Growing Arab Support For Israel

I thought this was interesting. There had been rumors more Arab nations would follow the UAE and here's one.

Well, looks like only the Palestinians choose to be left out & all alone once again. Sure is impossible to understand Palestinian mentality. Just have to accept that it is what it is & work around them for Middle East peace like Israel & the Arab countries are doing. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!
Next up, Abraham Accords Ceremony. What wonderful milestone that is happening for Middle East peace.
Delusional zionist propaganda at it's best. ..... :thup:
Seems a little dated huh? Now that the UAE and Bahrain peace deals went through without any real outrage in the Arab or Muslim streets. Kosovo signed a peace deal. Sudan and Oman are next. After Trump wins it will only be a matter of time before Saudi Arabia follows suit.
With each peace deal more and more pressure is put in the Palestinians to be reasonable.
Delusional zionist propaganda at it's best. ..... :thup:
In the past I might agree... but when you see the non-response to the UAE and Bahrain agreements, the feelings have changed. In the past you would see riots and people going nutz across the ME and Europe. None of that happened. Next up is Oman and Sudan. Shortly after you will see Morocco, Qatar, Djibouti and Senegal.

After Trump wins you will see Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Albania.

Each new treaty puts more and more pressure on the Palestinians, who the Muslim world has lost patience with!
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ Ropey, Coyote, P F Tinmore, Sunni Man, et al:

BLUF: The entire object is to bring peace and cooperation among all the involved nations. Who is against a peaceful outcome? Who is against the Israelis and the Muslim World coming closer together?

This is bound to piss Coyote, P F Tinmore and Sunni Man off...

The reason and importance of normalizing diplomatic relations is because peace tends to extend and ensure free trade (wealth), and a civil peace (less discontent), and promoting freedom and rights.

We have to be careful that rejections are not based on the insignificant, greed, and the quest for influence and power.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ Ropey, Coyote, P F Tinmore, Sunni Man, et al:

BLUF: The entire object is to bring peace and cooperation among all the involved nations. Who is against a peaceful outcome? Who is against the Israelis and the Muslim World coming closer together?

This is bound to piss Coyote, P F Tinmore and Sunni Man off...

The reason and importance of normalizing diplomatic relations is because peace tends to extend and ensure free trade (wealth), and a civil peace (less discontent), and promoting freedom and rights.

We have to be careful that rejections are not based on the insignificant, greed, and the quest for influence and power.

Most Respectfully,

Coming in the back door didn't hurt either.

Next up is Oman and Sudan. Shortly after you will see Morocco, Qatar, Djibouti and Senegal.
After Trump wins you will see Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Albania.
Maybe in a few years you might see one or two on your list make a deal with the devil incarnate Israel.
But you're dreaming if you think Saudi Arabia or Indonesia will ever turn on the Ummah (brotherhood of muslims) and embrace the terrorist state of Israel as a close friend. ... :cool:
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^This is why coming in the back door was such a fine strategic plan.
Next up is Oman and Sudan. Shortly after you will see Morocco, Qatar, Djibouti and Senegal.
After Trump wins you will see Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Albania.
Maybe in a few years you might see one or two on your list make a deal with the devil incarnate Israel.
But you're dreaming if you think Saudi Arabia or Indonesia will ever turn on the Ummah (brotherhood of muslims) and embrace the terrorist state of Israel as a close friend. ... :cool:
And yet the Emirates is a proxy for Saudi and has obviously encouraged this deal. I thank Obama. If he hadn't entered into the disasterous Iranian deal, the Saudis wouldn't be cuddling with the Jewish state. LOL. Thanks Buddy!
Response by Trump haters to the deal (aid with pouty lips):
1. They were already friends so it doesn't count
2. It wasn't Trump's doing
3. What if the Palestinians riot over it (because they haven't been doing so for 70 years!).
4. * Spluttering sounds only*
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ Sunni Man, GHook20, et al:

BLUF: It is to the advantage of those that support terrorism
(alla the Middle Test and Islamic Promotion) that the meaning and usage of "Terrorism" remains a question in itself. In the struggle against terrorism, as long as it remains undefined, then it can be a double-edged sword. Both the Israelis and the Arab Palestinians paint the other as criminals.
Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism said:

LoN Convention (1938)

Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of Terrorism said:

Next up is Oman and Sudan. Shortly after you will see Morocco, Qatar, Djibouti and Senegal.
After Trump wins you will see Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Albania.
Maybe in a few years you might see one or two on your list make a deal with the devil incarnate Israel.
But you're dreaming if you think Saudi Arabia or Indonesia will ever turn on the Ummah (brotherhood of muslims) and embrace the terrorist state of Israel as a close friend. ... :cool:

For the most part, the use of
the 19 universal legal instruments and additional amendments dealing with terrorism, constitute what is valid as Prohibitions of Specific Act referred to as terrorism in the 21st Century (at the international level). However, there are other Domestic and International Conventions, Laws, Protocols, Prohibitions, and Statues that can be used that are not reliant on a specific definition. The term "terrorism" has become an intellectual discussion on the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence "terrorism." The 1938 Convention is not relegated to providing an initial starting point for what constitutes the pursuit of terrorism. It is the "act(s)" that are important.

Referring to Israel as a terrorist state, by the Arab Palestinians, is painting the projection of power as a matter of fear. It is not unusual to be fearful of weapons that are pointed at you. That is NOT terrorism. The specific targeting of civilians
(placing them in fear) is much different from the collateral casualties (which were not supposed to be in proximity in the first place) inflicted when targeting of key legitimate targets. In the case of the Arab Palestinians, the locating military objectives within or near densely populated areas - OR - the failure to remove civilian persons and objects under its control from the vicinity of military objectives, are closely associated with the related prohibition on using human shields. When the collateral casualties result from actions or inactions by the Arab Palestinians, the casualties are NOT a result of Israeli legitimate targeting - but - ARE a violation of customary and humanitarian law on the part of the Arab Palestinian. When the Arab Palestinians purposely engage in "criminal acts" directed against Israel, intended or calculated to create "terror" in the minds of the citizenry and general public, that is terrorism. This is different from the "criminal acts" directed Israel, intended to provoke a deadly response by the Israelis when they send men, women, and children to the border for the purpose of creating all manner of havoc.

Similarly, when the Israelis demolish a residence that was being used to
provide direct support for Jihadism, Fedayeen Activism, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence, that is NOT terrorism.
Briefing of the Counter-Terrorism Committee said:
“Denying Safe Haven to Those who Finance, Plan, Support, or Commit Terrorist Acts, or Provide Safe Havens, and Preventing Terrorists from Abusing the Asylum System, in conformity with International Law” –
SOURCE: Ali Rached, INTERPOL Counter-Terrorism Directorate

Most Respectfully,


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Next up is Oman and Sudan. Shortly after you will see Morocco, Qatar, Djibouti and Senegal.
After Trump wins you will see Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Albania.
Maybe in a few years you might see one or two on your list make a deal with the devil incarnate Israel.
But you're dreaming if you think Saudi Arabia or Indonesia will ever turn on the Ummah (brotherhood of muslims) and embrace the terrorist state of Israel as a close friend. ... :cool:
You are free to believe what you want to believe, but reality is not on your side. Just 1 yr ago it would have been unthinkable that the 2 Arabs countries would seek peace, a Muslim country would move its embassy to Jerusalem (Kosovo) and the Arabs streets would be silent and some Arab leaders would praise it.

By no means do I think Saudi Arabia is a friend of the west, but I believe they view Iran as the true enemy and view the Palestinians as more of pests then a worthy cause.
If Biden wins then all bets are off, but if Trump wins you will see it within the next few years and then there will be a snowball effect.
Again this is my opinion.
Most Respectfully,


I seldom respond a second time to those who are Passive / Aggressive ... except with a taunt.

Expect what I except.
Most Arabs have nothing but contempt for Palestinians. Those that live in other Arab countries are often socially and economically disadvantaged.

Arab leaders are only interested in the Palestinians as cannon fodder against Israel.

I'm not surprised the Arab man on the street has had enough of their hijinks.

Few revolutions from the bottom ever made anything better, they mostly become far worse than the regimes they overthrew, and that still holds today. Being poor and oppressed never made anybody anything but feral animals for the most part, not 'kinder and gentler', something these idiot Burb Brats need to keep in mind when they think supporting these terrorist vermin is 'cool n stuff', whether domestic or foreign.
the Arabs know the Pals are jackasses as I've linked in many other threads
...Nasser just went anti-Israel mainly to prop himself up as the leader of the Arabs
In Philosophy of the Revolution, which he wrote in 1954, Nasser told of “heroic and glorious roles which never found heroes to perform them” and outlined his aspiration to be the leader of the 55 million Arabs,
which Nasser hoped would someday include the entire Arab world.
like hitler in Germany regarding the Jews:
On the negative side, Nasser made Egypt a police state
Gamal Abdel Nasser | Biography & Facts

They get paid to be terrorists and extortionists; it's that simple. There is nothing else to their imaginary 'plight'. IF they were worth anything, Jordan would love to have a larger population. the fact they ended up having to toss the vermin out en masse themselves speaks volumes about who these fake 'Palestinians' really are: Well paid squatters and gangsters.
Is there ANYONE who yearns for peace that is not pleased with this?
The only ones against this are:
(1) Democrats because they are now the party of antisemitism and don’t want Trump to get a win
(2) Islamist: They need chaos and disorder to prevent Islam from reforming like Christianity did
(3) Palestinians: Because they see Muslims turning in them and every peace treaty put more pressure on them
(4) Leftist: because antisemitism is part their ideology
(5) White Supremacist, like David Duke: because their unholy and arrogant agenda gets exposed!
(6) Nation of Islam: makes it harder to call us cockroaches when we are seeking peace
RE: Growing Arab Support For Israel
⁜→ Ropey, et al:

BLUF: Ye-esss... I'm not sure I know what that "Passive-Aggressive ..." means. But I'll play.

DSM-5 Guidebook said:
A major change from previous versions was the inclusion of a clinical significance criterion for almost half of all the categories, which
required that symptoms cause “clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.” Several new disorders were introduced
DSM-5 Guidebook said:
(e.g., acute stress disorder, bipolar II disorder, Asperger’s disorder), and others were deleted or subsumed by other categories (e.g., cluttering, passive-aggressive personality disorder).
SOURCE: The Essential Companion to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Page xxii, Fifth Edition, American Psychiatric Publishing, A Division of American Psychiatric Association

Most Respectfully,
View attachment 389863
I seldom respond a second time to those who are Passive / Aggressive ... except with a taunt.

Expect what I except.

You'll have to teach me how to use that term (Passive-Aggressive). There was a time when I got beaten-up quite frequently or frowned on when I used terminology improperly. So --- I'll just assume → you mean that → you feel - I'm am feeling some degree of "anger" or "displeasure" → but masking it by exhibiting a politically correct front of pleasantry or a positive attitude.

I assure you, that I am not that cool. If I'm upset - you won't have to assume anything - it will be immediately obvious. Please don't mistake my good manners and politeness as a subterfuge. I was immersed, for a very long time, in a social environment where there was no substitute for behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people. Even when in disagreement.
Most Respectfully,

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