Group Of obama's Sons Beat Man Senseless

Imagine that - everyone is missing the point.
What edge is saying is....The President of the United States, TWICE, injected himself into a single localized crime where a black person was the victim, or perceived victim.
He did this TWICE.
Why did he do that? In both cases he spoke of race as a factor, so why in cases where race is also clearly a factor, does he not inject himself when the victim is white?
That is a legitimate point.
My take is as it was all along. The President (any) has no business injecting himself into a local low-level criminal case. None.

We got the point, genius. Our reaction is due to the fact that it is a fucking ridiculous point.

What would you like to have him say? EXACTLY. Give us two or three sentences of what you think Obama should say in reaction to this crime.


You say you get the point...then turn around and ask me something that goes against the point. are still missing the point. :lol:

What should he say? Not a freaking thing...THIS IS THE POINT.
The President of the United States has absolutely no place injecting himself into a local small crime. None. One fantastic reason is look how foolish he looked when he came out and called the police department "stupid" - when his little Chicago buddy was arrested on his front porch. He made a complete ass of himself and had to publicly apologize for it.
And then there is the second point, in both cases Obama made racial points about it - and with the case of his buddy - HE was the racist. Not the white cop. Obama played the race card and it backfired.
So now you have these cases where a white person is the victim, and there is a clear racial component - and he is silent.
That is a legitimate point.

"so why in cases where race is also clearly a factor, does he not inject himself when the victim is white?"

Your words. Do you know what your point is?

Do you want him to say something or not? Make up your mind.
We got the point, genius. Our reaction is due to the fact that it is a fucking ridiculous point.

What would you like to have him say? EXACTLY. Give us two or three sentences of what you think Obama should say in reaction to this crime.


You say you get the point...then turn around and ask me something that goes against the point. are still missing the point. :lol:

What should he say? Not a freaking thing...THIS IS THE POINT.
The President of the United States has absolutely no place injecting himself into a local small crime. None. One fantastic reason is look how foolish he looked when he came out and called the police department "stupid" - when his little Chicago buddy was arrested on his front porch. He made a complete ass of himself and had to publicly apologize for it.
And then there is the second point, in both cases Obama made racial points about it - and with the case of his buddy - HE was the racist. Not the white cop. Obama played the race card and it backfired.
So now you have these cases where a white person is the victim, and there is a clear racial component - and he is silent.
That is a legitimate point.

"so why in cases where race is also clearly a factor, does he not inject himself when the victim is white?"

Your words. Do you know what your point is?

Do you want him to say something or not? Make up your mind.

And I said "and then there is a second point..."

Overall point - he should not be saying anything.
Secondly, since he has on more than one occasion, then why not when the victim is white?
Imagine that - everyone is missing the point.
What edge is saying is....The President of the United States, TWICE, injected himself into a single localized crime where a black person was the victim, or perceived victim.
He did this TWICE.
Why did he do that? In both cases he spoke of race as a factor, so why in cases where race is also clearly a factor, does he not inject himself when the victim is white?
That is a legitimate point.
My take is as it was all along. The President (any) has no business injecting himself into a local low-level criminal case. None.

We got the point, genius. Our reaction is due to the fact that it is a fucking ridiculous point.

What would you like to have him say? EXACTLY. Give us two or three sentences of what you think Obama should say in reaction to this crime.


The hate needs to stop be you white, black, yellow or brown. It is never justified.
Imagine that - everyone is missing the point.
What edge is saying is....The President of the United States, TWICE, injected himself into a single localized crime where a black person was the victim, or perceived victim.
He did this TWICE.
Why did he do that? In both cases he spoke of race as a factor, so why in cases where race is also clearly a factor, does he not inject himself when the victim is white?
That is a legitimate point.
My take is as it was all along. The President (any) has no business injecting himself into a local low-level criminal case. None.

We got the point, genius. Our reaction is due to the fact that it is a fucking ridiculous point.

What would you like to have him say? EXACTLY. Give us two or three sentences of what you think Obama should say in reaction to this crime.


No. You didn't get the point. Not until it got shoved up your nose.

As to what the lying cocksucker in chief should say?

It doesn't matter what we think the lying cocksucker in chief should say, it won't be good enough for you regardless.

Bottom line....? obama is a racist.

And you don't care. Just that fucking simple
Imagine that - everyone is missing the point.
What edge is saying is....The President of the United States, TWICE, injected himself into a single localized crime where a black person was the victim, or perceived victim.
He did this TWICE.
Why did he do that? In both cases he spoke of race as a factor, so why in cases where race is also clearly a factor, does he not inject himself when the victim is white?
That is a legitimate point.
My take is as it was all along. The President (any) has no business injecting himself into a local low-level criminal case. None.

We got the point, genius. Our reaction is due to the fact that it is a fucking ridiculous point.

What would you like to have him say? EXACTLY. Give us two or three sentences of what you think Obama should say in reaction to this crime.


The hate needs to stop be you white, black, yellow or brown. It is never justified.

The liar in chief only notices when it's a Black being victimized.

Maybe it's because that when Blacks victimize Whites, it's so commonplace that if he spoke up every time it happened, he wouldn't have time to fuck up the Country and piss off every Foreign Leader in the world.

The piece of shit is a racist and none of you care.
The driver wasn't even at fault. Next accident the driver won't bother stopping.
Welcome to race relations in America. Sad eh? Yeppers.

If you pretended to be smart half as hard as you try to play dumb.....

That isn't the point, dumbass.

The point is.....

obama inserted HIMSELF into the Trayvon Martin case. PERSONALLY.

What's he gonna say about this case?

What happened to Trayvon was a tragic accident. This wasn't.

What happened in Louisville last week wasn't, either.

What happened in the Philthydelphia school a couple days ago wasn't an accident either.

If this scumbag is supposed to be such a uniter, why isn't he taking both sides into consideration? Why doesn't he condemn ACTUAL RACIALLY MOTIVATED CRIME instead of a tragic accident where the Black guy was the victim?

The answer is simple.....

He is a racist cocksucker.


He needs to stand up and renounce ALL racial violence, not just when the Black guy is the victim

But he won't

A lot like what whites did to Rodney King and countless others. Most blacks don't live through attacks by whites though.

This is a terrible thing but there's no excuse for using it for your KKK message.
Rodney King is dead, found drugged out at the bottom of his swimming pool, after many years of beating up his transsexual girlfriends.
Rodney King is dead, found drugged out at the bottom of his swimming pool, after many years of beating up his transsexual girlfriends.

Funny how his wife, who was on the jury that awarded him $3+ million, ends up with that cash. That is, if he didn't spend it all on PCP.
Imagine that - everyone is missing the point.
What edge is saying is....The President of the United States, TWICE, injected himself into a single localized crime where a black person was the victim, or perceived victim.
He did this TWICE.
Why did he do that? In both cases he spoke of race as a factor, so why in cases where race is also clearly a factor, does he not inject himself when the victim is white?
That is a legitimate point.
My take is as it was all along. The President (any) has no business injecting himself into a local low-level criminal case. None.
When a case gets big enough he gets dragged into it. He doesn't want to make comment, no one in his position would. The fact that he has to at some point is just how twisted the country is now, and how bad race relations are.

Wrong again. He won't get involved in any case that won't help him politically.

If he needs to "rally the troops", or in his case, "rally the thugs", he'll cherry pick a racially charged case that will accomplish that. Shedding light on any case were the victim is white and perp is black doesn't help 'the Agenda'.

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