Group Of obama's Sons Beat Man Senseless


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
Because obama is such a uniter

But mostly because, you know, he deserved it for being White, or something

White Driver Stops After Accidentally Hitting Black Kid, Mob of People Who Could Be Obama’s Sons Beat Him Nearly To Death, Rob Him…


Are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson going to be leading any marches demanding justice?


A Detroit man was in grave condition after a group of people pummeled him when he pulled over to check on a 11-year-old boy he hit with his truck.

The 54-year-old driver stopped as soon as he struck the little boy — identified by his family only as David — who darted in front of the pickup truck near Morang and Balfour streets shortly after 4 p.m. Wednesday, WXYZ-TV reported.

“David was laying right in front of the driveway and he had blood coming out of his mouth,” James Duston, the boy’s godfather, told the news station.

“He couldn’t move his body.”

Suddenly, some of the 30 people who surrounded the scene pounced on the driver.

“I think it lasted about one minute and then they let him go,” one witness, who did not give his name, told the news station.

“And then they jumped back on him again and they did it about three times, and finally someone was trying to help the guy that got beat up … It was sad because I knew the guy was getting out of his car to try and see what damage he did.”

The child was treated for a broken leg, but the driver was placed into an intensive care unit. A relative said he was suffering from injuries that included bleeding of the brain.

“He could potentially die,” Woody told the newspaper.

Only one news source (and there are plenty reporting on this story) was willing to describe the race of the attackers.

DETROIT, MI — A motorist stopped to check on an 11-year-old boy after he struck him with his vehicle at a gas station in Detroit and was severely beaten by a crowd of bystanders late Wednesday afternoon.

“The child ran into the road in front of the vehicle and was struck,” a representative if the Detroit Police Department Public Information Office said. “The driver stopped, got out to aid the child and he was severely beaten by 10-12 black males.”

Detroit police say both the motorist and child were in critical condition Wednesday evening.

The stories on this never mention the race of the man who was attacked but I was able to confirm he is white.


Mob Beating of White Driver Who Stopped To Help Boy In Detroit Possible Hate Crime…


DETROIT (WWJ) – As a 54-year-old Roseville man clings to life in the hospital following a brutal mob beating on Detroit’s east side, many are starting to wonder if the whole thing was racially motivated.

As first reported by WWJ Newsradio 950, an 11-year-old boy suffered a broken leg on Wednesday when he was hit by a pickup truck after walking into the street near Morang and Balfour. The driver, Steven Utash, immediately got out of his truck after hitting the boy and was viciously attacked by 10 to 12 men. The beating was so brutal, Utash was rendered unconscious.

Utash’s son Joseph told WWJ’s Gary Lundy Thursday night that his father remains in a medically induced coma, nearly unrecognizable due to his injuries. He also said his wallet was stolen from his truck.

“If it went on any longer, my dad wouldn’t be in the hospital right now, he would be in the morgue. The way he looked, I am surprised that he is alive,” he said. “He has bruising over his face, his eyes are swollen, I believe it’s his left eye that is completely swollen shut. He also has a big, huge knot on his forehead like he got hit with an object, not a fist.”

Joseph Utash said he was working with his father in Detroit just hours before the attack. Both of the men are tree-trimmers, working in the city for years now.

“I came home from work and it was on the news, my dad’s pickup truck, and I was just like ‘Oh my god.’ Then I heard that he hit a kid and I was like freaking out that my dad hit a kid. And then I heard that bystanders just beat him up and I just, I called my mom immediately,” he said. ”From what I’m hearing is he tried to fight back, but trying to fight back against 11 people fighting you, that’s 22 fists coming at you at once, you can’t really do much.”

Detroit Police Sgt. Michael Woody said Steven Utash was not at fault for the accident.

“Our preliminary investigation shows the child stepped in front of his vehicle,” Woody said. “He did exactly the right thing. He stopped his vehicle, he got out and he tried to render aid to a small child. He did exactly what he was supposed to do… It was a small child and it was an accident; is what it was.”

State Rep. Alberta Tinsley Talabi (D-Detroit), told WWJ Legal Analyst Charlie Langton the incident appears to have racial overtones, adding, “it’s wrong.”

Joseph Utash said although it was tough to stomach, he watched video of the incident.

“As my dad’s truck was coming down the street, the kid stepped right in front of my dad’s truck. My dad had absolutely not one chance in the world to try to swerve out-of-the-way or stop,” he said. “He got out of the car to check on the kid and before he even got up to the kid, he got assaulted by 11, 12 people. They jumped all over him and beat him up. While they were jumping him, somebody else jumped in the truck and stole his belongings. They took his wallet, his cellphone, everything out of his truck.”
Welcome to race relations in America. Sad eh? Yeppers.

If you pretended to be smart half as hard as you try to play dumb.....

That isn't the point, dumbass.

The point is.....

obama inserted HIMSELF into the Trayvon Martin case. PERSONALLY.

What's he gonna say about this case?

What happened to Trayvon was a tragic accident. This wasn't.

What happened in Louisville last week wasn't, either.

What happened in the Philthydelphia school a couple days ago wasn't an accident either.

If this scumbag is supposed to be such a uniter, why isn't he taking both sides into consideration? Why doesn't he condemn ACTUAL RACIALLY MOTIVATED CRIME instead of a tragic accident where the Black guy was the victim?

The answer is simple.....

He is a racist cocksucker.


He needs to stand up and renounce ALL racial violence, not just when the Black guy is the victim

But he won't
This will be a lesson not to stop. The man tried to obey the law and we see what happened. If you hit a pedestrian and you are in hostile territory, leave to a place of safety then call the police.
This will be a lesson not to stop. The man tried to obey the law and we see what happened. If you hit a pedestrian and you are in hostile territory, leave to a place of safety then call the police.

Then you end up in prison for 10 years.

Bad idea.

It's a reason to carry a weapon.
Welcome to race relations in America. Sad eh? Yeppers.

If you pretended to be smart half as hard as you try to play dumb.....

That isn't the point, dumbass.

The point is.....

obama inserted HIMSELF into the Trayvon Martin case. PERSONALLY.

What's he gonna say about this case?

What happened to Trayvon was a tragic accident. This wasn't.

What happened in Louisville last week wasn't, either.

What happened in the Philthydelphia school a couple days ago wasn't an accident either.

If this scumbag is supposed to be such a uniter, why isn't he taking both sides into consideration? Why doesn't he condemn ACTUAL RACIALLY MOTIVATED CRIME instead of a tragic accident where the Black guy was the victim?

The answer is simple.....

He is a racist cocksucker.


He needs to stand up and renounce ALL racial violence, not just when the Black guy is the victim

But he won't
No little man, that is the point. Your point is partisan crap.

And he will say, if he has to and there's no reason he should even be asked, that it's tragic and shows how seriously damaged race relations still are in this country.
OMIGOD! This has never ever happened before Obama! WHAT HAS HE DONE????!
Group Of obama's Sons Beat Man Senseless Edgetho

You can now be dismissed as a racist and useless to the American dream.

Move along, son, move along.
Imagine that - everyone is missing the point.
What edge is saying is....The President of the United States, TWICE, injected himself into a single localized crime where a black person was the victim, or perceived victim.
He did this TWICE.
Why did he do that? In both cases he spoke of race as a factor, so why in cases where race is also clearly a factor, does he not inject himself when the victim is white?
That is a legitimate point.
My take is as it was all along. The President (any) has no business injecting himself into a local low-level criminal case. None.
Imagine that - everyone is missing the point.
What edge is saying is....The President of the United States, TWICE, injected himself into a single localized crime where a black person was the victim, or perceived victim.
He did this TWICE.
Why did he do that? In both cases he spoke of race as a factor, so why in cases where race is also clearly a factor, does he not inject himself when the victim is white?
That is a legitimate point.
My take is as it was all along. The President (any) has no business injecting himself into a local low-level criminal case. None.
When a case gets big enough he gets dragged into it. He doesn't want to make comment, no one in his position would. The fact that he has to at some point is just how twisted the country is now, and how bad race relations are.
This will be a lesson not to stop. The man tried to obey the law and we see what happened. If you hit a pedestrian and you are in hostile territory, leave to a place of safety then call the police.

Better yet ... arm yourself and start shooting the moment you feel your life is in danger. Better than that? Don't live in Detroit if you're white. That's basically suicide.
Everyone who took part in the beating should be charged with a hate crime. They have a video and I hope it's good enough to ID the bastards.
Sons O Bama's.

And they needn't be Black to be SOB's.

There are a bunch of Sons O Bama's here, too.
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Imagine that - everyone is missing the point.
What edge is saying is....The President of the United States, TWICE, injected himself into a single localized crime where a black person was the victim, or perceived victim.
He did this TWICE.
Why did he do that? In both cases he spoke of race as a factor, so why in cases where race is also clearly a factor, does he not inject himself when the victim is white?
That is a legitimate point.
My take is as it was all along. The President (any) has no business injecting himself into a local low-level criminal case. None.

We got the point, genius. Our reaction is due to the fact that it is a fucking ridiculous point.

What would you like to have him say? EXACTLY. Give us two or three sentences of what you think Obama should say in reaction to this crime.

Imagine that - everyone is missing the point.
What edge is saying is....The President of the United States, TWICE, injected himself into a single localized crime where a black person was the victim, or perceived victim.
He did this TWICE.
Why did he do that? In both cases he spoke of race as a factor, so why in cases where race is also clearly a factor, does he not inject himself when the victim is white?
That is a legitimate point.
My take is as it was all along. The President (any) has no business injecting himself into a local low-level criminal case. None.
When a case gets big enough he gets dragged into it. He doesn't want to make comment, no one in his position would. The fact that he has to at some point is just how twisted the country is now, and how bad race relations are.

"The fact that he has to...."...holy shit your funny
Imagine that - everyone is missing the point.
What edge is saying is....The President of the United States, TWICE, injected himself into a single localized crime where a black person was the victim, or perceived victim.
He did this TWICE.
Why did he do that? In both cases he spoke of race as a factor, so why in cases where race is also clearly a factor, does he not inject himself when the victim is white?
That is a legitimate point.
My take is as it was all along. The President (any) has no business injecting himself into a local low-level criminal case. None.

We got the point, genius. Our reaction is due to the fact that it is a fucking ridiculous point.

What would you like to have him say? EXACTLY. Give us two or three sentences of what you think Obama should say in reaction to this crime.


You say you get the point...then turn around and ask me something that goes against the point. are still missing the point. :lol:

What should he say? Not a freaking thing...THIS IS THE POINT.
The President of the United States has absolutely no place injecting himself into a local small crime. None. One fantastic reason is look how foolish he looked when he came out and called the police department "stupid" - when his little Chicago buddy was arrested on his front porch. He made a complete ass of himself and had to publicly apologize for it.
And then there is the second point, in both cases Obama made racial points about it - and with the case of his buddy - HE was the racist. Not the white cop. Obama played the race card and it backfired.
So now you have these cases where a white person is the victim, and there is a clear racial component - and he is silent.
That is a legitimate point.

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