Ground-based nuclear tests can be useful

This is a friendly gas station tuck the dick in the USA ass
And it was not worth spoiling relations with Iran, from the point of view of right-wing politics.
It's either drop some nukes on Iran or wait for them to do it to us first. You pussy.
It's either drop some nukes on Iran or wait for them to do it to us first. You pussy.
Nonsense. The only real competitor of the United States in nuclear weapons is Russia. It was part of Trump's left-wing betrayal. He supported Israel in this conflict, one of the main centers of leftism. This is why America sucks now.
Trump is leftist. He got out of the left before became President, he was led to power by the left
Nonsense. The only real competitor of the United States in nuclear weapons is Russia. It was part of Trump's left-wing betrayal. He supported Israel in this conflict, one of the main centers of leftism. This is why America sucks now.
Israel has our support, they should nuke Syria.



Can't be that bad right?
Some people refused to evacuate from the Chernobyl zone, the villagers have been living there for more than 30 years and everything is fine with them.

Do you have a citation for this claim ... or better would be latitude and longitude ... we can look this up on Google Earth easy enough ... these were collective farms during Soviet rule, the personnel would have been re-assigned to another farm ... failure to report gets you a one-way ticket into the Gulag Archipelago ...

I think you have the right idea, just the wrong species ... field mice who nested in the old sarcophagus had a birth defect rate about double that for the same mouse species outside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone ... perfectly acceptable when 98% of all babies die of starvation anyway ... doubling the birth defect rate among humans is horrific, and expensive ... outside of Afghanistan (thanks Obama), human babies starving to death is all but unheard of anymore ...

Radiological contamination is good for the environment ... if only because it is bad for humans ...

ETA: Mouse claim comes from Nature: "Radioactive Wolves" ... check your local PBS station's website for a link ...
Do you have a citation for this claim ... or better would be latitude and longitude ... we can look this up on Google Earth easy enough ...
Yes, there are videos on YouTube from that area, some of them did not evacuate at all, some returned, everything is fine with them.
Los Angeles and Las Vegas are okay too
First, it is clear that hysteria about the harm of radiation has always been created artificially. Nevada, Kazakhstan, Japan and Chernobyl show no discernible signs of radiation sickness. After the Chernobyl explosion, everyone said that two-headed monsters now live there, but no one saw it. Rescuers neglected their protection and received radiation doses millions of times higher than the norm, and they look normal.

At the same time, it could be a "large ultraviolet lamp" for disinfecting the planet from all abomination, like quartz lamps in hospitals.

After the ban on ground testing, the world plunged into a left-handed gloom. In the USA, there was a hippie degradation, and in the USSR, alcoholic disgusting before the arrival of Reagan.

This somehow influenced the mentality and politics.
And smallpox is great for the complexion.
If you have more confidence in the chatter of politicians than in documentary materials, this is your problem.

Nature, the TV program ... that's been running for decades now, not really a political program ... if you have a YouTube video with a location, then post that location so we can look it up on Google Earth ...

All I ask: latitude and longitude ... easy peasy ...
Nature, the TV program ... that's been running for decades now, not really a political program ... if you have a YouTube video with a location, then post that location so we can look it up on Google Earth ...

All I ask: latitude and longitude ... easy peasy ...
You can find these videos yourself.

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