Wolfgang Albers, said that a quarter of the complaints made were related to sexual harassment or groping, with many others pertaining to theft of purses, wallets and mobile phones. He said that smaller groups of men repeatedly emerged from a crowd of about 1,000 young men to surround women, harass them and steal from them. According to the Cologne daily Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, many of the presumed perpetrators are suspected of being from a large group of men that has attracted the attention of police in the past several months. Prior to New Year's Eve, the group had been involved in theft and petty crimes in Cologne nightlife districts.

"The entire square was full of almost exclusively men with just a few fearful women among them being stared at," says Anne, a 27-year-old who was at the scene on New Year's Eve and who spoke to SPIEGEL ONLINE. "I can hardly describe it. I felt very uncomfortable." She says that she was groped soon after arriving to the square.

New Year's Eve Attacks: Dozens of Women Sexually Assaulted in Cologne - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Why did you leave this part out?

Germany's integration commissioner, Aydan Özoguz, demanded a rapid investigation "because on the one hand, the women need clarity and on the other, refugees and foreigners are quickly becoming the focus of broad suspicion."

Despite such urgings, however, it will likely take some time before any of the perpetrators can be identified. Footage from surveillance cameras mounted at the entrance to the Cologne station will certainly help, but the number of people on the square combined with darkness and the not entirely reliable memories of many of those partying at the site will make the process dramatically more difficult, say officials.

Did that part take a bit away from the hatred and fear you're trying to spread?

Old Fool perhaps this will help, but I doubt it!...You're such a TERRORIST sympathizer, and anti-American!

Merkel on Muslim attacking Germans: We must accept that immigrants are more criminal


Germany shocked by Cologne New Year gang assaults on women - BBC News

Another Muslim apologist goes down in flames.
No mention of Muslims in your link other than that authorities said there was zero confirmation asylum seekers had anything to do with it.

The RWNJ blog post in the OP does a much better job of whipping you rubes into a fear and hate filled frenzy.

Happy now ?

01/05/2016Font:New Year's Eve AttacksDozens of Women Sexually Assaulted in Cologne

Dozens of women celebrating New Year's Eve in Cologne have said they were the victims of sexual assault. With a group of men with North African and Middle Eastern appearances under suspicion, the incident threatens to augment growing concern over Germany's refugee policies.

German politicians and officials are voicing concern on Tuesday over reports that dozens of women were harassed and groped in the heart of Cologne on New Year's Eve by a large group of men on the crowded square in front of the city's main train station. According to police, many also had personal items stolen and fireworks were also fired into the crowd of revelers. According to police, some 90 complaints had been filed by Tuesday morning, with witnesses saying that the perpetrators were young men between 15 and 35 years old and appeared to have migrant backgrounds.

"We will not tolerate such cowardly and abhorrent attacks," said German Justice Minister Heiko Maas on Tuesday. "This is apparently an entirely new dimension of organized crime." All of those involved, Maas demanded, must be "identified and made accountable."

At a press conference on Monday evening, Cologne's police chief, Wolfgang Albers, said that a quarter of the complaints made were related to sexual harassment or groping, with many others pertaining to theft of purses, wallets and mobile phones. He said that smaller groups of men repeatedly emerged from a crowd of about 1,000 young men to surround women, harass them and steal from them. According to the Cologne daily Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, many of the presumed perpetrators are suspected of being from a large group of men that has attracted the attention of police in the past several months. Prior to New Year's Eve, the group had been involved in theft and petty crimes in Cologne nightlife districts.

"The entire square was full of almost exclusively men with just a few fearful women among them being stared at," says Anne, a 27-year-old who was at the scene on New Year's Eve and who spoke to SPIEGEL ONLINE. "I can hardly describe it. I felt very uncomfortable." She says that she was groped soon after arriving to the square.

New Year's Eve Attacks: Dozens of Women Sexually Assaulted in Cologne - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International
Why did you leave this part out?

Germany's integration commissioner, Aydan Özoguz, demanded a rapid investigation "because on the one hand, the women need clarity and on the other, refugees and foreigners are quickly becoming the focus of broad suspicion."

Despite such urgings, however, it will likely take some time before any of the perpetrators can be identified. Footage from surveillance cameras mounted at the entrance to the Cologne station will certainly help, but the number of people on the square combined with darkness and the not entirely reliable memories of many of those partying at the site will make the process dramatically more difficult, say officials.

Did that part take a bit away from the hatred and fear you're trying to spread?

Old Fool perhaps this will help, but I doubt it!...You're such a TERRORIST sympathizer, and anti-American!

Merkel on Muslim attacking Germans: We must accept that immigrants are more criminal
4 year old video taken out of context and forced onto this current event. Awesome.

You LIE as usual, anti- American piece of shit! Published Jan. 5, 2016!
What's the matter, afraid a story like this might trip you up from your attempt to lead us all down the garden path ?
No. I'm afraid that spinsters like you and the embarrassing blogger in the OP will lead people down the evil paths that end in Fascism. Xenophobia, hyper-nationalism, demonizing "undesirable" groups of people...

You truly are a blithering idiot.

That tells me you know I'm correct :wink:

Pointing out their actual behavior is not demonizing someone. It's telling truth.
Using a tiny, infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group to encourage hatred and fear against the whole group, including the innocent members of that group, is absolutely "demonizing." Nvm that we don't actually know who was in the crowd as you spiteful conservatives jump at the chance to enjoy some bigotry and xenophobia.

Except that it is not an "infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group". It is a culture shared by the group as a whole.

This is a change. The mass sexual assault of women is a result of importing Third World Culture into a First World Nation.
No. I'm afraid that spinsters like you and the embarrassing blogger in the OP will lead people down the evil paths that end in Fascism. Xenophobia, hyper-nationalism, demonizing "undesirable" groups of people...

You truly are a blithering idiot.

That tells me you know I'm correct :wink:

Pointing out their actual behavior is not demonizing someone. It's telling truth.
Using a tiny, infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group to encourage hatred and fear against the whole group, including the innocent members of that group, is absolutely "demonizing." Nvm that we don't actually know who was in the crowd as you spiteful conservatives jump at the chance to enjoy some bigotry and xenophobia.

Except that it is not an "infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group". It is a culture shared by the group as a whole.

This is a change. The mass sexual assault of women is a result of importing Third World Culture into a First World Nation.
Your first sentence is incorrect. Your second sentence is incorrect. Your 3rd sentence is correct. And the premise of your fourth sentence is a falsehood, so also incorrect.
The only good muslim is a....muslim that has been deported back to Syria, or whatever other shithole country he came from!

Just think - this refugees are not needed in Syria, because Syria want to build adequate state. They ran from Assad, but who they are? If the Assad is fighting with ISIS and other ISIS-oriented crowd?

There are many good muslims which you never seen, because they live in their countries... Keep difference with muslims and islamists

Neither belong in Europe or America, their religion, culture and traditions are in DIRECT CONFLICT with European and American religion, culture and traditions!


You just walking on the same rakes...

At first - I never heared about "aggressive muslims" from Indonesia, or from China, or India, or from many other countries (how about Iran, without propaganda?) Are they guilty in rapes too?

At second - ok, "good muslim - is dead muslim" and what? Do you know, how many muslims in world? 2 billion. Are you able to eliminate so many people? How can you technically to murder the 100x count of people, than Hitler did? Instead of any morale...

At third - do you think, nazism is really good? Look at Ukraine. Nazi - are the first candidates to unite with ISIS and so on Islamists. Two or three months of intensive brainwashing from "new saving nazi regime", and you will be jumping at the Cologne square, singing "Putin is bad, la la la", when your "new allies" would lawfully rape your wives and daughters.

Just look around, what happens now. Just believe into "yesterday's weather"...


Vagifail and his uneducated ilk are as barbaric as the people he hates.

Wanna be "civilized" as romean citizens under the hoofs of Attilla's horse?
You truly are a blithering idiot.

That tells me you know I'm correct :wink:

Pointing out their actual behavior is not demonizing someone. It's telling truth.
Using a tiny, infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group to encourage hatred and fear against the whole group, including the innocent members of that group, is absolutely "demonizing." Nvm that we don't actually know who was in the crowd as you spiteful conservatives jump at the chance to enjoy some bigotry and xenophobia.

Except that it is not an "infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group". It is a culture shared by the group as a whole.

This is a change. The mass sexual assault of women is a result of importing Third World Culture into a First World Nation.
Your first sentence is incorrect. Your second sentence is incorrect. Your 3rd sentence is correct. And the premise of your fourth sentence is a falsehood, so also incorrect.

Link to show that such a mass sexual assault is part of normal German culture.

Or apologize.
now that is a bit much, old chap. you need to know when to stop failing.

And you need to TRY HARDER to look even more ridiculous!
that may or may not be true. but it is crystal clear that you excel at that.

Only in your ONE digit IQ'D mind!
one digit. once again, a bit harsh. did you make up your mind about the differences in the videos?

I see you never looked! As usual you've been bitch slapped and you are TOO STUPID to know it!

still on the failtrain, amazing. a lot of stamina. still completely utterly wrong, of course. chapeau
Pointing out their actual behavior is not demonizing someone. It's telling truth.
Using a tiny, infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group to encourage hatred and fear against the whole group, including the innocent members of that group, is absolutely "demonizing." Nvm that we don't actually know who was in the crowd as you spiteful conservatives jump at the chance to enjoy some bigotry and xenophobia.

Except that it is not an "infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group". It is a culture shared by the group as a whole.

This is a change. The mass sexual assault of women is a result of importing Third World Culture into a First World Nation.
Your first sentence is incorrect. Your second sentence is incorrect. Your 3rd sentence is correct. And the premise of your fourth sentence is a falsehood, so also incorrect.

Link to show that such a mass sexual assault is part of normal German culture.

Or apologize.

Link please.
why don't you first back up your tripe. then i might post proof of what happens during drunken revelry in germany in crowds, such as during carnival and oktoberfest.
That tells me you know I'm correct :wink:

Pointing out their actual behavior is not demonizing someone. It's telling truth.
Using a tiny, infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group to encourage hatred and fear against the whole group, including the innocent members of that group, is absolutely "demonizing." Nvm that we don't actually know who was in the crowd as you spiteful conservatives jump at the chance to enjoy some bigotry and xenophobia.

Except that it is not an "infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group". It is a culture shared by the group as a whole.

This is a change. The mass sexual assault of women is a result of importing Third World Culture into a First World Nation.
Your first sentence is incorrect. Your second sentence is incorrect. Your 3rd sentence is correct. And the premise of your fourth sentence is a falsehood, so also incorrect.

Link to show that such a mass sexual assault is part of normal German culture.

Or apologize.
Germany has 7,000 plus reported cases of rape per year. 1 rape was reported according to this story, on New Years night - one of the biggest drunken party nights of the year; the race and background of the suspect, if it even happened, are completely unknown.

Germany - Assaults, Kidnapping, Robbery, Sexual Rape - Rape, rate
Germany 2015 Crime and Safety Report

All you have are blog posts by hate-mongering retards like yourself alleging "mass sexual assault by 100% of all Muslims on the planet earth." You are a disgrace.
And you need to TRY HARDER to look even more ridiculous!
that may or may not be true. but it is crystal clear that you excel at that.

Only in your ONE digit IQ'D mind!
one digit. once again, a bit harsh. did you make up your mind about the differences in the videos?

I see you never looked! As usual you've been bitch slapped and you are TOO STUPID to know it!

still on the failtrain, amazing. a lot of stamina. still completely utterly wrong, of course. chapeau

Amazing how a NI^^ER LIES and doesn't think he'd look like the :ahole-1: he is!
now that is a bit much, old chap. you need to know when to stop failing.

And you need to TRY HARDER to look even more ridiculous!
that may or may not be true. but it is crystal clear that you excel at that.

Only in your ONE digit IQ'D mind!
one digit. once again, a bit harsh. did you make up your mind about the differences in the videos?

I see you never looked! As usual you've been bitch slapped and you are TOO STUPID to know it!

Relax, life will show them the truth... They don't know, islamists love not only women and goats to rape...

But don't mix normal muslims with islamists. At least because islamists want you to do it.
Pointing out their actual behavior is not demonizing someone. It's telling truth.
Using a tiny, infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group to encourage hatred and fear against the whole group, including the innocent members of that group, is absolutely "demonizing." Nvm that we don't actually know who was in the crowd as you spiteful conservatives jump at the chance to enjoy some bigotry and xenophobia.

Except that it is not an "infinitesimal fraction of a percentage of the members of a group". It is a culture shared by the group as a whole.

This is a change. The mass sexual assault of women is a result of importing Third World Culture into a First World Nation.
Your first sentence is incorrect. Your second sentence is incorrect. Your 3rd sentence is correct. And the premise of your fourth sentence is a falsehood, so also incorrect.

Link to show that such a mass sexual assault is part of normal German culture.

Or apologize.
Germany has 7,000 plus reported cases of rape per year. 1 rape was reported according to this story, on New Years night - one of the biggest drunken party nights of the year; the race and background of the suspect, if it even happened, are completely unknown.

Germany - Assaults, Kidnapping, Robbery, Sexual Rape - Rape, rate
Germany 2015 Crime and Safety Report

All you have are blog posts by hate-mongering retards like yourself alleging "mass sexual assault by 100% of all Muslims on the planet earth." You are a disgrace.

Year, you're right, this rapes don't exist. And Germany don't exist too. Nothing exist, except of cheeseburgers and cola from fastfood near your home.
All you have are blog posts by hate-mongering retards like yourself alleging "mass sexual assault by 100% of all Muslims on the planet earth." You are a disgrace.

It's what scared, angry, old white men do.
Why did you leave this part out?

Germany's integration commissioner, Aydan Özoguz, demanded a rapid investigation "because on the one hand, the women need clarity and on the other, refugees and foreigners are quickly becoming the focus of broad suspicion."

Despite such urgings, however, it will likely take some time before any of the perpetrators can be identified. Footage from surveillance cameras mounted at the entrance to the Cologne station will certainly help, but the number of people on the square combined with darkness and the not entirely reliable memories of many of those partying at the site will make the process dramatically more difficult, say officials.

Did that part take a bit away from the hatred and fear you're trying to spread?

What's the matter, afraid a story like this might trip you up from your attempt to lead us all down the garden path ?
No. I'm afraid that spinsters like you and the embarrassing blogger in the OP will lead people down the evil paths that end in Fascism. Xenophobia, hyper-nationalism, demonizing "undesirable" groups of people...

You truly are a blithering idiot.

That tells me you know I'm correct :wink:

Pointing out their actual behavior is not demonizing someone. It's telling truth.

Realize though, it's the job of every liberal around the world, especially American libs, to excuse the never ending violence and horrendously bad behavior of all Muslims.
All you have are blog posts by hate-mongering retards like yourself alleging "mass sexual assault by 100% of all Muslims on the planet earth." You are a disgrace.

It's what scared, angry, old white men do.
No, there aren't a bunch of white old man rapists running around assaulting women in train stations. Thats what muslims do.

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